讲解:STAT3017、R、Data Statistics、RR|R

STAT3017 Final Project Page 1 of 6Big Data Statistics - Final Project (v1)Total of 100 Marksdue Monday 29 October 2018 at 17:00In this project we consider how to test hypotheses about covariance matrices and, since everything“eighties” is trendy again, we will look at some multivariate time series papers from that epoch andmake them fresh again. There are interesting connections between these two topics. The aim of theproject is to take the modern viewpoint and understand what happens in both situations when thedimensionality p of the observations becomes large.Testing Covariance MatricesQuestion 1 [5 marks]As a warm-up, read Section 6.6 in [C] and reproduce the calculations of Example 6.12 in R. Inthis example, Box’s M-test is used to study nursing home data from Wisconsin (data found inExample 6.10). If you have slightly different results to the book, briefly explain why.Question 2 [10 marks]Box’s M-test (aka. Box’s χ2 approximation) is a classic result that is based on a likelihood ratiotest (LRT). The general philosophy behind a LRT is to maximise the likelihood under the nullhypothesis H0 and also to maximise the likelihood under the alternative hypothesis H1.Definition 1. If the distribution of the random sample ? = (?1, . . . , ?n)0 depends upon a parametervector θ, and if H0 : θ ∈ ?0 and H1 : θ ∈ ?1 are any two hypotheses, then the likelihood ratiostatistic for testing H0 against H1 is defined asis the largest value which the likelihood function takes in the region ?i, i = 0, 1.At this point it is good to remember that a multivariate Normal distribution is completely characterisedby the parameter vector θ = (μ, Σ), i.e., only the mean vector and the covariance matrixare needed to know the distribution.The LRT has the following important asymptotic property as n → ∞ that Box leverages to obtainhis χ2 approximation.Theorem 1. If 1 q and if 0 is an r-dimensional subregion of 1 then (under some technicalassumptions) for each ω ∈ 0, 2 log(λ1) has an asymptotic χ2q?r distribution as n → ∞.The explanation why Theorem 1 is true starts in Section 10.2 of [B] where the LRT is derived,culminating in critical region for λ1 given by eq. (9). At this point, no assumptions are made aboutthe distribution of the population covariance matrices Σ1, . . . , Σq (so we don’t know how λ1 isdistributed). Assumptions are made in Section 10.4: covariances are assumed Wishart distributedwhich occurs when the random samples 1, . . . , n are multivariate Normal. Box’s χ2 asymptoticapproximation is obtained in Section 10.5 thanks to a formula for the h-moment of λ1. As [λh1]has a specific form (given in terms of ratios of Gamma functions), Theorem 8.5.1 of [B] can beapplied to get an approximation of ?(?2ρ log(λ1) ≤ z) in terms of the χ2 distribution.Dale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018STAT3017 Final Project Page 2 of 6Now that you understand some of the theory, study the classic “iris” dataset (available in R in theiris variable). The populations are Iris versicolor (1), Iris setosa (2), and Iris virginica (3); eachsample consists of 50 observations. Use Box’s M-test (or otherwise) to:(a)[5] Test the hypothesis Σ1 = Σ2 at the 5% significance level.(b)[5] Test the hypothesis Σ1 = Σ2 = Σ3 at the 5% significance level.Note: this is Problem 10.1 from [B].Question 3 [10 marks]On page 311 in [C], just above Example 6.12, the authors make the comment that “Box’s χ2approximation works well if each n` exceeds 20 and if p and g do not exceed 5”. Your task is toperform a simulation study (see [J]) to show what happens to Box’s χ2 approximation when pexceeds 5 while holding g fixed, e.g., g = 2. This means you have to design an experiment toshow how badly Box’s test performs for large p by choosing appropriate Σ1 and Σ2, simulatingsample data, etc. Present your results in a clear manner (see [J] for presentation tips).Question 4 [10 marks]We are now going to look at the problem of testing that a covariance matrix is equal to a givenmatrix. If observations ?1, . . . , ?n are multivariate Normal Np(ν, Ψ), we wish to test the hypothesisH0 : Ψ = Ψ0 where Ψ0 is a given positive definite matrix. Let Q be the matrix such thatQΨ0Q0 = I,then set μ := Qν and Σ := QΨQ0. If we define ?i:= Q?iit follows that ?1, . . . , ?n are observationsfrom Np(μ, Σ) and the hypothesis H0 is transformed to H0 : Σ = I. Using the LRT approach, wecan find the test statisticUnfortunately λ1 is a biased statistic. The following unbiased estimator was proposedwhere N := n 1 and := /n. The distribution of λ1has the following χ2 approximation(2ρ log λ1 ≤ z) = (Cf ≤ z) + γ2ρ2(n 1)2((Cf +4 ≤ z)(Cf ≤ z)) + O(n3). (1)where Ck ~ χ2k(i.e., χ2 distributed with k degrees of freedom), f :=12p(p + 1), ρ := 1 �(2p2 +3p 1)/[6(n �1)(p + 1)], and γ2 := p(2p4 + 6p3 + p2 12p�13)/[288(p + 1)]. All the detailscan be found in [B] Section 10.8.1, [B] around Eq. (19) on p. 441, and [A].Perform a simulation study to understand the performance (type I error and power) of (1) forn = 500 and p = 5, 10, 50, 100, 300; see [K].Dale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018STAT3017 Final Project Page 3 of 6Question 5 [10 marks]Continuing the previous question (and its notation), notice that1 = tr log |?|� p.Setting T1 := tr �log |?| �p, prove the following theorem.Theorem 2. Assume that n → ∞, p → ∞, and p/n → y ∈ (0, 1). ThenT1 p d1(yN) → N(μ, σ21)where N := n �1, YN := p/N andd1(y ) := 1 +log(1 y ),μ1 := 12log(1 y ),σ21:= 2 log(1y ) 2y.Hint: Apply Theorem in Lecture 6 on page 7 with 1pT1 := F(f ) with f (x) = x ? log x ? 1. Alsosee [D].Question 6 [10 marks]Continuing the previous question and notation, use the Theorem to construct an algorithm thattests H1 : Σ = I and perform a simulation study to understand its performance (type I error andpower) for p = 5, 10, 50, 100, 300. Comment on how it performs compared to (1).Multivariate Time SeriesLet denote the set of integers. A sequence of random vector observations (?t: t = 1, . . . , T)with values in ?pis called a p-dimensional (vector) time series. We denote the sample mean andsample covariance matrix byThe lag-τ sample cross-covariance (aka. autocovariance) matrix is defined asThe lag-τ cross-correlation is given byρτ = D?τDwhere D = diag(1/√s11, 1/√s22, . . . , 1/√spp) and the values come from ?0 = [sij]. Assuming[t] = 0, some authors (e.g., [H], [I]) omit ?t and consider the symmetrised lag-τ samplecross-covariance given byDale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018STAT3017 Final Project Page 4 of 6Question 7 [12 marks]Simulation is a helpful way 代写STAT3017留学生作业、代做R编程设计作业、代写Data Statistics作业、代做R语言作业 帮做R语言编to learn about vector time series. Define the matricesGenerate 300 observations from the “vector autoregressive” VAR(1) modelt = At1 + εt (2)where εt ~ N2(0, Σ), i.e., they are i.i.d. bivariate normal random variables with mean zero andcovariance Σ. Note that when simulating is it customary omit the first 100 or more observationsand you can start with 0 = (0, 0)0.Also generate 300 observations from the “vector moving average” VMA(1) modelt = εt + Aεt1. (3)(a)[1] Plot the time series t for the VAR(1) model given by (2)(b)[1] Obtain the first five lags of sample cross-correlations of ?t for the VAR(1) model, i.e.,ρ1, . . . , ρ5.(c)[1] Plot the time series ?t for the MA(1) model given by (3).(d)[1] Obtain the first two lags of sample cross-correlations of ?t for the MA(1) model.(e)[5] Implement the test from [F] and reproduce the simulation experiment given in Section 5.This means you need to generate Table 1 from [F].(f)[3] The file q-fdebt.txt contains the U.S. quarterly federal debts held by (i) foreign andinternational investors, (ii) federal reserve banks, and (iii) the public. The data are fromthe Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, from 1970 to 2012 for 171 observations, and notseasonally adjusted. The debts are in billions of dollars. Take the log transformation and thefirst difference for each time series. Let (?t) be the differenced log series.Test H0 : ρ1 = . . . = ρ10 = 0 vs Ha : ρτ = 0 6 for some τ ∈ {1, . . . , 10} using the test from[F]. Draw the conclusion using the 5% significance level.Question 8 [13 marks]More generally, a p-dimensional time series ?t follows a VAR model of order `, VAR(`),i=1Ai?t?i + εt (4)where a0 is a p-dimensional constant vector and Ai are p × p (non-zero) matrices for i > 0, andi.i.d. εt ~ Np(0, Σ) for all t with p × p covariance matrix Σ.One day you might want to “build a model” using the VAR(`) framework. One of the first thingsyou need to do is to determine the optimal order `. Tiao and Box (1981) suggest using sequentiallikelihood ratio tests; see Section 4 in [G]. Their approach is to compare a VAR(`) model with aVAR(` 1) model and amounts to considering the hypothesis testing problemH0 : A` = 0 vs. H1 : A` 6= 0.Dale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018STAT3017 Final Project Page 5 of 6We can do this by determining model parameters using a least-squares approach. We rewrite (4)asis a (p` + 1)-dimensional vector and ? = [a0, A1, . . . , A`] is ap × 1 + ` × (p × p) = p × (p` + 1) matrix. With observations at times t = ` + 1, . . . , T, we writethe data asX = X + E (5)where X is a (T ? `) × p matrix with the ith row being ?0`+i, X is a (T `) × (p` + 1) designmatrix with the ith row being X0`+i, and E is a (T `) × p matrix with the ith row being ε0`+i.The matrix contains the coefficient parameters of the VAR(`) model and let Σ�,` be thecorresponding innovation covariance matrix. Under a normality assumption, the likelihood ratio forthe testing problem isThe likelihood ratio test of H0 is equivalent to rejecting H0 for large values ofA commonly used statistic is Bartlett’s approximation given byM(`) = ?(T ? ` ? 1.5 ? p`) logwhich follows asymptotically (as n → ∞ and p fixed) a χ2 distribution with p2 degrees of freedom.The following methodology is suggested for selecting the order `:1. Select a positive integer P, which is the maximum VAR order that we would like to consider.2. Setup the regression framework (5) for the VAR(P) model. That is, there are T ? Pobservations (i.e., rows) in the X matrix.3. For ` = 0, . . . , P compute the least-squares estimate of the AR coefficient matrix ?. For` = 0, we have ? = a0. Then compute the ML estimate for Σ�, ` given byΣ�,` := (1/T ? P)R0`R`where R` = ? ? X? is the residual matrix of the fitted VAR(`) model.4. For ` = 1, . . . , P , compute test statistic M(`) and its p-value, which is based on theasymptotic χ2k2 distribution.5. Examine the test statistics sequentially starting with ` = 1. If all the p-values of the M(`)test statistics are greater than the specified type I error for ` > m, then a VAR(m) model isspecified. This is so because the test rejects the null hypothesis A` = 0, but fails to rejectA` = 0 for ` > m.Dale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018STAT3017 Final Project Page 6 of 6Consider a bivariate time series is the change in monthly US treasurybills with maturity 3 months and ?CPItis the inflation rate, in percentage, of the U.S. monthlyconsumer price index (CPI). This data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The CPIrate is 100 times the difference of the log CPI index. The sample period is from January 1947 toDecember 2012. The data are in the file m-cpib3m.txt.(a)[1] Plot the time series ?t.(b)[6] Select a VAR order for ?t using the methodology (described above).(c)[6] Drawing on your results obtained in this project and the theory discussed in class, explainand demonstrate (e.g., simulation study) what might happen with this methodology if thedimensionality p of the time series becomes large.Question 9 [20 marks]The recent paper [H] is concerned with extensions of the classical Marchenko-Pastur to the timeseries case. Reproduce their simulation study which is found in Section 5 and Figure 1.References[A] Sugiura, Nagao (1968). Unbiasedness of some test criteria for the equality of one or two covariance matrices.Annals of Mathematical Statistics Vol. 39, No. 5, 1686–1692.[B] Anderson (2003). An introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Wiley.[C] Johnson, Wichern (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Pearson Prentice Hall.[D] Bai, Jiang, Yao, Zheng (2009). Corrections to LRT on large-dimensional covariance matrix by RMT. Annals ofStatistics Vol 37, No. 6B, 3822–3840.[E] Zheng, Bai, Yao (2017). CLT for eigenvalue statistics of large-dimensional general Fisher matrices with applications.Bernouilli 23(2), 1130–1178.[F] Li, McLeod (1981). Distribution of the Residual Autocorrelations in Multivariate ARMA Time Series Models, J.R.Stat. Soc. B 43, No. 2, 231–239.[G] Tiao and Box (1981). Modelling multiple time series with applications. Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, 76. 802 – 816.[H] Liu, Aue, Paul (2015). On the Marchenko-Pastur Law for Linear Time Series. Annals of Statistics Vol. 43, No. 2,675–712.[I] Liu, Aue, Paul (2017). Spectral analysis of sample autocovariance matrices of a class of linear time series inmoderately high dimensions. Bernouilli 23(4A), 2181–2209.[J] http://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/~davidian/st810a/simulation_handout.pdf[K] https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/40874Dale Roberts - Australian National UniversityLast updated: September 21, 2018转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018103123017568.html

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