首先是《Daily Mail》每日邮报的介绍,
It's a catfight! Customers brawl at Starbucks stores across China over the chance to buy £22 limited edition 'cat-paw' coffee mugs
· Fans fought each other at various Starbucks branches amid a craze for the mug
· The pink cups went on sale in China on Tuesday for £22 and sold out in minutes
· They have appeared on e-commerce sites and sold at up to nine times the price
每日邮报给出的表达是,'cat-paw' coffee mug;
paw /pɔː/ 作名词,表示“(动物的)爪子”(an animal's foot that has nails or claws)
mug此处表示“(喝茶、咖啡等用的有柄的)大杯,马克杯”(a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc),如:a coffee mug 一个咖啡杯,a beer mug 啤酒杯。
mug作动词可表示“行凶抢劫”,英文解释为“to attack someone and rob them in a public place”,举个🌰:
A lot of people won't go out alone at night because they're afraid of being mugged.
每日邮报这个选词很有意思,catfight,作名词,通常指“(愤怒的)打架,争吵,争辩”,英文解释为“A catfight is an angry fight or quarrel, especially between women.”举个🌰:
A catfight has erupted over who will get top billing.
补充短语:give sb top/star billing
表示“选定某人领衔主演”英文解释为“to name a particular performer, actor etc as being the most important person in a show, play etc”;bill其实是熟词僻义,可以表示“演出人员名单”(The bill of a show or concert is a list of the entertainers who will take part in it.)
brawl /brɔːl/ 表示“(尤指在公共场所)争吵,打斗,闹事”,英文解释为“to quarrel or fight in a noisy way, especially in a public place”举个🌰:
Fans brawled outside the stadium.
limited edition
表示“限量版,限数本”,英文解释为“a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only”。
Mirror Customers brawl over Starbucks's limited edition 'cat-paw mug' in chaotic scenes
Starbucks fans battled at the queue in bid to buy the limited-edition 'cat-paw' coffee mug
除了和每日邮报一样的用了brawl来表示“争吵,打斗”,镜报用了更通俗的battle一词作了替换,英文解释为“to try very hard to achieve something that is difficult or dangerous”,表示“(与…)斗争,(与…)搏斗”。
同样的,对于猫爪杯的处理,镜报也用了“cat-paw mug / cat-paw coffee mug”来表达。
Customers fight in Chinese Starbucks over limited edition cat-claw mug
According to reports, the cat-claw mug, which is one of a new collection of Starbucks cherry blossom products, was on sale on and a large number of fans started to queue from the night before.
这则报道中“吵架、打架”用的是fight,比battle更加通俗了哈哈哈,fight的英文解释:to take part in a war or battle. 而猫爪杯则用了新的表达:cat-claw mug;
此处的claw表示“(动物、鸟或有些昆虫的)爪,螯”,英文解释为“a sharp curved nail on an animal, bird, or some insects”,如:lobster claws 龙虾的螯,举个🌰:
The cat dug his claws into my leg.
最后的最后,发现财新国际的这篇英文标题也挺有意思:Feline Lovers Bare Claws in Clamor for Starbucks Cat Cups.
其中feline可以作名词也可以作形容词,表示“猫的;猫科的”(relating to cats or other members of the cat family, such as lions)或者“猫;猫科动物”(a cat or a member of the cat family, such as a tiger)。
bare作动词,表示“使暴露,使赤裸,露出”,英文解释为“to remove something that was covering or hiding something”举个🌰:
The dog bared its teeth.
clamor /ˈklæmə/(clamour)作名词,表示“吵闹;喧嚷;嘈杂声”,英文解释为“loud noise, especially made by people's voices”,如:the clamour of the city 城市的喧嚣,a clamour of voices 人声鼎沸。
也可以指“大声的抱怨;提出要求的强烈呼声,呼吁”(a loud complaint about something or a demand for something)。
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