Unvoiced Consonant-->Voiced Consonant
辅音包含清辅音(不振动声带),浊辅音(振动声带,Flow better in rapid speed,所以更容易出现)
t-->d / s-->z / f-->v
Rule 1:
better / butter / shatter / batter / mutter / mettle
这几个类外:mattel / attest / attack 这几个都是‘t’的发音
Rule 2:
2.1: s->z
rides / ladies / bridges / bugs / angels / misses
2.2: ts结尾不发音
hats / hates
Rule 3:
T要变成tap,如果在一个单词中间 (表示存疑)
gated / lateral / notable / water
Rule 4:
'Of' is pronounced 'ov' or 'uh'
Game of thrones / cup of tea / bottle of water
Consonant + Vowels (辅音在末尾+元音在单词前)
e.g. Can I have this? -->Ca(n)I have this?
e.g. And I think you are right.--> An(d)I think you'(r)ight.
e.g. How is it going?--> How(z)it going?(s同时也变成z,根据Pattern 1的rule 1)
e.g. Can a cat climb trees?-->Can(a) at climb trees?
Pattern 3:
Same Consonant
Rule 1:
e.g. This Saturday / Until later / Half finished
Rule 2:
两个辅音相同,如T, P, K,B, G, C,两音之间稍作停顿
e.g. Wet towel / Big game / Gag gift / Black cat
Pattern 4:
'The' Linking
Rule 1:
The+consonant 'the'发 /ðə/
e.g. the dog / the cat / the woman
Rule 2:
The+vowel(除long e),可以发/ðə/,也可以发/ði:/
e.g. the otter / the interesting thing / the apple
Rule 3:
The+long e,只能发/ði:/
e.g. the election / the evil spirit / the eagle
Pattern 5:
Rule 1:
'ee','ih' ,'ay', 'aye', 'oi' +vowel =中间出现y的音
e.g. He is happy.= He(y)iz happy.
e.g. She ate a burger.=She(y) ate a burger.
e.g. That boy is hungry.=That bo(y) is hungry.
e.g. I ate lunch.=I(y) ate lunch.
Rule 2:
Ooh, oh+ow+vowel=中间出现w的音
e.g. Go in=Go(w)in
e.g. Do it=Do(w)it.
e.g. You are=You(w)are
Pattern 6:
Rule 1:
H deletion
e.g. Did he get it? -->Did e get it? 同适用于His, Her, Has, Have
Rule 2:
‘t’ or ‘d’ 在两个辅音之间,其会被省略
e.g. Old man-->Ol man
e.g. Gold ring-->Gol ring
e.g. Most famous--> Mos' famous
e.g. Hand bag-->Han bag
e.g. Next day-->Nex' day
e.g. World religion-->Worl' religion
Pattern 7:
Rule 1:
t后面跟j, 读成tj
e.g. What do you want? --> Watchu want?
Rule 2:
d后面跟j, 读成dj
e.g. Would you? -->Woul dj u?