The European Central Banksignals there may be more stimulus ahead
Many worry it has used up all of itsoptions
The Economist, Jul 26th 2019
CENTRALBANKERS HAVE historically been compared to party hosts, tasked with taking awaythe punchbowl before things get out of hand. At the moment, however, their jobis to keep the drinks flowing.
TheEuropean Central Bank (ECB) has most to do. Europe’s economy is ailing: figuresreleased on July 24th show that manufacturing activity, as measured by thepurchasing managers’ index, is at its weakest level since 2013. Inflation isstubbornly low (see chart). Fearing a downturn, investors have piled intosafe-haven government bonds, driving yields below zero. On July 25th, MarioDraghi, the bank’s boss, signalled that he is preparing an arsenal of stimulusmeasures to jump-start growth and boost inflation.
欧洲中央银行有很多事情要做。首先,欧洲经济不景气,7月24日公布的采购经理人指数显示,制造业活动处于2013年以来的最低点。其次,通货膨胀率极低(见图表)。由于担心经济衰退,投资者为避开风险选择投资政府债券,导致收益率降至零以下。7月25日,银行行长马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)表示,他正在准备一系列措施,以刺激经济增长和通货膨胀。
The bankhas at least three tools at its disposal. At a minimum, it can offer guidanceabout forthcoming stimulus to influence market expectations—as Mr Draghi hasjust done. It can cut its benchmark interest rate. And it can launch a newround of bond-buying, known as quantitative easing (QE); its previousasset-purchase scheme, which was halted in December after four years, pumped€2.6trn ($3trn) into the European economy in order to stimulate lending.
Alas,the ECB has little room for manoeuvre. The bank’s benchmark rate is currently-0.4%. Economists reckon that banks might soon stop passing on further ratecuts, for fear that depositors might yank their cash out of accounts ratherthan pay banks to hold them. And in order to expand QE significantly, the ECBwould have to lift its self-imposed limit on the share of a country’s debt itcan own. The bank may eventually have to widen the scope of its assets, perhapsby buying bank bonds and equities.