Zero-tasking means being, not doing.
It means taking 60 minutes and just doing nothing. Simply rest, relax,
de-stress and de-load (the opposite of overload). It means just breathing—in and out, over and over—and marveling at the fact that you canbreathe, that you are alive, that you are here.
It means taking the time to look around andsee the real world, not the world that you wish it was or the world that youwant it to be, but the world that exists today.
People are all multi-tasking, they arerunning out of time, they want to achieve more, they don't have time to rest.But sometimes, they just feel lost, not knowing what to do next.
"Zero-Tasking Day" was inventedby the writer Nancy Christie in 2006 and celebrated on the day when DaylightSavings Time ends and people turn the clocks back an hour. People are supposedto use the extra hour not to perform more chores or check more feeds or seemore people, but instead to relax and simply do nothing. This 60-minutezero-tasking could be inspiring and help people work with more efficiency andbe happier afterwards.
作家Nancy Christie在2006年创立了“零任务日”,定在夏令时结束、人们将钟表往回调一个小时的那一天。在多出来的这一个小时里,她建议人们不要想着去完成更多的工作、刷屏看更多信息、或者约见更多人,而是放松自己、什么都不做。这60分钟的零任务时间可能会激发更多灵感,帮助人们在放松之后工作效率更高、也更开心一些。