How can you live an interesting life?

If your life were a book, would anyone want to read it?Sometimes it actually stresses me out thinking about how many people are "average", or at least people that are completely cool with sliding by under the radar. I just don't get it. I don't think most people realize how tiny we are. If you don't do anything about your life, it is going to pass you by, you'll be dead and gone in no time, with no one remembering much about you. I know that is a dark way to put it, but it's the brutal truth."Today is the youngest you'll ever be again."It's very hard to grasp that. Everyone always wishes they could experience the past over again, just if they would have taken a picture, or kissed that girl, or bought that stock, or made that call, or said to themselves "Fuck it, what do I have to lose?"First, you might want to step back and ask yourself a few questions. Is your life interesting? When was the last time you laughed till you were crying and on the verge of pissing yourself?
When was the last time you were really nervous?
Who is your newest friend? How did you meet?
When was the last time you were lost?
Where is the farthest you've ever been from home?
What was your last big purchase?
When was the last time you broke a sweat?

After you've asked yourself some of these, you may have a better perspective of where you're at, hopefully some of the answers will motivate you to make a change. Maybe it makes you realize, "Wow, I'm boring"...Don't be boring.Forget Fear. What the fuck are you scared of? Getting turned down? Being embarrassed? Looking stupid? Failing? C'mon, grow a pair and give it a shot. Whatever you're nervous of just stop making excuses and do it. Chances are once "it" is done you're going to realize how easy it was. This will help you next time you are faced with fear. *“Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart.”- *Paulo Coelho
**Never Let Go Of Your Inner Child. **When and why do people stop being kids? Kids are the ones that are always running around, laughing, playing, getting scared, hurting themselves. There is no reason why everyone shouldn't be like this. Society can make people very boring and miserable. Don't drown your inner voice that says "Woah! Thats soooo cool!!!!". "I'm not being immature, I'm having fun. You should try it some time."

Be Outgoing. One of the question's I wrote earlier was to ask yourself who your newest friend was and how you met them. If it's been months since you've met someone, that's not good. Just get out there and talk to people. Use, I can't tell you how much that website has positively effected my life. You don't have to go out and look for a new best friend or lover, just talk with people. You don't know who you are going to meet or where it will lead you. People are pretty friendly."There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met."
Try New Things. Think a food looks gross and you wonder how in the world people can eat it? They can probably eat it because it's damn good. How about you give it a try. Do you think skateboarding is cool? Don't you wish you could skate around and do tricks...Well get a board and try it out, next time you see someone riding one ask them if you could try for five minutes, you've never done it before. If you bust your ass, who cares.. the skateboarder doesn't care, he was probably expecting that. Your ass hurts for a day or two, big friggin deal. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -
Albert Einstein
Be Independent. If you're relying on anyone else you're only going as far as they are. Are you getting money from parents? Grow up and get a job yourself. Want to travel somewhere or go skydiving and none of your friends are up for it?** **Screw 'em, go alone. "We must become the change we wish to see in the world." -Gandhi
**Be Different. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. No, you don't have togo out of your way to be that guy that's dressed absolutely ridiculous, or be the one that hates something just because everyone else likes it. You should not be different just for the sake of being different, you should be "different" because that's what you want to do. Don't wear neon green shoe laces just because no one else has them, wear them cause you thought in your head, "Neon green laces would be pretty cool." Ignore anyone that says, "dude, those look gay" or "why the hell do you have green laces". You got green laces because you wanna wear green laces, your green laces aren't effecting anyone else. **"We are all born originals - why is it so many of us die copies?" -Edward Young
**Travel. **This is another big one. If you want to have a more interesting life you should meet some interesting people! They are all over the place. The norm in America for instance is going to be completely different then the norm in India, or New Zealand. Go see for yourself. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” -St. Augustine

I could go on and on, but all of this has a reoccurring theme. You need to break away from old beliefs. You need to stop talking and start doing. Stop making excuses. What it all comes down to is breaking out of your shell, you need to go **interact with the world.Interact with people. Interact with new foods. Interact **with new areas.****Take a different way home. Listen to a different radio station, read a new book, go try a yoga class, play tennis. It's quite simple really, you just need to do stuff. Never stop doing. Break your routine.Play loud music, take off your shoes, go roll around in the grass. If you want to do something, go do it.

Three tips that I've found helpful for leading a more interesting life:Be willing to do things by yourself. A lot of people want to take art classes or try new restaurants or travel to exotic countries, but few people consider doing these things without companions. If you're not willing to do stuff by yourself, you end up missing out on a lot of interesting opportunities because there's no one around to join you.
Say "yes" to as many opportunities as possible. If someone asks you if you'd like to go to a new restaurant or volunteer for a charity or do a weekend road trip together, say "yes". The more things you try, the more interesting your life will be.
Stop caring about what is normal or expected. Sometimes the only thing stopping you from doing something cool is that you're afraid of looking stupid or weird. The problem is that many things seemed stupid or weird until they didn't: traveling for a year after college, dropping out of school to start a tech company, joining an online dating site, etc. It's hard to veer off the beaten path and have an exceptional life if you're always looking for social acceptance.

"My daughter has been dressing very provocatively lately and I think you're a great young man to tame her. You should definitely add her on Facebook." - a true conversation I had with an Asian woman on a plane.We all want to live an interesting and meaningful life. But the truth of the matter is, it takes work."Would this make for an interesting story?" I ask myself that question every day. And if the answer is yes (with few exceptions) I'll go for it.The following are a few ways I've found to make my life more meaningful and interesting. 1. Say "Yes" more often. While there are certainly times when saying no is important from a productivity standpoint, if you want to live an interesting life start saying yes. An old friend from high-school wants to go camping in the woods? Say yes. Your cousin is in town and wants to go skydiving? Say yes. You're at dinner and there's new kind of food you haven't tried? Say yes.You'd be surprised at how many interesting stories occur just by showing up. **2. Talk to strangers: **Yes, it's ok to disobey your parents every now and again. It's ok. I won't tell. I can't tell you how many crazy awesome experiences I've had just from striking up conversations with people I didn't know. I've snuck onto a roof of a hotel with a Canadian girl I met at the airport, I made a life long friend with a Chinese girl on a train where I gave her the "American" name of "Penelope." I've spent hours learning how to play "Baccarat" from an addicted gambler. **3. Get outside your comfort zone! Take a new route to work! Have a debate with someone you don't like. Move to another country. Take a cold shower. Break free of your daily routine! You can't live an interesting life on autopilot! When I discovered NYC wasn't for me I took a one way flight to Chile to attend Exosphere. Comfort zone begone!4. Fail often: **Some of your greatest experiences will come from when you fall flat on your face. Fail at your first job? Break up with your significant other? Your business idea goes bust? CONGRATULATIONS, your life is interesting. No one really cares about your success. **5. Surround yourself with great people: Living an interesting life is an admirable goal in itself, but what about meaning? Start with the people you call your family and friends. Are they doing anything worthwhile? Are they lifting you up? Do you add value to them? Do they make you ooze with joy? Your social circle can't take a back seat. Like it or not, the people you choose define you.6. Work hard: Being passionate about what you do is the only way to living a meaningful life, but it doesn't come from looking for it. More and more research is starting to show that passion comes from working hard, not by searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Don't sell yourself short, but don't be afraid to put in the work even when it's easy to walk away. Get into the habit of working hard at everything you do, meaning will soon knock. ccRyan Holiday cc Cal Newport7. Travel: Cliche no doubt, but I can honestly say traveling has changed my life more than anything on this list. Probably because if you do it right travel gives you the opportunity to do this whole list. Dream big. Travel. Enough said.8. Share your story: **Share your story with the world!! This is easily one of the most impactful things you can do with your time. By sharing both your failures and success you'll send ripples of change throughout the world. Best of luck. ;)

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