localhost:~ sy$ oclint -help
USAGE: oclint [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]
OCLint options:
-R=<directory> - Add directory to rule loading path
-allow-duplicated-violations - Allow duplicated violations in the OCLint report
-disable-rule=<rule name> - Disable rules
-enable-clang-static-analyzer - Enable Clang Static Analyzer, and integrate results into OCLint report
-enable-global-analysis - Compile every source, and analyze across global contexts (depends on number of source files, could results in high memory load)
-extra-arg=<string> - Additional argument to append to the compiler command line
-extra-arg-before=<string> - Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line
-list-enabled-rules - List enabled rules
-max-priority-1=<threshold> - The max allowed number of priority 1 violations
-max-priority-2=<threshold> - The max allowed number of priority 2 violations
-max-priority-3=<threshold> - The max allowed number of priority 3 violations
-no-analytics - Disable the anonymous analytics
-o=<path> - Write output to <path>
-p=<string> - Build path
-rc=<parameter>=<value> - Override the default behavior of rules
-report-type=<name> - Change output report type
-rule=<rule name> - Explicitly pick rules
Generic Options:
-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
-version - Display the version of this program
-p <build-path> is used to read a compile command database.
For example, it can be a CMake build directory in which a file named
compile_commands.json exists (use -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
CMake option to get this output). When no build path is specified,
a search for compile_commands.json will be attempted through all
parent paths of the first input file . See:
http://clang.llvm.org/docs/HowToSetupToolingForLLVM.html for an
example of setting up Clang Tooling on a source tree.
<source0> ... specify the paths of source files. These paths are
looked up in the compile command database. If the path of a file is
absolute, it needs to point into CMake's source tree. If the path is
relative, the current working directory needs to be in the CMake
source tree and the file must be in a subdirectory of the current
working directory. "./" prefixes in the relative files will be
automatically removed, but the rest of a relative path must be a
suffix of a path in the compile command database.
For more information, please visit http://oclint.org