
L4-U2-P3-1 Listening: Alcatraz 1恶魔岛

Alcatraz is a small island in San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles from San Francisco. 恶魔岛是旧金山湾的一个小岛,距离旧金山1.5英里。

From Alcatraz, you can see the famous Golden Gate Bridge. 从恶魔岛,你可以看到著名的金门大桥。

Alcatraz is also famous and is now a major tourist attraction. 恶魔岛也很有名,现在是一个主要的旅游景点。

Tourists can reach the island by boat from the city. 游客可以从城市乘船到达该岛。

Alcatraz has often appeared in movies, including Escape from Alcatraz, which was made in 1979. 恶魔岛经常出现在电影中,包括1979年拍摄的《逃离恶魔岛》。

One reason it’s famous is because it used to be a prison, a very special prison. 它出名的一个原因是因为它曾经是一个监狱,一个非常特殊的监狱。

It was designed for prisoners who were causing trouble in other prisons, such as trying to escape. 它是为那些在其他监狱制造麻烦的囚犯设计的,比如试图逃跑。

It was a maximum security prison, so escape was almost impossible. 这是一所戒备森严的监狱,所以越狱几乎是不可能的。

The waters around it are cold and only very strong swimmers can swim from the island to San Francisco. 它周围的海水很冷,只有非常强壮的游泳者才能从岛上游到旧金山。

The first group of prisoners arrived in 1934. 第一批囚犯于1934年到达。

There were 137 prisoners including bank rubbers and murderers. 共有137名囚犯,包括银行职员和杀人犯。

They came by train from another prison in the state of Kansas. 他们是从堪萨斯州的另一所监狱乘火车来的。

During that trip, there was heavy security. 在旅途中,那里戒备森严。

The prisoners were under guard and handcuffed. 囚犯们受到看守并戴上手铐。

L4-U2-P3-2 Listening: Alcatraz

The prison was designed to hold up to 336 prisoners. 这座监狱的设计可容纳336名囚犯。

However, the average population was only about 270. 但平均人口只有270人左右。

Although there were several notorious inmates such as Al Capone, most of the inmates were not well-known. 虽然有几个臭名昭著的囚犯,如艾尔卡彭,大多数囚犯并不知名。

Many had tried to escape from other prisons or working setter to violent. 许多人曾试图从其他监狱逃跑或使用暴力。

If a man did not behave at another prison, he could be sent to Alcatraz. 如果一个人在其他监狱不守规矩,他就会被送到恶魔岛。

At  Alcatraz, there was just one inmate in each prison cell.在恶魔岛,每个牢房只有一名囚犯。

Prison life at Alcatraz was highly structured and boring. 恶魔岛的监狱生活是高度组织化和无聊的。

It was designed to teach prisoners to follow rules. 它的目的是教囚犯遵守规则。

They had four rights: food, clothing, shelter and medical care. 他们有四项权利:食物、衣服、住所和医疗。

Everything else was a privilege that had to be earned. 其他的都是必须争取的特权。

Privileges included working, visits from family members, and access to the prison library. 特权包括工作、家庭成员探望和使用监狱图书馆。

There were also activities such as painting and music. 还有绘画和音乐等活动。

Once a prisoner showed that he could follow the rules, he could be transferred back to another prison to finish his sentence. 一旦一个囚犯表现出他能遵守规则,他就可以被转移回另一个监狱服刑。

Alcatraz was used as a prison for 29 years. 恶魔岛被用作监狱长达29年。

During that time, no prisoners escaped successfully. 在此期间,没有囚犯成功越狱。

There were 14 escape attempts, involving 36 prisoners. 有14次企图逃跑,涉及36名囚犯。

23 were caught alive and 6 were shot and killed. 23人被活捉,6人被枪杀。

2 men tried to escape twice. 两名男子两次试图逃跑。

2 drowned and 5 were listed as missing and presumed drowned. 2人溺亡,5人失踪,推定已溺亡。

The most violent escape attempt occurred on May 2nd, 1946 when six prisoners tried to escape. 最暴力的一次越狱发生在1946年5月2日,当时有6名囚犯试图逃跑。

That event is called the battle of the Alcatraz. 这一事件被称为恶魔岛之战。

While it was in use, Alcatraz had some of the most notorious criminals in American history, such as Al Capone. 在恶魔岛被使用的时候,有一些美国历史上最臭名昭著的罪犯,比如艾尔·卡彭。

Al Capone was a crime boss, who built his career in Chicago. 艾尔·卡彭是一个犯罪头目,他在芝加哥建立了自己的事业。

The prison was finally closed in 1963. 该监狱最终于1963年关闭。

It was closed because it was too expensive to operate. 它被关闭了,因为运营成本太高。

No prisoners ever escaped from Alcatraz. 没有囚犯能逃出恶魔岛。

L4-U2-P3-3 Listening: Graphs & Charts图形和图表

A bar graph uses rectangle bars of different lengths to show and compare data. 条形图使用不同长度的矩形柱状图来显示和比较数据。

The lengths of the bars are proportional to the values they represent. 这些条的长度与它们所代表的值成正比。

The bars can be vertical, up and down, or horizontal. 这些条可以是垂直的、上下的或水平的。

A circle graph, often called a pie graph, is shaped like a circle. 圆图,通常称为饼图,形状像一个圆。

It is divided into segments that look like pieces of a pie.它被分割成看起来像馅饼的小块。

Percentages are used to compare the segments, which are ordered from biggest to smallest. 百分比用于比较分段,从大到小排序。

Line graphs are used to show the relationship between 2 variables such as time and distance. 线形图用来表示时间和距离等两个变量之间的关系。

These variables are plotted on two axis, the x-axis and the y-axis. 这些变量被绘制在两个轴上,x轴和y轴。

(A line graph uses connected points to show how things are related to each other. 线形图使用连接点来显示事物之间的关系。)

The x-axis often shows time, while the y-axis shows how quantities, such as distance, temperature  or profits change with time. x轴通常表示时间,而y轴表示距离、温度或利润等量如何随时间变化。

(Line graphs are very good at showing how things change over time.线形图非常擅长显示事物随时间的变化。)

A flowchart is a type of graph that shows how a process or project flows from start to finish. 流程图是一种显示过程或项目如何从开始到结束的图表。

(A flowchart shows how a process or project flows from start to finish.流程图显示了一个过程或项目是如何从头到尾流动的。)

A flowchart consists of start points, inputs, outputs and decision points. 流程图包括起点、输入、输出和决策点。

(In a flowchart, a decision point shows what happens when a decision is made. 在流程图中,决策点显示了做出决策时发生的情况。)

An organizational chart, or org chart, shows the structure of company. 组织结构图或组织结构图显示了公司的结构。

(An org chart shows how people and departments within a company are connected.组织结构图显示了公司内部的人员和部门是如何相互联系的。)

It shows how people and department within the company are connected. 它显示了公司内部的人员和部门是如何联系在一起的。

It defines the roles and responsibilities of people and departments within the company. 它定义了公司内部人员和部门的角色和责任。

L4-U2-P3-4 Legal Terms法律术语

Laws are rules that people are supposed to follow. 法律是人们应该遵守的规则。

A system of laws governs the behavior of people within the country. 法律体系管理着国内人民的行为。

Criminals are people who break the law. 罪犯是违法的人。

People who commit a crime are called criminals. 犯罪的人被称为罪犯。

Some criminals are very dangerous and need to be put in jail. 有些罪犯非常危险,需要被关进监狱。

A jail or prison is a place where criminals where locked behind bars, sometimes for many years. 监狱是指罪犯被关在监狱里的地方,有时会被关很多年。

Prisons are designed to keep criminals away from other people. 监狱是为了使罪犯与其他人远离而设计的。

(Someone who commits a crime may be sent to prison. 犯罪的人可能会被送进监狱。)

A courthouse is where someone charge with committing a crime goes on trial. 法院是被指控犯罪的人接受审判的地方。

In court evidence is present to show the guilt or innocent person on trial. 法庭上有证据表明被告有罪或无罪。

When someone breaks the law, they may be arrested by the police. 当有人违法时,他们可能会被警察逮捕。

To arrest someone means to take and hold them until they go on trial. 逮捕某人意味着逮捕并关押他们直到他们受审。

When a person is charged with breaking a law, they are tried in a court of law. 当一个人被指控违法时,他们将在法庭受审。

(An action that follow the law is a legal action. 遵循法律的行为就是法律行为。)

(An action that is against the law is an illegal action.违反法律的行为就是非法行为。)

(Someone who is found guilty of committing a crime is sent to prison. 被判有罪的人被送进监狱。


L4-U2-P3-5 Dialogue: Currency Exchange货币兑换

W: May I help you sir? 先生,我能为您效劳吗?

M: I’d like to change some US dollars into Japanese yen, please. 我想把一些美元换成日元

W: Yes, certainly, sir. 当然可以,先生。

How much would you like to change? 您要兑换多少?

M: I’d like to change 500 dollars. 我想兑换500美元。

W: May I see your passport, please? 请出示您的护照。

M: I don’t have it with me, but I do have my driver’s license. 我没带,但我有驾照。

Would that be ok? 可以吗?

W: No, I’m sorry, sir.对不起,先生,先生。

I need to see your passport. It’s the law. 我需要看一下你的护照。这是法律规定。

M: Look, I’m not asking for a loan. 听着,我不是要借钱。

I just want to convert my dollars into yen. 我只是想把美元换成日元。

Why do I need my passport? 为什么我需要护照?

W: I understand your frustration, sir. But that’s the law. 我理解你的沮丧,先生。但这是法律规定。

I cannot do something that is illegal. 我不能做违法的事。

(If something is illegal, it is against the law.如果某事是非法的,它就是违法的。)

M: Ok, do you have any suggestions? 好的,你有什么建议吗?

W: Sure, the easiest thing for you to do is to use a machine in one of the hotels near here. 当然,对你来说最简单的方法就是在附近的旅馆里使用机器。

You can borrow someone’s passport and then do the conversion. 你可以借用某人的护照,然后进行兑换。

M: So the machine doesn’t check my fingerprints or anything like that? 所以机器不检查我的指纹之类的?

W: No, sir. But there’s a limit as how much you can change

at one time. 不,先生。但是你一次能兑换多少是有限制的。

You also have to pay a higher fee. 你还要支付更高的费用。

M: Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

W: You’re welcome, sir.不客气 先生。


L4-U2-P3-6 Listening

L4-U2-P3-7 Vocabulary

L4-U2-P3-8 Speaking

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