Talkies' year: the Academy Awards
① The cinematic ceremony often provides drama of its own.
② In 2016 the furore was #OscarsSoWhite, and the under-representation of non-white actors and directors.
③ Last year, after an envelope mix-up, "La La Land" was mistakenly announced as Best Picture—it was actually "Moonlight".
④ Tomorrow's show will be dominated by the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, which took hold after scores of women accused Harvey Weinstein, a film producer, of sexual assault (which he denies).
⑤ Such protests will enliven what may otherwise be a dull event.
⑥ Gary Oldman is poised to add an Oscar to the gongs he has already won for his portrayal of Winston Churchill.
⑦ "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" is the bookies' favourite for Best Picture, and its star Frances McDormand is likely to take home the Best Actress statuette.
⑧ In years to come, the 90th Academy Awards will probably be remembered for the acceptance speeches, rather than the names in the envelopes.
talkie /ˈtɔːki/: n. 有声电影
cinematic ceremony: 电影盛典
cinematic /sɪnɪˈmatɪk/: adj. 电影的;影片的
furore /ˌfjʊ(ə)ˈrɔ:ri, ˌfjʊ(ə)ˈrɔ/: n. 公愤(an outbreak of public anger or excitement)
hashtag /ˈhaʃtaɡ/: n. 标签;话题
under-representation /ʌndərɛprɪzɛnˈteɪʃ(ə)n/: n. 代表性不足;被忽视
envelope mix-up:信封搞混
take hold: 开始有影响力/作用(start to have an effect)
scores of: 许多;大量
accuse ... of /əˈkju:z/: 谴责;控诉
sexual assault /əˈsɔ:lt, əˈsɒlt/:性侵犯
protest /ˈprəʊtɛst/: n. 抗议;反抗
enliven /ɪnˈlʌɪv(ə)n, ɛnˈlʌɪv(ə)n/: vt. 使有生气
be poised to /pɔɪzd/: 信誓旦旦;准备就绪(be ready and prepared to)
gong /ɡɒŋ/: n. 奖牌;奖章
portrayal /pɔ:ˈtreɪəl/: n. 描绘;肖像;形象塑造
bookie /ˈbʊki/: n. 赌注经纪人;博彩公司(bookmaker)
statuette /statʃʊˈɛt, statjʊˈɛt/: n. 小雕像
Harvey Weinstein:
Harvey Weinstein is an American film producer. He and his brother Bob Weinstein co-founded the entertainment company Miramax, which produced several successful independent films.
Gary Oldman:
Gary Leonard Oldman is an English actor and filmmaker who has worked in theatre, film and television. Known for his versatility and expressive "big" acting style, Oldman is regarded as one of the greatest screen actors of his generation.
"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri":
After months have passed without a culprit in her daughter's murder case, Mildred Hayes makes a bold move, painting three signs leading into her town with a controversial message directed at William Willoughby, the town's revered chief of police. When his second-in-command, Officer Dixon—an immature mother's boy with a penchant for violence—gets involved, the battle is only exacerbated.
Frances McDormand:
Frances McDormand is an American actress. She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and a Tony Award, which makes her one of the few performers to receive the Triple Crown of Acting.