Syerra A是刚毕业的大学生,在大学当讲师,为了在网上更好的教中国孩子英语,自学了一些中文。令我很震惊的是,她居然是通过谷歌翻译,直接将英文翻译为中文,然后模仿。此为,她对中国小朋友,从小就要参加如此多的培训班感到震惊。
1. I have not heard that:我没听说过
2. Is there a competition between people:人与人之间有竞争吗?
3. you are still in university?注意这里still 和in连读了。
4. Anything with xxx is xxx:任何与xxx有关的都xxx
5. that's what I meant:这就是我的意思
6. I might be traveling soon:我可能很快就要去旅游了
7. I feel like teachers aren't respected as much in the United States:我觉得教师在美国不受那么尊重
8. Do you have any desire to travel abroad:你想要xxx吗?
9. Have you ever considered studying abroad?你考虑过出国念书吗?
10. 注意anti-发音
11. you should be sleeping:你应该睡觉。
12. extra classes on weekend:课外班
13. Did you experienced xxx:你经历过xxx吗?
14. developed、modern city:发达、现代城市
15. When you graduate:当你毕业后
16. I spend all my money:我花光了所有钱
17. I can't have a full long conversation:我无法长对话聊天
18. it's working for me:这对我奏效
19. I might look at that later:我可能稍后回去看看/查查
20. sponsor:资助、赞助
21. it's gonna cut off right away:就要中断了