本次《瓦力哇哩》邀请到的主讲嘉宾是RSK/RIF亚太地区总监Eddy Travia, RSK智能合约网络是比特币网络保护的第一个通用智能合约平台,是世界上最安全的智能合约平台,其支持可持续的链上扩容。RSK基础架构框架开放标准(RIF OS)是一套开放和分散的基础架构协议,可在统一环境中实现分布式应用程序(dApp)的更快,更轻松和可扩展的开发。通过RSK网络开发的RIF服务可以使dapp更加安全,简便的开发。目前RIF服务包括目录、支付、存储、通信和数据服务。
主持人:第一问:在采访前我也阅读了一些材料,最开始项目叫RSK,后来改名为IOV,现在还有个RIF的项目似乎是在平行跑,能不能给我们粉丝朋友们解释一下这三个项目,或者说是品牌之间的关系?( Question1:What is the relationship between RSK Labs, RIF Labs,and IOV Labs? Can you explain that for us? )
Eddy Travia:RSK Labs是其联合创始人于2015年创建的第一家公司,旨在建立一个由比特币网络保护的智能合约平台。RIF Labs是IOV Labs的原名。IOV Labs是一家在直布罗陀注册的组织,于2018年收购RSK,致力于为新的全球经济构建低成本,高度安全,易于使用的平台。RIF的全称其实是RSK基础结构框架。它是一套开放式和分散式基础结构协议,可在统一环境中更快,更轻松和可扩展地开发分布式应用程序(dApp)。IOV Labs为新的全球经济构建了低成本,高安全度,且易于使用的平台。IOV Labs利用比特币的收益和与其相配套的工具来创造和保护增长,为全球金融自由奠定了基础。
RSK Labs was the first company createdby its co-founders in 2015 with the aim to build a smart contract platformsecured by the Bitcoin network. RIF Labs was the original name of IOV Labs. IOVLabs is a Gibraltar-registered organization which acquired RSK in 2018 andbuilds low-cost, highly secure, easy-to-use platforms for the new globaleconomy. RIF (RSK Infrastructure Framework) is a suite of open anddecentralized infrastructure protocols that enable faster, easier and scalabledevelopment of distributed applications (DApps) within a unified environment.IOV Labs builds low-cost, highly secure, easy-to-use platforms for the newglobal economy. Harnessing the benefits of Bitcoin with a suite of tools tocreate and protect growth, IOV Labs is planting the seeds for global financialfreedom.
主持人:第二问,RSK是一条比特币的侧链,和比特币分叉有什么不同,那RSK是如何定义自己的?( Question 2:RSK is a sidechain of BTC, how is it different from a Bitcoin fork?How does RSK define itself? )
Eddy Travia:比特币分叉是仍然使用比特币软件的核心组件,大多数情况下,分叉只是对配置变量的更改;有时可能还会对代码和软件进行更改。然而,RSK是一个全新的软件,RSK具有自己的链,并且这条链是由许多比特币矿工进行合并挖矿的。
A Bitcoin forkstill uses the core components of Bitcoin software
- most of the time these are just changes tothe configuration variables
- Sometimes there are also code/ softwarechanges
- RSK on theother hand is completely new software
- RSK has its own blockchain
- This blockchain is merge mined by a numberof Bitcoin miners
This results in blocks added to the RSKblockchain being secure as blocks are mined on the Bitcoin blockchain.
- One R-BTC is exchangeable to one BTC via a2-way peg; 2-way peg means 1 BTC = 1 R-BTC going out on the main chain(peg-out) and 1 R-BTC = 1 BTC going back into the main chain (peg-in).
- RSK has smartcontract capability:
RSK's virtualmachine implementation is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Thismeans that you can use smart contract developer tools on RSK. You are not ableto do this on Bitcoin.
主持人:第三问,RSK网络上可以实现BTC的快速支付功能,这似乎和比特币的闪电网络很像,两者有什么不同?RSK网络有何优势?( Question 3:RSK network supports BTC fast payment, itlooks similar to Lighting. Could you tell us the differences between them? Whatare the advantages of the RSK network? )
Eddy Travia:RIF OS以RSK区块链为基础构建的。而且RIF OS具有多种服务,其中之一是Lumino网络。Lumino网络提供的是快速支付和交易的功能。从技术上讲:Lumino是脱链状态通道网络,其发起的付款由RSK担保,安全性更好,但是交易吞吐量要快得多。
相较于比特币来说:RSK的每笔交易具有更低的转账费用(可变化的),RSK具有更快的出块速度(~30秒vs ~10分钟)。
RIF OS is builtusing the RSK blockchain as a foundation.
The Luminonetwork provides for fast payments/ transactions
- In technical terms: Lumino is off-chainstate channel network
- Payments are secured by RSK, and thereforealso by Bitcoin, but with a much faster transaction throughput.
Compared toBitcoin:
RSK has lowerfees per transaction (variable)
RSK has fasterblock times (~30 seconds vs ~10 minutes)
主持人: 第四问,因为RIF和RBTC两种代币都存在RSK网络中,RIF和RBTC的双代币机制怎么理解?在业内是否是首创?对行业有哪些影响? ( Question 4:There are R-BTC and RIF tokensin the RSK network. How to understand the dual token mechanism of RIF andR-BTC?Is it the first in the industry? What impact does it have on theindustry? )
Eddy Travia:RBTC是RSK区块链的协议级加密货币。它与BTC是一比一挂钩的。你可以在交易中将一定数量的RBTC从一个账户中转移到另一个账户中。也可以将RBTC当做转账交易时的gas费用。比如将RIF转账到钱包时需要RBTC作为gas费用。
- R-BTC:
- R-BTC is the protocol level cryptocurrencyof the RSK blockchain; it is pegged to Bitcoin (via the 2-way peg describedearlier)
- You may transfer units of R-BTC from oneaccount to another
directly withintransactions
- You also use R-BTC to pay for any gas costsin transactions – for example when sending RIF tokens to a wallet
- RIF is a fungible token and defined by asmart contract which
follows theEIP-677 token standard, which is similar to the ERC20 token standard
- You may transfer units of RIF from oneaccount to another
indirectly viainteracting with this smart contract
- First inindustry?
- No, it is possible to do this in anyblockchain platform which has smart contract capabilities; Ethereum's ERC20fungible tokens are an example of this
- Note that while there may only be oneprotocol level cryptocurrency, there can be multiple smart contract basedfungible tokens
- The thing that makes RIF different fromother fungible tokens is that it is used to denominate the prices of variousservices that comprise the RIF OS
主持人:第五问,今年比特币迎来了备受关注的减半行情,BTC的减半会对RSK造成什么影响呢?( Question 5:How do you view the bitcoin halving market? What is the impact of BTC halving on RSK? )
Eddy Travia:由于RSK的安全性取决于比特币矿工,,即使比特币会减半,比特币的矿工仍然会在减半后(因为他们知道这种情况每4年发生一次)继续进行挖矿,因此其实BTC的减半并不会对RSK产生影响。RSK网络安全将继续受到比特币网络算力的保护。比特币网络的哈希算力通常在减半后趋于下降,然后迅速回到减半前的水平。
Since the security of RSK is dependent on Bitcoin miners andBitcoin miners are likely to continue mining BTC after the halving (they knowthis happens every 4 years) there is no impact on RSK. RSK network securitywill remain in direct link to the Bitcoin network security. Bitcoin networkhash power usually tends to decrease after the halving and then rapidly goesback to pre-halving levels.
In these turbulent times, the Bitcoin halving (the halving of
the number of bitcoins granted to miners adding a block of transactions on the
bitcoin blockchain) will coincide with a massive inflow of US dollars, British
pounds, Euros on the financial markets by the central banks; in that context, I
believe people should understand how the pre-defined scarcity of bitcoin is a
more secure long-term guarantee of value. But I would qualify this as an
indirect positive impact on RSK. The share of Bitcoin's hash power merge mined
by RSK is what matters.
主持人:第六问,我们注意到RSK目前有很多的应用,包括和阿根廷政府的合作,和物流公司的合作,和慈善机构的合作,是否可以挑选一到两个案例进行展开介绍下?( Question 6:We have noticed that RSK hasmany applications, including cooperation with the Argentine government,cooperation with logistics companies, and cooperation with charities. Is itpossible to select one or two cases for introduction? )
Eddy Travia:我简单介绍三个RSK目前的落地应用。
与其他区块链基础设施相比,RSK提供了比特币基础设施及其自己的网络,以更低的成本,可扩展性和更快的确认时间提供了货运交易的不可篡改性。RSK是dexFreight的理想“第2层”解决方案。 使用区块链开发人员社区已知的流行工具和编程语言,dexFreight可以经济高效地构建其他组件,例如身份,oracle,区块链上的交付证明。 RSK团队还一直为dexFreight团队提供技术支持,帮助其建立货运智能合约和其他组件。
在阿根廷的天然气监管机构(Enargas)的批准下,IOV Labs和软件开发商Grupo Sabra开发并启动了Gasnet,这是一个在企业版RSK智能合约网络上运行的许可区块链平台。Gasnet旨在确保并加速阿根廷长期速度缓慢的燃气认证过程。在现已投入运营的财团网络中,认证文件和交易详细信息在Gasnor和Enargas之间压缩,后者各自运行一个网络节点。当然认证仅仅是开始。 IOV实验室和Grupo Sabra相信Gasnet的共享生态系统可以促进任意数量和内容的服务。例如,鉴于天然气基础设施的危险性,技术人员的资格至关重要。 Gasnet还可以跟踪整个阿根廷的承包商记录。
3.Circlesof Angels
of Angels是利用区块链技术为所有人提供社会影响融资的一个筹资网络——说明实际上生产者的生活正如何受到影响,我们用这一透明度加快筹资进程。一个透明的平台,提供了一个用于可视化和数字化影响筹资过程的简单而全面的工具——直接从资助者向社会企业提供。我们利用建立智能合约的新方法作为通过里程碑融资支付资金的方法。
我们发现的核心问题之一是资助者与和当地社区中的当地居民合作的社会企业之间的影响报告进程缺乏透明度。 7.67 亿人生活在每天 1.90 美元的国际贫困线以下。在实现联合国可持续发展目标的同时,尤其是目标 1,有必要采取制度变革的办法来解决贫困问题。在消除贫困领域,缺乏获得影响和社会企业(SE) 耐心资本的渠道。除这一挑战外,利益相关者还无法真实地跟踪资金的使用情况,以了解社会企业对生产者生活的实际影响以及社区的实际改善情况。
1. Dexfreight
DexFreight is adecentralized, blockchain-based logistics platform that allows shippers,carriers and other supply chain stakeholders to transact and collaborate moreefficiently, transparently and securely. The logistics industry is a highlyfragmented industry with inefficiencies, costly delays caused by manualprocesses, isolated data, slowed payments and further impacted by fraud, theftand counterparty disputes. DexFreight integrates blockchain, smart contracts,IoT, and artificial intelligence with current technologies and legacy systemsbringing a unique value proposition to the industry. The platform offersimmutable identity and reputation, digitized transactions, tokenized payments,real-time peer-to-peer interaction, automated load and capacity matching, fraudprevention, and smarter finance and insurance solutions.
DexFreightprimary customers include third-party logistics providers, shippers, carriersand all other actors of the supply chain.
DexFreighttechnology will ultimately translate in shorter times and lower costs to getthe products to the hands of the end consumer. The use of smart contracts forall transactions will bring new levels of transparency and accountabilityreducing counterparty disputes and the costs associated with them.
RSK providesBitcoin infrastructure along with its own network to provide immutability ofshipment transactions at much lower cost, scalability, and faster time toconfirmation compared to other blockchain infrastructures. RSK is an ideal“Layer 2” solution for dexFreight. Using popular tools and programminglanguages known by the blockchain developer community allows dexFreight tocost-effectively build other components such as identity, oracles, proof ofdelivery on the blockchain. RSK team has also been providing technical supportto the dexFreight team in building shipment smart contracts and other components.
2. RecentlyAnnounced Project: Gasnet
With theapproval of the gas regulator in Argentina (Enargas), IOV Labs and softwarebuilder Grupo Sabra have developed and launched Gasnet, a permissionedblockchain platform running on an enterprise version of the RSK smart contractnetwork. Gasnet is designed to secure and accelerate Argentina’s chronicallydelayed gas certification processes. In the now-operational consortium network,certification documents and transaction details zip between Gasnor and Enargas,each of whom run a network node. Certification is just the beginning. IOV Labsand Grupo Sabra are confident that Gasnet's shared ecosystem can facilitate anynumber of services. Technician’s credentials, for example, are cruciallyimportant, given the dangerous nature of natural gas infrastructure. Gasnetwill also enable to track records of contractors all over Argentina.
3. Circles ofAngels
Circles of
Angels is a funding network to enable social impact financing for all using
blockchain technology. Circles of Angels facilitates the funding process with
transparency on how the lives of producers are actually being impacted. A
transparent platform that provides a simple yet comprehensive tool to visualize
and digitize the impact funding journey – fromfunders directly to Social Enterprises. Circles of Angels leverages new ways tobuild smart contracts as a means of disbursing funds through milestone-basedfinancing.
One of the coreproblems Circles of Angels has identified is the lack of transparency aroundthe impact reporting process between funders and social enterprises workingwith local, on the ground communities. 767 million people in the world livebelow the international poverty line of $1.90 a day. There is a lack of accessto patient capital for Impact and Social Enterprises (SEs) in the space ofpoverty eradication. Coupled with this challenge, is a further inability forstakeholders to authentically track the use of funds on the actual impactdeployed by the SEs on the lives of the producers and the actual improvementsin the communities.
Circles ofAngels is targeting social enterprises who are doing work impacting the spaceof poverty eradication with a clear focus on : Education, Climate Action, Techfor Good and Art. Funders, Angels or Philanthropists who are looking to deploytheir capital to impactful enterprises and are open to using technologies likeBlockchain to improve the tracking and use of funds that have been deployed.Leveraging technologies like smart contracts, is a response and a possiblesolution to the challenge of tracking where funds are going in a more tangibleway.
主持人:第七问,在比特币网络里加入智能合约系统这个很有创意,但RVM虽然兼容EVM,而Solidity不是最好的语言(尤其在安全性方面)。你们是否有任何关于添加其他语言(例如 WAsm虚拟机)的计划? ( Question 7:It is very creative to add asmart contract system to the Bitcoin network, but although RVM is compatiblewith EVM, Solidity is not the best language (especially in terms of security).Do you have any plans for adding other languages (such as WAsm virtualmachines)? )
Eddy Travia:确实RVM与EVM兼容,RVM与EVM一样在字节码级别上运行。当你打算在RVM或EVM上编译智能合约时,编译器需要能够生成字节码和应用程序二进制接口(ABI)。同时Solidyb并不是你唯一的选择,其他编译器可以输出将在RVM或EVM上运行的字节码和ABI,还有Web
Assembly也可以使用。当前RVM还不支持WASM或eWASM,EVM也不支持。RSK正在等待eWASM周围的生态系统成熟。 最终决定可能在AION VM(基于Java)和eWASM之间.
- RVM and EVM
- Yes indeed, the RVM is compatible with theEVM
- The RVM operates at a bytecode level, justlike the EVM
- When you compile a smart contract with theintent to execute it on either the RVM or EVM, the compiler needs to be able toproduce the bytecode and the application binary interface (ABI)
- Solidity is not your only option, othercompilers exist which can output bytecode and ABI that will run on RVM or EVM
- Web Assembly
- RVM currently does not support WASM oreWASM, neither does the EVM
- RSK is waiting for the ecosystem aroundeWASM to mature. The final decision is likely to be between the AION VM(java-based) and eWASM
主持人:第八问,当前传统资产市场和加密市场其实都面临着一些挑战和机遇,RSK/RIF 是怎么看待当前市场的?有哪些准备去抓住这一历史机遇? ( Question 8:At present, both thetraditional asset market and the crypto market are facing some challenges andopportunities. How does RSK / RIF view the current market? What are you goingto do to seize this historic opportunity? )
所以,我也相信这里有一个历史机遇。不仅是鉴于最近发生的事件,我相信这将加快变革的步伐。RSK一直朝着这个方向努力。目前病毒流行引发金融危机,能够促进世界更快的接受数字货币的采用,原因是当今的金融危机如2008年一样,凸显了传统金融机构之间缺乏信任,对经济增长造成了阻碍。在美国,依靠实物收银员支票付款的人数一直很高,直到现在,当关闭银行机构并把人们限制在家里时,这不再是可行的选择。谁知道什么时候银行会重新营业?他们都会重新开放吗? 这些问题将迫使昨天的银行客户使用电子工具进行付款和接收资金,以便他们继续从事经济活动; 这是迈向加密货币的第一步。 在新用户大量加入电子金融服务之后,下一步是要了解区块链为中心化电子支付服务带来的更多好处。这些措施包括不依赖中央机构的交易的即时结算,该交易可能会失败(或破产),并依赖于区块链上的付款痕迹(不在孤立的数据库中)。
IOV Labs的成立是为了建立开放的分散式技术,以实现社会转型。 我们所处的动荡时代表明,缩小数字鸿沟和为人们建立交易和维护价值的工具都是至关重要的。因此,它增强了我们建立有助于金融普惠和所有人共同繁荣的工具的决心。 IOV Labs处于从数字货币和去中心化应用的加速和全球采用中受益的理想位置。
Interms of challenges we have seen how DeFi platforms have been affected by bothcrypto-specific technical issues and traditional market issues (liquidations).It seems inevitable that as the crypto financial infrastructure develops itfaces similar challenges to those faced by traditional financial systems suchas liquidity crunches and risks associated with leveraged trading positions.This is part of the growth path of this nascent sector. In addition, cryptotransactions are natively on the internet so the crypto sector has alwaysattracted hackers trying to break into exchanges or exploit smart contracts fortheir benefit, so security is of primary importance. This is why IOV Labs wantsto contribute to the development of a solid and safe DeFi infrastructure forBitcoin. Bitcoin is currently under-utilised as a collateral for decentralisedloans (one of the core DeFi services) because of the limited possibilities ofusing Bitcoin in smart contracts, this is a problem RSK solves; the RSK smartcontracts enable Bitcoin to be used (through R-BTC) as the collateral and unitof exchange in DeFi applications.
Bydoing so, it opens up a myriad of opportunities to entrepreneurs, developersand users in a new sector we call ‘DeFi for Bitcoin’. So yes, I believe thereis a historical opportunity here but not only in light of recent events, whichI believe will accelerate the pace of change; RSK was always working in thatdirection. The current financial crisis ignited by a virus epidemic has thepotential to fast-forward the adoption of digital currencies in a world whereonce again (as in 2008) trust has been broken and the lack of trust betweenlegacy financial institutions is a barrier to economic growth. In the US, thenumber of people relying on physical cashier’s cheques to make payments hasbeen very high until now when this is no longer a viable option when bankagencies are closed down and people are confined at home. Who knows when bankswill reopen? Will they all reopen? These questions will force yesterday’s bankclients to use electronic tools to make payments and receive funds so they cancontinue to be economically active; this is the first step towardscryptocurrencies. After a massive on-boarding of new users into electronicfinancial services the next step is the understanding that blockchain bringsadded benefits to non-blockchain, centralised electronic payment services;these include instant settlement for transactions not relying on centralauthorities which could go down (or bankrupt) and reliance on a trace of thepayment on the blockchain (not in a siloed data base).
IOVLabs was founded to build open decentralized technology enabling socialtransformation. The turbulent times we live in demonstrate how essential it isto reduce the digital divide and how vital it is to build tools for people totransact and safeguard value. Therefore it reinforces our determination tobuild tools contributing to financial inclusion and prosperity of all. IOV Labsis in an ideal position to benefit from the accelerated and global adoption ofdigital currencies and decentralised applications.
社群成员A:既然RSK已经从比特币跨链到以太坊,以后RSK会不会接入至更多的主流公链?( RSK has already crossed from Bitcoin to Ethereum. Will RSK accessmore public chains in the future? )
Eddy Travia:谢谢您提出这个问题,很好!是的,RSK希望将来与其他区块链相连接。 这些区块链的名称尚未公开,但您可以理解可以跨链到以太坊是最近的发展。当其他的区块链成为可能时,我们将会宣布。RSK认为,区块链之间的互操作性对于整个加密生态系统的未来至关重要。
Thank you forthis question, good point ! Yes RSK is looking to build bridges with otherblockchains in the future; the names of those blockchains are not publiclyavailable yet but you can appreciate the bridge to Ethereum is a recentdevelopment. We will announce the other bridges when available.
RSK believesinter-operability between blockchains is of primary importance for the futureof the whole crypto ecosystem.
社群成员B:MoneyOnChain.com协议于去年年底在RSK上发布,MOC在RSK上的DeFi产品何时会正式推出?( MOC protocol launched at the end of last year on RSK,when will Defi product officially launched on RSK? )
Eddy Travia:感谢您指出这一点!确实,MoneyOnChain DeFi产品对于DeFi for Bitcoin生态系统非常重要。MoneyOnChain令牌(Dollar on Chain,BPRO令牌和BtcPro2X)是实时可用的。目前正在开发使用这些令牌和RSK生态系统的其他令牌的DeFi解决方案,并将很快推出,这是一个好消息!不幸的是,我暂时不能进行公布。但是如果你想了解更多的话可以加入我们RSK/RIF的小助手,及时获取最新消息。
Thank you forpointing this out! Indeed, the MoneyOnChain DeFi products are very importantfor the DeFi for Bitcoin ecosystem. The MoneyOnChain tokens (Dollar on Chain,BPRO token and BtcPro2X) are live and available. The DeFi solutions using thesetokens and other tokens of the RSK ecosystem are currently in development andwill be launched soon - good news coming :-) ! Stay informed on the RSK / RIFchannels. Unfortunately I cannot say more for now…