So I have had the opportunity of several of my dreams coming true at the same time synchronistically of working with a teacher, working in my community and working with my friends to help generate actions of kindness
我非常有幸,同时、同步地实现我的几个梦想,包括和一位老师、一些朋友,以及在我的社区内 发动大家去做一些“善行”
And I would like to hear your thoughts on the spiritual energy of action of kindness
Well again, the idea is compassion. The idea is knowing that you are perfectly fine, that you are self empowered
真正的“善行”,是 慈悲心(共情),是你知道:你的一切,都是好的,都是完美的!你有足够的能力,能够“自立自强”(自我赋能)
And that the greatest act of kindness is the reflection to others that they also can choose to be self empowered
That they are aspects of the infinite, that they are unconditional love, that they are worthy and deserving of anything that they can imagine
Is to reveal to help reveal to them the potentiality and the possibility and the probability of who they truly are as a reflection of All That Is
This is the ultimate act of kindness
Because you are self empowered enough to know that you will never be threatened by someone being their true self.
Thus, then, in that sense you are free to help others
by example also choose to be their true selves
而由于你这个“榜样”的存在,其他人也可以 选择做真实的自己
And know that all fits and all works together and all is harmonious when each and every individual is utterly and totally validated as that individual.
Then there is true harmony.