The bunny wears a yellow t-shirt and a red overall. 兔宝贝穿着一件黄色的T恤和一条红色的背带裤。四个关键词, T 恤 t-shirt, 黄色 yellow, 红色red, 背带裤overall.
He is standing under the toadstool to avoid the rain. 这句在内文中要解释,我想之所以选它做封面,情景生动,画面颜色鲜亮,没有哪一个孩子对如此饱满的色彩有免疫力,一定会按耐不住赶紧打开看一看。
The bunny is smelling the flower.It is very fragrant.小兔子在闻花,闻起来非常香。
Do you know what name is this fragrant purple flower?
It is wild Violet.哦哦哦,这就是大名鼎鼎的野紫罗兰,香不香?可想而知
The hollow tree is Nicholas’ home. Can you spy the door of his home?不过比兔子洞更吸引宝贝的是什么?
没错,A robin is feeding a worm to it’s babies. 一只知更鸟在给它的孩子喂虫子。How many babies does the robin have? Three! 绘本里还有很多场景可以玩这样的数学游戏,整本书都贯穿了辨识色彩,数数的内容,超级适合2-6岁的小朋友。
icolas pick a yellow flower named daffodil. Daffodil also has white one with six petals. But the white flowers on the right top of the page are called dogwood.