




100 With regard  to this last question, we might note in passing that Thompson, while rightly resto

101 The correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature, of course, does not establish whether changes in atmospheric composition caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by them.

102 Such philosophical concerns as the mind-body problem or, more generally, the nature of human knowledge they believe, are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested.

103 The idea of an autonomous disciple called "philosophy" distinct from and sitting in judgment on such pursuits as theology and science turns out, on close examination, to be of quite recent origin.

104 They were fighting, albeit discreetly, to open the intellectual world to the new science and to liberate intellectual life from ecclesiastical philosophy and envisioned their work as contributing to the growth, not of philosophy, but of research in mathematics and physics.

105 But the recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all three groups undermines the attempt to explain away superficial resemblance as due to convergent evolution--the independent development of similarities between unrelated groups in response to similar environmental pressures.

106 Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere of the brain each of a human's

10 11 neurons should occupy, let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes.

107 For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.

108 If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific -a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform- the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles.

109 These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many  women scholars --only now entering the academic profession in substantial members--will be at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.

110 Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.

111 However, some broods possess a few snails of the opposing hand, and in predominantly sinistral broods, the incidence of dextrality is surprisingly high.

112  In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs, but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.

113  Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites found on Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually have been blasted free of Mars's gravity by the impact on Mars of other meteorites.

114 Under the force of this view, it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action, it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action) to the status of being wholly condemned.

115  none of these translations to screen and stage, however, dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee, which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan's three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century, where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements.


116 Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a  noble metal together with a metalloid, such as alloys of palladium and silicon, or alloys consisting of iron, phosphorus, and carbon, although small discrepancies remained.

117  And Walzer advocates  as a means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality " the abolition of the power of money outside this sphere"

118 Is it not tyrannical, in Pascal's sense, to insist that those who excel in "sensitivity" or the ability to express compassion" merit equal wealth with those tho excel in qualities (such as the capacity for hard work ) essential in producing wealth?

119  Yet Walzer's argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism--namely, that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.

120 The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been limited, hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty, even the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation, of completely conveying the original's verse structure, tone, and syntax.

121 Mores, which embodied each culture's ideals principles for governing every citizen, were developed in the belief that the foundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powers to be placed in service to the community.

122 Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization.

123 As a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.

124 Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they  attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation-state composed of many disparate groups

125 The Italian influence is likely, whatever Valdez' immediate source: the Mexican craps themselves are said to have originated from the theater pieces of a sixteenth-century Spanish writer inspired by encounters with Italian commedia dell'arte troupes on tour in Spain.

126 It has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativity that these Chicano writers, whose English-language works are uninspired, developed the powerful and arresting language that charaterized their Spanish-language works.


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