#地球online#,202310120439.所有的信息源,都更“智能”更“精准”了。也就是说你是什么样的人,就将会看到什么样的信息,看到什么样的世界。其他的信息都不存在了,尤其是“跨界”的“破圈”信息,通过搜索都找不到,因为你不会关注你注意力之外的东西。# Earth online , 202310120439. All information sources are more "intelligent" and more "accurate". That is to say, what kind of person you are, what kind of information you will see and what kind of world you will see. Other information does not exist, especially the "cross-border" "broken circle" information, which can not be found by searching, because you will not pay attention to things outside your attention.