Accumulations: face value: 按照表面意思,认为。。。是真的
原文:Having read Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers and taken “the ten-thousand-hour rule” at face value
造句:I never think anything that I heard at face value, and I only trust my eyes and judgement.
2.encounter: to experience something, especially problems or opposition;
to meet someone without planning to
原文:The last time we encountered Benjamin Franklin in this book, he was playing chess for hours and hours but never really getting any better
造句:This morning I encountered my primary school teacher.
3.cogently: if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct
原文:This taught him to express ideas clearly and cogently
造句:When we write an GRE issue, our proofs and arguments should be cogent.
My thought:
Remember: if your mind is wandering or you’re relaxed and just having fun, you probably won’t
很实在的一句话,我之前练习听力的时候就总是走神,明明每天听了七八个小时,但听力一点长进都没有。现在想想,使没有及时给自己反馈还是确实只是naive practice而不是effectively deliberate practice,现在练习应该会多注意这些吧。上大学的时候刷了很多门专业课的分,一门专业课上过很多老师的课,真的感觉一个好的老师真的很重要,他能把东西讲的很清楚,你记得很清,更神奇的是你会由讨厌变为喜欢这一门课。我也是那时候才体会到老师的重要性。而当没有师资条件时,我们应该尽可能选一本好的教材。