Apixio 服务端工程师面试题
- Redis 和 sql数据库 比较
- 怎样做到load balance
- 分布式数据库中数据库同时读写怎么防止数据不同步
- kafka 和 graphite 实时数据监控是怎么做的?
5.编程题: 从起始点到终点的路径,附实现方法
# Bounded region of a graph that connects 's' to 'e' defined in terms of all
# paths between 's' and 'e'. 's' can have incoming links and 'e' can have
# outgoing edges. The graph can have cycles in it. Each node has at most two
# outgoing edges. Additional data-structures and methods may be defined.
# Do not add new variables in the Node.
# Node has hashCode and equals defined.
# +---+ +---+
# +---->| g |<--------+ k +---------+
# | +-+-+ +---+ |
# | +---+ | | ^ |
#--+-->| s +--+ | | |
# +-+-+ v | v ^
# | +---+ | +---+ |
# +--------->| |-----------+-------->| e +-------+-->
+---+ +---+
public class Node {
public Node left;
public Node right;
public int data;
public class BoundedGraph {
public Node s;
public Node e;
public BoundedGraph(Node s, Node e) {
this.s = s;
this.e = e;
public void printGraph() {
Set<Node> visited = new HashSet<Node>();
innerPrintGraph(s, e, visited);
private void innerPrintGraph(Node s, Node e, Set<Node> visited) {
if (visited.contains(s)) return;
if (s.left != null && s != e)
innerPrintGraph(s.left, e, visited);
后记: 知识点还不够熟,另外,做编程题的时候,不要老想着leetcode的解答。 自己脑袋里面有思路最关键。我都想到了用hashmap来标注访问过的节点。没想到直接用HashSet来标注节点。 面试官都给了很充分的提示了,我当时脑袋停止转动了,还没能搞定。面试官直接给我说了解题思路。估计是把我挂掉了,我还比较逊色。
同门小师妹都拿到Google nyc的职位了。汗颜! 继续努力吧!