这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。
Progress Values 进度值
Values in the range of 0 to 1 are a common concept in Origami prototyping. By animating values in this range, you are keeping your animations generic so they can be translated to specific layer properties using the Transition patch.
Usually you will have a Switch that is flipping between 0 and 1. That feeds into a Pop Animation patch which animates the change between 0 and 1 called a progress value. Then you generally connect that progress value to multiple Transition patches to adjust potentially many different layer properties of many different layers. All of the animations will be synchronized on the same animation curve.