surpass /sə'pa:s/
v. 超越、胜过
- Its success has surpassed all exceptions.
- 它的成功远远超出了预期
suppress /sə'pres/
v. 镇压、武力平定
- The rebellion was brutally suppressed.
- 起义遭到了残酷的镇压
v. 抑制、控制
- She was unable to suppress her anger.
- 她按耐不住怒火
defend /di'fend/
v. 保护、保卫、为...辩护
- a struggle to defend our homeland
- 保卫我们祖国的斗争
- We need to defend against military aggression.
- 我们需要防御军事侵略
-- defend sth. against/from sth.
- the need to defend democracy against fascism
- 保卫民主、反抗法西斯的需要
-- defend sb. against/from sb./sth.
- He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.
- 针对谣言和指控,他为妻子进行了辩护
defence = defense /di'fens/
n. 防御、保护、辩护
- The first line of defence is a smoke detector.
- 第一道防线是烟雾探测器
- a philosophical defence of nationalism
- 为民族主义所做的哲学辩护
indefensible /indi'fensəbl/
a. (道德上)无可辩解的、不能原谅的
- indefensible behaviour
- 不可原谅的行为
advisory /əd'vaizəri/
a. 顾问的、咨询的
- He was employed in a purely advisory role.
- 他纯粹以顾问身份受聘
n. 警报
- The State Department issues travel advisories about conditions overseas.
- 国务院就海外局势发布旅游警报