Welcome to today's class. Thanks to technology, our lives are more convenient than ever. Our Smartphone apps, let us learn languages, monitor our calories, and find love .
with increasing accuracy, algorithms can recommend us content, products ,and things to do. It's almost like our technology knows us better than knows of ourselves.
But this convenience is fill by data. Our data. We are giving up more and more of our personal Information to companies. And more of those companies are sharing it among themselves without our knowledge, a society relies more on digital technology. Are we entering a wonderful interconnected world? Or are we killing privacy?
Today's lesson has four parts. Part one defines what privacy is part 2 talk about Invasion of privacy, part 3 discusses whether privacy is dead. Part four examines how to protect our privacy.
1. what is privacy ?
2. Invasions of privacy.
3. It's privacy Dead?
4. How to protect our privacy?
So let's first talk about what privacy is. Privacy is the state of not being public. Socially speaking, it means being alone. If you want privacy, you don't want to be observed or disturbed by other people like our 懂你 course states.
If Information is private, it is not open to everyone and only available to friends, family, or other trusted people. Although sometimes if something is really private, will be shared with anyone.
People value their privacy. Most people keep their personal Information private. In many countries, privacy is seen as a human right. We believe that our personal Information should not be shared without our permission. In fact, not respecting someone's privacy can have serious legal consequences. In the United States. Opening someone else's mail without their permission is a serious crime. If someone is found guilty of opening someone's mail, they could be sent to prison for years. While most of us still believe we have a right to privacy, digital technology has complicated the issue.
Let's talk about privacy In the digital age. From smartphone apps and social media to online banking and e commerce sites, today's technology needs our data.
We are giving away more personal Information than ever before. Sometimes we're happy to do this. The more Information we share with companies, the better the service has become. For example, the more Information we share on e commerce site, the better our product recommendation becomes.
But there is a dark side to this Convenience. Companies like Facebook and Google make money from collecting and selling user Information to advertisers.
Smartphone apps gather data based on our location, our purchases, and even our activities. More companies know who we talk to, what we eat and even where we go.
As our Information is gathered and shared online privacy is Challenge. Some say our privacy is being invaded.
Part 2
Let's talk about some invasions of our privacy.
Big data ,hackers, data brokers, and government surveillance.
If we hear the word data, we may think of targeted advertising or product recommendations. Companies also use user data to make improvements to services and products.
But big data is being used by other people and marketers or product developers. Banks , for example, are using data to <•approve loans.•> Facebook has developed technology that uses our social network to see if we can pay back loans.
If our friends can pay back their loans and we are likely to pay back our loans as well. That's the logic.
But this technology can <•discriminate •> against people using Facebook system. Someone may not be able to borrow money because of their old classmates, or perhaps the bank and see what else someone is spending money on or the rent or the neighborhood they live in.
Look at hiring algorithms. This technology uses data to select job candidates. In theory, this may be used to predict an employee's ability to do the job, but it could also discriminate against them for other reasons. Perhaps it will exclude people because of their politics, their age or their gender. And algorithms can even use personal data to predict your personality. Perhaps you won't get a job, because your internet search history suggests that you're depressed.
As we rely on machine learning and AI to analyze data discrimination will become a Challenge. Machine algorithms automatically analyze data to reach conclusions. People only see the results of the analysis. There is no human involvement. So we may not even know what being discriminated against.
Of course,if you're worried about your data, you could spend less time online. But most services now rely on digital technology. Many apps require Google or Facebook Information to log in. We can't afford to be anonymous.
And beyond big data as we share more Information online, for example, through social media risk for attacks from hackers.
Hackers can use fake links to install viruses and spyware on to your computer and mobile phone . viruses inspire can give hackers your passwords for your bank, your EMAIL and other accounts. Sometimes they can even hack into your laptop camera. We film you in your apartment.
But hackers don't always need to hack your personal Information. He already gave it to them. For example, sometimes hackers can access our e mail account using personal Information from their social media pages.
Parking may be illegal, however, taking our personal Information without us knowing is not a crime. In fact, some companies called data brokers gather and sell our Information every day. Let's talk more about data brokers.
Data brokers are large companies that collect personal Information online. They gather names, addresses, or internet search history, our social networks and more then they sell this Information to other companies.
Many of us don't know that data brokers are collecting our personal Information. And while this is creepy, it is also completely legal. Online privacy laws are not regulated. These companies are Free to gather our search history, IP addresses or anything they want.
When data brokers gather Information, they put it into categories or lists, for example, if you spend time on pet websites, you may be a part of a list called pet owners, but these lists can be highly specific, such as working class single mothers. This kind of Information could feed the big data algorithms.
So ,We may be giving data brokers Information. We never wanted to give, and there is no way to know what we have.
Usually data brokers sell to other companies. Information is used to make targeted advertisements, but really they can send out Information to whoever they please. Scam artist for shady businesses.
In China, a poor high school student named show you had a heart attack and died after she lost her savings in a telephone scam. She thought she was sending a company money for a college loan.
She didn't question this game because she had been contacted earlier by an official loan office. But somehow the people who ran the scam and gotten her Information to this could well have backup data brokers.
It's scary to think all of our data is for sale and not just companies. May be the least of our worries. Let's talk about government surveillance. The government is also acquiring our data is changing our legal definition of privacy in the process. Things that used to be private may not be private anymore. Governments are using digital technology to spy on their own citizens in alarming ways.
Is Edward snowden. A government employee revealed in 2013. The US government is also spying on regular citizens. It is listening in on their skype conversations and reading their emails.
50 years ago, this kind of surveillance would have been legally difficult if the police wanted to open someone's mail, they would first need to prove that someone was doing something illegal then they would need a judge to approve the request to open that mail
. But the speed of technology has moved faster than the law. Email is not considered private after 180 days. The logic is because EMAIL is shared on 3rd party service, like Yahoo mail, 3rd party servers are seen as public Information. That means Information is available to anyone who wants it.
So now after a certain period, but police can now use old emails as evidence, and they no longer need a judge's approval. If it wants, the government can read through years of your emails.
With the rise of the<• internet of things,•>物聯網 you could give the government access Amazon alexa record all of our conversation. We will give up our drivers cars and wearable technology Imagine If we had smart glasses, the government could see what we see.
part 3
With all the ways our personal Information is being collected. Is privacy dead?
With all the ways our personal Information is being collected. Is privacy dead?
Some pessimistic people think so. They believe data brokers and government surveillance aren't threats to our privacy, but new realities. It is too late to turn back. Neither companies nor the government or give up their access to our data, we should accept this
But for others, privacy is still alive with all the challenges to our privacy, the topic is more relevant than ever. They believe can still define it in a Way to protect our personal Information.
Both arguments offer valid points. So let's examine both a little more in detail.
Let's look at the privacy is dead argument. It argues that society has been redefined by tech companies like Google and Facebook. The platforms we rely on are not designed for privacy. When we register to use our services, we agree to their「 terms and conditions. 」Most of us haven't read this, but they basically say that we have 「signed away our privacy.」
We can no longer live without technology. And the fact is if we go anywhere online or click anything, it will track our personal Information. That Information will then be collected and sold. Some companies may respect our privacy, but most won't, ultimately whether to collect our data is their decision, not ours.
If we are truly concerned about privacy, we should stop using the internet. Otherwise, except that times have changed. We live in a faster, more convenient time. Privacy was the price we paid for it.
let’s Look at the privacy is alive argument. People who believe privacy is a lie. I believe that we should decide how our data is collected. Technology has developed quickly over the past 20 years. Our privacy laws have not been able to keep up. But many of us are uncomfortable about how our Information is being used.
Companies may think that if someone subscribes to a digital service, they are giving up their data. However, if we have no choice but to use these services, permission to use our data should not be implied.
Companies should have to ask us directly before selling our Information. In the 21st century. Privacy isn't about whether we use our data. It's that we control how our data is used.
And major tech companies are responding to the privacy concerns of their users. Google recently gave users more control over their privacy settings. The company is also letting users decide what kind of targeted ads they see on Google. If users one, they can even disable targeted ads completely.
Apple CEO tim cook has criticized companies for selling user data. Cook has even said that Free products and services should not cause users their privacy. Apple has launched services that do not collect data, like apple pay.
Meanwhile, in Europe, the government has begun to examine whether IP addresses are private Information. So if privacy were truly dead, companies and government would not address it
part 4
. Of course, that doesn't mean we should simply trust companies and the government to protect our privacy. We should protect our privacy ourselves. On a personal level. There are many things we can do to keep our data unavailable. So now let's talk about how to protect our privacy on social media as well as our online security.
Let's start with social media on social media. Every time we share a link or check into a location or fill in a profile. You are giving companies more data. Eventually this will likely be packaged and sold. If you are not comfortable with your data being used, don't provide so much of it.
Let's discuss online security. Make sure you set strong unique passwords for all of your accounts. For example, don't make your password your birthday or your dog's name, and change your passwords at regular intervals such as every few months.
If you Click on a suspicious link, make sure that you change all your passwords immediately.
Hackers Can you strange links to infected viruses and spy on to your computer? If you don't change your passwords, your personal Information is at risk.
Keep your passwords private. Even in this digital age, the best security may be to write them down on a paper and keep them in your desk. If you don't keep this Information private, you may lose a lot.
Beyond Passwords and social media sharing awareness of our privacy is the best way to protect it. The future of data is uncertain in order to truly protect our privacy, we need to be aware of how it is changing. Let's talk about the future of privacy.
Currently, there are many laws for online privacy. Without government oversight, tech companies have been allowed to define what privacy means in the 21st century. But if privacy is still matters, the government needs to protect it.
For example, the government could create policies that restrict the selling of Information. Right now, data brokers can collect and sell any Information they want. The new laws require companies to get customer approval before giving away their Information. We are beginning to see changes in this area. For example, Google and apple now offer greater privacy to their users.
But we also need to be realistic about these companies. Google makes money from user data. If we truly believe that Google won't access and use user data, we may be fooling ourselves.
Although just because the government should protect privacy, it doesn't mean it will. The government has also benefited from a lack of privacy laws. It has been able to spy on people in ways that weren't legally possible before power has been obtained. It is not easily given up.
So perhaps the real question, isn't whether privacy is alive or dead. Perhaps the question is whether people and the government will fight for their privacy.
Now let's take a quick look back at our lesson today. In the first part, we talked about what privacy is. Second, we listed four types of invasions of privacy.