John 通過Tim 給Savannah 帶了一封信,約定見面的時間。John像Savannah 道歉,Savannah問了John很多個and .但是Savannah 并不是真的要John 的道歉,她理解John 的行為,如果是她她也會這麽做的。兩個人重歸於好,可是他們明天就要分别了,他們一起待了一下午,給了彼此諾言。Savannah還給John寫了一封信。
Q1:She came closer to John, slipped her arms around John's neck. And said ,he didn't have to apologize, there's no reason to be sorry.
Q2:She gave John her address , phone numbers and an envelope.
Q3:Writing letters.
Q4:He had a dinner with his father.
Q5:When the plane lifted off from the runway. He wanted to turn around and go back home ,to be the place he was meant to be.