

Top Tier Conferences(Rank 1)

(DB) VLDB: Very Large Data Bases (since 1975)

(DB) SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data (since 1975)

(DB) PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB Systems (since 1982)

(DB) ICDE: IEEE Intl Conf on Data Engineering (since 1984)

(DB) ICDT: Intl Conf on Database Theory (since 1986)

(DB) EDBT: Extending DB Technology (since 1988)

(DM) SIGKDD: ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (since 1995)

(DM) ICDM: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (since 2001)

(AI) IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AI (since 1969)

(AI) AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference (since 1980)

(AI) ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning (since 1984)

(AI) UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AI (since 1985)

(AI) UMAP: Intl Conf on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (since 1985) [Was UM: Intl Conf on User Modeling until 2009]

(AI) NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems (since 1987)

(AI) AAMAS: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (since 1997) [Was AGENTS: International Conference on Autonomous Agents until 2002]

(NL) ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics (since 1963)

(ED) AIED: Intl Conf on Artificial Intelligence in Education (since 1983)

(ED) ITS: Intelligent Tutoring System Conference (since 1988)

(IR) SIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information Retrieval (since 1971)

(W3) WWW: World-Wide Web Conference (since 1994)

(W3) ICIS: Intl Conf on Information Systems (since 1983)

(DP) PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (since 1988)

(DP) PACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil Tech (since 1990)

(DP) IPDPS: IEEE Intl Parallel and Dist Processing Symp (since 1986)

(DP) ICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel Processing (SINCE 1972)

(DP) Euro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel Computing (SINCE 1995)

(GV)SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference (since 1974)

(GV) CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition (since 2000)

(GV)ICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Vision (since 1987)

(GV)I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics

(MM) ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia Conference (since 1993)

(NC) SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Applic, Techno, Archit, and Protocols for Comp Comm (since 1977)

(NC) PERFORMANCE: IFIP Intl Symp on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements & Evaluation (since 1980)

(NC) SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp Sys (since 1981)

(NC) INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc (since 1982)

(NC) MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking (since 1995)

(SE) IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (since 1980)

(SE) CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security (since 1993)

(OS) SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (since 1967)

(OS) OSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation (since 1994)

Other 1st tier conferences:

(..) FOCS: IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (since 1959)

(..) STOC: ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (since 1969)

(..) ICALP: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (since 1973)

(..) SODA: SIAM/ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (since 1990)

(..) ISMB: Intl Conf on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (since 1993)

Second Tier Conferences(Rank 2)

(DB) ER: Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (Conf on the Entity Relationship Approach) (Since 1979)

(DB) SSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB Mgmt (since 1981)

(DB) FODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data Organization (since 1981)

(DB) DASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced Applications (since 1989)

(DB) SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial Databases (since 1989)

(DB) DOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (since 1989)

(DB) CIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management (since 1992)

(DB) CoopIS: Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (since 1993)

(DM) PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data Mining (since 1997)

(DM) PKDD: European Conf on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (since 1997)

(DM) DAWAK: Intl Conf on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (since 1999)

(DM) SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (since 2001)

(AI) AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design (since 1991)

(AI) ECAI: European Conf on AI (since 1974)

(AI) ECML: European Conf on Machine Learning (since 1986)

(AI) GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (since 1999)

(AI) ICGA: Intl Conf on Genetic Algorithms (since 1991)

(AI) GP: Genetic Programming Conference (since 1995)

(AI) IAAI: Innovative Applications of AI (since 1989)

(AI) ICIP: Intl Conf on Image Processing (since 1994)

(AI) ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural Networks (since 1989)

(AI) ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition (since 1989)

(AI) ICDAR: Intl Conf on Document Analysis and Recognition (since 1991)

(AI) ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AI (since 1989)

(AI) AMAI: Intl Symp on Artificial Intelligence and Maths (since 1990)

(NL) EACL - European Association for Computational Linguistics (since 1983)

(NL) COLING: Intl Conf on Computational Liguistics (since 1966)

(NL) EMNLP: Conf on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (since 1996)

(ED) ICALT: IEEE Intl Conf on Advanced Learning Technologies (since 2001)

(IR) TREC: Text REtrieval Conference (since 1992)

(IR) ECIR: European Conference on Information Retrieval (since 1979)

(W3) HYPERTEXT: ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (since 1987)

(W3) EC-web: Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (since 2000)

(W3) WISE: Intl Conf on Web Information Systems Engineering (since 2000)

(W3) ICWS: IEEE Intl Conf on Web Services (since 2003)

(DP) ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp Systems (since 1980)

(DP) PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing (since 1982)

(DP) SPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algms and Architecture (since 1989)

(DP) ASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array Processors

(DP) CCC: Cluster Computing Conference

(DP) ICPADS: IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed Systems (Since 1994?)

(GV) ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision (since 1998)

(GV) EUROGRAPH: European Graphics Conference

(GV) CGI: Computer Graphics International (since 1997)

(GV) CA: Computer Animation (since 1997)

(MM) IEEE-MM: IEEE Intl Conf on Multimedia Computing and Sys

(MM) MMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking

(MM) ICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & Expo (since 2000)

(NC) NetStore: Network Storage Symposium

(NC) IC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and Networks

(NC) LCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks

(NC) ICC: Intl Conf on Comm

(NC) WCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

(SE) SECURITY: Usenix Security Symposium (since 1992)

(SE) ESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (since 1990)

(OS) IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium (since 1968)

(OS) MASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis & Sim on Comp & Telecom Sys (since 1993)

Other 2nd tier conferences:

(..) CC: Compiler Construction (since 1986)

Third Tier Conferences(Rank 3)

(DB) DEXA: Database and Expert System Applications (since 1990)

(DB) IDEAS: Intl Database Engineering and Application Symposium (since 1997)

(DB) COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of Data (since 1989)

(DB) BNCOD: British National Conference on Databases (since 1981)

(DB) SBBD: Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados (since 1986)

(DB) ADC: Australasian Database Conference (since 1990)

(DB) ADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems (since 1993)

(DB) DB&IS: Intl. Baltic Conference on Data Bases and Information Systems (since 1994)

(DB) IFIP-DS: IFIP-DS Conference

(DB) NGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and Apps

(DB) ADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration

(DB) MDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)

(DB) VDB - Visual Database Systems (Since 1989)

(DM) ADMA: Intl Conf on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (since 2005)

(DM) ICDM: Industrial Conference on Data Mining (since 2001)

(DM) AusDM: Australasian Data Mining Conference (since 2002)

(DM) EGC: Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances (since 2000)

(AI) PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AI (since 1990)

(AI) AusAI: Australian Joint Conf on AI (since 1987)

(AI) ANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering

(AI) ANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. Systems

(AI) CAIA: Conf on AI for Applications

(AI) CAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference

(AI) ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural Networks

(AI) ICCB: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning

(AI) ICGA: International Conference on Genetic Algorithms

(AI) ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing

(AI) ICMS: International Conference on Multiagent Systems

(AI) ICPS: International conference on Planning Systems

(AI) PACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems

(AI) SCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence

(NL) NLDB: Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases (since 1995)

(ED) ICCE: Intl Conf on Computers in Education

(ED) EDmedia: World Conf on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications

(ED) AH: Intl Conf on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems

(W3) APweb: Asia Pacific Web Conference (since 1998)

(W3) WAIM: Intl Conf on Web-Age Information Management (since 2000)

(W3) SAINT: Intl Symposium on Applications and the Internet (since 2001)

(DP) EGC: European Grid Conference (since 2005)

(DP) MPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt Interconns

(DP) MassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Proc (since 1990)

(DP) SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed Systems (SINCE 1982)

(DP) DAIS: IFIP Intl Conf on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

(GV) ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision (since 1993)

(MM) MMM: Multimedia Modelling (since 1997)

(NC) HPCN: High-Performance Computing and Networking Geometry Modeling and Processing

(SE) ARES: Intl Conf on Availability, Reliability and Security

(OS) DSS: Distributed Simulation Symposium

(OS) SCSC: Summer Computer Simulation Conference

(OS) WCSS: World Congress on Systems Simulation

(OS) ESS: European Simulation Symposium

(OS) ESM: European Simulation Multiconference

Other 3rd tier conferences:

(..) ICCSA: Intl Conf on Computational Science and its Applications (since 2001)

(..) KES: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (since 1997)

(..) ICADL: Intl Conf on Asian Digital Libraries (since 1998)

(..) ISORC: IEEE Intl Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (since 1998)

(..) ISIM: Intl Conf on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling (since 1998)

(..) IEEEIS: IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems (since 2004)

(..) ACE: ACM SIGCHI Intl Conf on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (since 2004)

(..) ICGeS: Intl Conf on Global E-Security (since 2005)

(..) PERVASIVE: Intl Conf on Pervasive Computing (since 2003)

(..) DGO: Intl Conf on Digital Government Research (since 2000)

Unranked Conferences(Rank ?)

(OS) FAST: Usenix conference on File and Storage technologies (Since 2002)

(W3) ECOWS: IEEE European Conference on Web Services (since 2003)

(W3) ICSOC: International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (since 2003)

(W3) ICWE: International Conference on Web Engineering (since 2000)

(..) ICDE: World Conf on Open learning and Distance Education (Since 1981)

(..) WCCE: IFIP World Conf on Computers in Education (Since 1981)

(..) CAiSE: Conf on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (since 1988)

(..) AAMAS: Intl Joint Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Since 2002)

(..) ICVS: Intl Conf on Computer Vision Systems (since 1997)

(..) AISC: Intl Conf on Artificial Intelligence and Sybolic Computing (since 1992)

(..) CCC (was CoCo): IEEE Conf on Computational Complexity (since 1986)

(..) AVI: Working Conf on Advanced Visual Interfaces (since 1992)

(..) CRYPTO: Intl Cryptology Conf (since 1981)

(..) SAC: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (since 1986)

(..) INFOVIS: IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (since 1995)

(..) VIS: IEEE Visualization (since 1990)

(..) CCGRID: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (since 2001)

(..) CBMS: IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (since 1988)

(..) JCDL: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (was ADL: Advances in Digital Libraries) (since 1995)

(..) GIS: ACM Intl Symposium of Advances in Geographic Systems (since 1993)

(..) ICPADS: IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed Systems (since 1994)

(..) SEKE: Intl Conf on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (since 1989)

Not Encouraged (due to dubious referee process):

Intl Multiconferences in Computer Science -- 14 joint int'l confs.

SCI: World Multi confs on systemics, sybernetics and informatics

SSGRR: International conf on Advances in Infrastructure for e-B, e-Edu and e-Science and e-Medicine

IASTED conferences

CCCT: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies

IARIA: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association

WASET: World Academy of SAcience, Engineering and Technology

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