1. What makes good writing?
(1) Good writing communicate an idea clearly and effectively.
Takes having something to say and clear thinking
(2) Good writing is elegant and stylish.(初稿无需担心)
Takes time, revision, and a good editor
2. What makes a good writer?
(1) Having something to say.
(2) Logical thinking.
(3) A few simple, learnable rules of style.
3. Steps to becoming a better writer
(1) Taking this class.
(2) Read(杂志、小说、非小说类书籍等), pay attention(写作方式、技巧等), and imitate
(3) Write in a journal(每天早晚抽时间,练习技巧).
(4) Let go of "academic" writing habits.
(5) 下笔之前talk about your research.
(6) Write to engage not to bore your readers.
(7) 随时准备写(stop waiting).
(8) 减少焦虑 (writing is hard for everyone).
(9) Revise (快速写出初稿,花费时间修改)。
(10) Learn how to cut ruthlessly.
(11) Find a good editor.
(12) Take risks (不怕冒险).
4. 写作时可问自己
Is this sentence easy to read?
Is this sentence enjoyable and interesting to read?
5. Overview: Principles of effective writing
Cut unnecessary words and phrases.
Use the active voice.
Write with verbs (Verbs rather than nouns).
Avoid vague words.
Note the use of unnecessary jargon and acronyms.
Note the distance between the subject and the main verb of this sentence.
6. Common clutter
- Dead weight words and phrases (As it is well known...)
- Empty words and phrases (important...)
- Long words or phrases that could be short
- Unnecessary jargon and acronyms
- Repetitive words or phrases (difficulty/challenge)
- Adverbs (very, really...)
7. 拓展:可阅读古典写作书籍《论写作的好》(威廉津瑟)
8. 举例
👉1⃣️示例:Verbs rather than nouns
👉2⃣️cut clutter示例: