1. 曾经我认为:孤独就是自己与自己的对话。现在我认为:孤独是自己都忘记了与自己对话。曾经我认为:孤独是世界上只剩自己一个人。现在我认为:孤独是自己居然就能成一个世界。
I used to believe loneliness was talking to myself. Now I believe loneliness is that I forget to talk to myself. I used to believe loneliness was that I was the only one left in the world. Now I believe loneliness is that I myself can be a world.
2. 有些孤独感被我们挣脱,落入大地生根发芽。有些孤独感被风带走,千里传播,寻求共鸣。
Some lonely feelings are shaken off, fall into the ground, take root and sprout. Some are carried away by the wind, spreading around to seek echoes.
3. 伤都是别人给的,但痛都是自己好的。
Hurt is inflicted by others; pain heals by itself.
4. 有些承诺如一根针,毫无重量,却凛冽锐利,能直挺挺地插进每个人心里,伤口细微到毫无疼痛。
Some promises are like needles, weightless but sharp. They prick into your heart deep and straight, leaving the wounds so tiny that you can't even feel any pain.
5. 如果你认定苦是自己应得的,那么光必然会照耀到你身上。
If you believe all the sufferings are a must-take, you will eventually see the light shine up on your shoulders.
6. 我们嘲笑过少年的无知,也嘲笑过岁月的苍老。我们行走在路上,理想宏大,眼窝却浅显。
We laughed at young ignorance. We laughed at the aging years. We walk on the road, our dreams being ambitious but our eyes full of tears.
7. 我们自觉越来越成熟,不过是越来越不在乎。盔甲再厚也无用,伤疤硬实才能防身。
We feel more and more mature but actually it is just apathy. The impenetrable armor can't protect--only a hard scar does.
8. 曾经一度,我讨厌自己动不动就会流泪的矫情。现在的我,却越来越能接受自己被打动的瞬间。因为不怕被人看到情感的脆弱,反而能比别人得到更多的感动。
I used to be annoyed by my tearful sentimentality, but now I'm more receptive to such moments. I dare to reveal my vulnerability. Hence I get more touching instants.
9. 有人拼命挣脱,终为无谓。有人放任飘洒,终成无畏。
Some people try hard to escape the yolks and get free. Some people drift around and become fearful of nothing.
10. 逃避,就一直是输家。唯有面对,才是要赢的第一步。
To dodge challenges makes a loser. To take challenges makes a winner.
11. 有一种孤独是与志同道合的人定下目标,没皮没脸地往前冲,等到离光明不远的时候,你扭头一看,却发现志同道合的人已经不见了。
Loneliness can be: You set a goal with your ally, marching forward fearlessly, but when you are close to the light of hope, you turn around only to find your ally has disappeared.
12. 一条只有自己笃定相信的路,只有你一个行色匆匆的路人,不用在意他们的看法,因为你会在未来的路口等着曾经嘲笑你的人。
When you're the only traveler on the path that only you believe is right, you don't have to be bothered by how the others judge you because you will await those who once laughed at you at the next exit of the future.
13. 认输,是为了节省生命的时间,也是为了让我们把目光从不值得的地方转移到值得停留的那些景象里。
To accept defeat is to save our time and to switch our attention from places unworthy of it to those worthy of it.
14. 一个人未来能去哪儿,不是靠想象,而是靠今天你都干了些什么,干得怎样。
Where one can go in the future does not rely on imagination but on what he did today and how well he did it.
15. 人可以因为委屈,而作践自己。但不能为了生存,而放弃原则。
One may hurt himself/herself to vent all the wrongs, but cannot sacrifice principles for survival.
16. 一些人对我们做了一些事,有人只当是日常生活中的无心之举,有人却能读出一个轮回的历史。
When some people do something to us, some people only see it as a natural instinct but some others can perceive the epic behind.
17. 一些温暖,能让你在自己身上发光发热,传给他人。一些伤害,也能让你亮出胳膊,提醒自己何谓底线。
Some caring moments can warm you up and pass on to others, and some hurts can push you to show your arms and draw the line.
18. 有一种孤独是极力挣脱随波逐流的自己,尝试做一些不合群的举动,一开始总会被人误解,经过这样的孤独,才有真正与别人不一样的底气。
Loneliness can be: You try to break away from blindly following most of the people in the world and try unconventional paths and nobody can understand you at the very beginning. However, after going through such loneliness, you'll get the real strengths that make you stand out.
19. 一个人的坚强不是看他外壳有多硬,而是看他的伤疤有多深。
To know how strong one is, you'd better not judge from how hard his protective shell is, but how deep his wound goes.
20. 只有当你明白自己的时间并不如想象得那么多的时候,你才会对出现在生命中的任何事物如此挑剔。原谅我只有一光年的宽度,只允许你在我生命中走一程的距离,能走多远都可以,但不能重复地走来走去。
Only when you understand you do not have so much time as you thought, you would become very picky about everything in your life. Pardon me that my life is so short that I can only allow you to walk in it for some distance—you can go as far as possible, but you can't walk back and forth to just wander around.
21. 有一种孤独是需要帮助的时候,发现除了自己没有人可以依靠,因为能忍受这样的孤独,所以虽败犹荣。
Loneliness can be: When you need a hand, you find that there is nobody but yourself to rely on. To bear such loneliness is in itself a glorious defeat.
22. 很多事情在我们身上遭遇失败,不是因为我们做得太烂,而是因为我们决意放弃。很多事情在我们身上获得成功,不是因为我们做得很好,而是因为我们比别人坚持得稍微久了那么一点。
Too many failures are not the result of lame abilities but that of the decision to give up. Too many successes are not attributed to brilliant jobs but only because we hold on a bit longer than others.
23. 只不过太多人,看到好处才付出,他们不知道,大部分事情都是付出了才会看到好处。
Too many people want to first see the benefit before working hard but they do not know, for most of things, we work hard to see the benefit.
24. 只有对自己的每一次行动负责,才会收获一个美好的结果。
Only when you hold yourself accountable for every step you make do you reap a rich harvest.
25. 当一个人相信你的时候,你要做的不仅是对得起自己的内心,更要对得起对方对你的信任。
When one person trusts you, you can not let yourself down, nor can you betray their trust.