每年9月,全世界都聚焦联合国,聚焦这个神圣庄严的大厅。人们把目光投向这里,期待着联合国把和平、发展、和谐、繁荣带给世界各国人民。Every September, global attention focuses on the United Nations and on this stately Assembly Hall. People watch closely what is happening here, hoping that the United Nations will deliver to the world peace, development, harmony and prosperity.
人们把目光投向这里,寄予着对美好生活的向往,“让联合国对所有人都重要”,让我们这个世界变得更美好。People look to the UN to help realize their dream for a better life, a UN that is committed to “Making the United Nations Relevant to All People”, thus making our world a better place for everyone to live in.
联合国的创立奠定了当代国际秩序,基石是联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,支撑是多边主义的理念与实践。 The contemporary international order, which began with the founding of the United Nations, is based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and enhanced by the vision and practice of multilateralism.
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这一秩序带来了70多年的总体和平和快速发展,以人民为中心的理念日益深入人心,相互依存与合作共赢成为广泛共识。It has, over the past 70 years or more, brought about general peace and development. A people-centred philosophy has gained wide acceptance, and broad consensus has formed on the need for inter-dependence and win-win cooperation.
面对变化中的世界,我们有理由为人类取得的发展进步感到骄傲和自豪,同时也必须对面临的挑战和困难保持关注和警醒。 As we celebrated mankind’s proud achievements and progress in an ever-changing world, we must never lose sight of the challenges and difficulties we face, and must remain vigilant.
环顾当今世界,国际规则受到冲击,多边机制面临挑战,国际局势充满不稳定和不确定性。What we see today is that international rules and multilateral mechanisms are under attack, and the international landscape is filled with uncertainties and destabilising factors.
坚持多边主义,还是听任单边主义?Should we stay committed to multilateralism or let unilateralism have its way?
维护国际基本秩序,还是任由它侵蚀坍塌?Should we seek to uphold the architecture of the world order or allow it to be eroded upon and collapse?
bear on 对…施加压力;与…有关;对…有影响;瞄准
这关系到各国的未来发展,关系到人类前提命运,是每一个国家必须思考和回答的重大问题。These are questions of critical importance bearing on the future of all countries and the destiny of mankind, questions that all countries must carefully reflect on and seek answers to.
clear-cut adj. 轮廓鲜明的,清晰的,明确的
waver [ˈweivə]
英文the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(关税与贸易总协定)的缩写,是贸易国根据彼此间签订的一项贸易条约,于1948年特地成立GATT日内瓦秘书处。 该秘书处1995年为新成立的世界贸易组织所吸纳,但自1948年以来多次更新的GATT仍然是世界贸易组织在商品贸易上的主要国际协议。参见WTO(世界贸易组织)。
n. 就职, 就任, 即位
adv. 懒惰地;无所事事地,闲着;无益地,徒然地
tide over 克服,度过;度过困难时期
中国的答案是明确的,我们始终是国际秩序的维护者和多边主义的践行者。China’s answer is clear-cut. All along, China has upheld the international order and pursued multilateralism.
中国曾被挡在联合国大门之外长达22年,但我们从未动摇过对多边主义的信念,从未放弃过对联合国宪章宗旨和原则的坚守。Though once kept out of the UN for 22 years, China has never wavered in its conviction to multilateralism and to the purposes and principles of the UN charter.
中国“复关”和“入世”谈判历时15年,尽管付出了代价,但我们履行了所有承诺,坚持融入世界经济体系。China stayed true to its commitment throughout the negotiation process on its return to the GATT and the accession to the WTO, negotiations that lasted 15 long years and were concluded at a certain price. China fulfilled its promise and integrated itself into the world economic system.
国际金融危机爆发后,中国没有袖手旁观,而是与各方同舟共济,并连续多年以超过30%的贡献率助力全球经济复苏。After the international financial crisis broke out, China chose not to stand idly by but to work together with other countries to tide over rough times. For years running, China has contributed to over 30% of global growth. It has played its part in helping restore global economy.
连续多年 for years running
in keeping with 符合;与…一致
面对新的形势和严峻挑战,中国初心不改,我们将继续坚定奉行多边主义。In the face of new developments severe challenges, China will keep to its commitment and remain a champion of multilateralism.
2015年,就是在这个讲坛上,习近平主席着眼全人类的共同利益,展望我们这个星球的发展,提出了共同构建人类命运共同体的重大倡议。Standing at this podium back in 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his statement reflecting the keen understanding of mankind’s common interests and the future of our planet, called for building a community of shared future for mankind.