Google 又被开罚单了。
2017年,欧盟委员会对谷歌罚款 24.2 亿欧元(约合27亿美元),这一制裁是基于对谷歌网络购物问题长达七年的调查结果。【欧盟认为,作为全球规模最大的搜索引擎,谷歌滥用其主导优势排挤小型竞争对手,不正当地把客户引向谷歌自己的购物服务。 】
欧盟素有【“科技圈警察”】之称,除了谷歌,包括苹果、微软、高通、英特尔在内的多家科技巨头都收到过欧盟的罚单。公开数据显示,2013年至今,欧盟已经因为反垄断法向多家企业罚款共计128.12亿欧元。谷歌、微软、高通与英特尔无一例外都对欧盟提起上诉,但截至目前,【还没有一家公司上诉成功。】人们更加担心的是,欧盟给谷歌开出的两笔天价罚单可能会成为其他国家仿效的范例,【引发更多的反垄断调查或诉讼。 】
Fine time again: Europe v Google
① Most observers will 【focus on 】【the size of the fine】 when the European Commission today【 hands down its ruling in 】another 【Google antitrust反垄断,反托拉斯 case.】
Its an important issue
强调Its an issue of importance
monopoly /məˈnɒpəli/: n. 垄断
fine /fʌɪn/: n. 罚款
European Commission: 欧盟委员会
hand down: 正式宣判/宣布/颁布
· hand in: 提交;上交
ruling /ˈruːlɪŋ/: n. 判决;裁定
antitrust /antɪˈtrʌst/: adj. 反垄断的;反托拉斯的
✘· trust /trʌst/: n. 托拉斯,
✘· cartel /kɑːˈtɛl/: n. 卡特尔,石油输出国组织Opec,这样限定额定价保护利益
✘· syndicate /ˈsɪndɪkət/: n. 辛迪加
1. trust /trʌst/: n. 托拉斯
A trust or corporate trust is a large grouping of business interests with significant market power, which may be embodied as a corporation or as a group of corporations that cooperate with one another in various ways.
2. cartel /kɑːˈtɛl/: n. 卡特尔
A cartel is a group of apparently independent producers whose goal is to increase their collective profits by means of price fixing, limiting supply, or other restrictive practices.
3. syndicate /ˈsɪndɪkət/: n. 辛迪加
A syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest.
② This time, the company 【stands accused of 】improperly 【protecting its dominance in】 internet search by, among other things, forcing 【smartphone-makers 】to install all of its mobile apps.
stand/be accused of: 因为……被指控
③ The penalty will probably exceed the €2.4bn ($2.8bn)【 Brussels levied against Google】 a year ago, for 【abuse of dominance in another part of the search market】, since【 this case is considered bigger.】
penalty /ˈpɛn(ə)lti/: n. 罚款;惩罚;罚球
· death penalty: 死刑
levy /ˈlɛvi/: vt. 征收;征税
· levy/impose a tax on sb./sth.: 对……征税
abuse /əˈbjuːz/: n. 滥用
· drug abuse: 药物滥用
④ 【The legal limit 】is 10% of the firm's 【global revenues】: almost €10bn.
✘⑤ But 【more important than the amount will be 】【what remedies Google is forced to implement.】
✘more important than A is B
⑥ Will it just be told to stop the 【offending conduct?】违法行为
offending /əˈfɛndɪŋ/: adj. 违法的;冒犯的,令人不悦的
versus /ˈvəːsəs/: prep. 以……为对手,对……;(诉讼案中) 诉
· 可缩写为:v / v. / vs.
observer /əbˈzəːvə/: n. 观察家;观察者
dominance /ˈdɒmɪnəns/: n. 统治/控制地位;影响力
✘among other things: 包括但不限于
app / application /ap, aplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/: n. 应用软件
Netscape /ˌnetskeɪp/: n. 网景 (公司)
remedy /ˈrɛmədi/: n. 补救方案;治疗方案
implement /ˈɪmplɪment/: vt. 实施
stymie /ˈstʌɪmi/: vt. 阻碍 (block)
default /dɪˈfɔːlt/: n. 默认值;债务违约
· default setting: 默认设置
⑦ Or will it also have to take action to 【restore the competition】恢复竞争市场秩序 it has【 stymied】, such as allowing consumers to choose 【which apps they want to be the default默认 】when turning on a new device?
European Union欧盟
European Commission欧盟委员会
Ding! Alibaba office app【 fuels backlash 】among some Chinese workers
to fuel speculation/rumors/fears
backlash against sth./from sb.
①In the 【cramped 】former home of Jack Ma, 【founder of the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba】, about thirty young engineers 【sit elbow-to-elbow,】 working to attract the next million users for 【DingTalk,】 Alibaba’s【 workplace communication software.】
shoulder to shoulder
The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat.
②Since December 2014, DingTalk 【has grown exponentially】 to become the world’s largest chat service designed for companies.
adv. 指数地;(增长)越来越快地(exponent n.)
自 2014 年 12 月以来,钉钉的用户规模以指数级增长,成为了世界上最大的面向企业而设计的聊天服务。
③【But its rapid rise—propelled by】 a promise to boost productivity through better【 monitoring of employee movements】 and faster responses to important messages—【has sparked a backlash from】 Chinese workers who say the app【 fuels an unhealthy work culture.】
a rocket propelled through space
Fury propelled her into action.
④Like WhatsApp, DingTalk lets senders see if 【recipients 接收人】have read messages, but it also has a “ding” feature that can 【bombard recipients with repeat notifications】, 【text messages】 and 【phone-call reminders.】
v. 连续轰炸;不停地提出问题(或批评、咨询)
We have been bombarded with complaints.
和 WhatsApp 一样,钉钉让消息发送者可以看见接收者是否已经阅读消息,但是它还有一个“叮一下”的功能。这个功能会用重复的手机消息推送、短信以及电话提醒来轰炸接收者。
⑤As DingTalk has grown, many Chinese office workers have【 vented their frustrations online about】 the service, saying it is 【inhumane and destroys trust.】 On 【Zhihu.com, a question-and-answer website, 】a 【thread 】entitled “how does it feel like to be forced to use DingTalk at work”【 has more than a thousand posts】 and 【has been viewed over】 7.7 million times.
vent anger on sb.
【n. 线;(网络社区上的)帖子】
a thread of water/light
随着钉钉的成长,许多中国白领员工开始在线上发泄他们对于这一服务的不满,称其并不人道,而且会摧毁信任。在问答网站知乎上,一个名为“在公司被迫使用钉钉是怎样的一种体验?”的帖子下,有超过一千个回答,并被浏览了超过 770 万次。
⑥“There’s a saying【 in my circle】, that【 you should quit】 the day【 your company installs DingTalk,”】 said Robert, who works 【in luxury retail】 in the northwestern province of Shaanxi and complains that DingTalk has “【fragmented his time into pieces”.】
⑦The service's chief executive, Wu Zhao, is aware of (the backlash DingTalk is facing), but says the problem is【 a "toxic work culture】 at some companies" and misuse by some employers.
toxic working environment
⑧“DingTalk’s goal is to【 encourage transparent and equal communications among all staff,】” Wu said. “The tool itself is not the problem; the way it is used is the problem.”
a transparent paper
The bidding process is open and transparent.
————— 文章来源 / 路透社
钉钉的起源来自于阿里巴巴之前一个不成功的社交产品项目“来往”。来往试图对标微信,受到了阿里巴巴的高度重视,曾集中各种人力物力资源扶持它的创新与发展,但是最终因为定位不明确、需求不断变动而陷入迷茫和失败。2014 年春节,来往团队诞生了开发企业社交“工作圈”的想法,并自 5 月起由来往的产品线负责人无招率领六名基层员工开始开发,并在 2015 年的 1 月将这个没有正式立项、“来往”员工们为理想自寻出路的产物定名为“钉钉”,发布了第一个正式版本。它从开发到发布都保持低调,直到马云去其他企业参观时听到对方向自己介绍,阿里旗下的一款产品为他们解决了很多管理问题,这才让马云知晓了钉钉及其团队的存在。马云将其形容为一个“惊喜”,并从此开启了钉钉的崛起、扩张之路。
WQ: 第一:形容某人两面派是two-faced;
第二:背后害人的人是back stabber;
第三:形容看人准,可以说 someone is a good judge of character.
heat wave
A recent study warns that the number of people dying during heat waves is likely to rise sharply in some regions by 2080【 if policy makers fail to】 take action in climate and health policies.
Three French cities have【 banned the most polluting cars】 from the roads as【 the current heat wave rages on】 in Europe.
have got to等于gotta
I gotta leave.
want to do th等于wanna
Wanna dance?
kind of等于kinda
I'll call ya
I don’t know=I dunno
I dunno why.
let me=lemme
Lemme do it.
Let's pick up where we left offyesterday. 咱们从昨天停下的地方继续吧。
Try this—it will pick you up. 尝尝这个,能让你提提神的。
He goes to clubs to pick up girls. 他到俱乐部去泡妞。
should’ve、would’ve、could’ve、must’ve=shoulda woulda coulda musta
You shoulda told me.
It woulda been nice.
It’s gonna rain.
going to等于gonna
I'm gonna go
a lot of=a lotta
That’s a lotta money.
kind of=kinda
It’s kinda hot.
What kinda car is that?
out of=outta
Get outta here.
I’m outta money.
You’re outta your mind
make a slash大放异彩