上班准时下班,店里不忙,跟厨房师傅argued about what time to cook rice better, I hate what his attitude and accent, make me don't want to talk to him anymore. 学到了,不能因为跟某些人的争执影响工作跟心情。cause I don't want to be the same person as someone I used hated in the future.
晚上又瞎忙。sorry again, co-worker, I don't really like, so didn't have too much conversation. I think this is the right way to stay with the person you don't like, just treat her like a unknown person, talk to each other genuinely and smoothly. Don't touch to each other deeply.
浏览朋友圈,看到了年轻的小姑娘已经有了完整的人生规划,祝贺她早早找到自己的路。just do it, and congratulation.
现在凌晨俩点了,请睡觉吧。good night lady. Love you!