- 在SDWebImageManager 管理器中设置请求头参数
- 在下载器中启用cookes
SDWebImageManager *sdmanger = [SDWebImageManager sharedManager];
[sdmanger.imageDownloader setValue:@"true" forHTTPHeaderField:@"thumbnail"];
SDWebImageDownloader *downLoader = [SDWebImageDownloader sharedDownloader];
[downLoader downloadImageWithURL:@"111" options:SDWebImageDownloaderHandleCookies progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize) {
} completed:^(UIImage *image, NSData *data, NSError *error, BOOL finished) {
// 内部实现还是和上边一样 。
[imageView sd_setImageWithURL:@"" placeholderImage:@"" options:SDWebImageHandleCookies];
= 1 << 0, 默认情况下,如果一个url在下载的时候失败了,那么这个url会被加入黑名单并且library不会尝试再次下载,这个flag会阻止library把失败的url加入黑名单(简单来说如果选择了这个flag,那么即使某个url下载失败了,sdwebimage还是会尝试再次下载他.)SDWebImageLowPriority
= 1 << 1, 默认情况下,图片会在交互发生的时候下载(例如你滑动tableview的时候),这个flag会禁止这个特性,导致的结果就是在scrollview减速的时候才会开始下载(也就是你滑动的时候scrollview不下载,你手从屏幕上移走,scrollview开始减速的时候才会开始下载图片)可以增加UI的流畅度SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly
= 1 << 2,禁止磁盘缓存SDWebImageProgressiveDownload
= 1 << 3,渐进显示实时的下载图片 ,默认是只显示完整下载后的图 。SDWebImageRefreshCached
= 1 << 4,即使有缓存 ,也再次从远程请求图片 。这个时候缓存由NSURLCache 管理。SDWebImageContinueInBackground
= 1 << 5,ios4以上,当app到后台 ,请求增加后台下载的时间 。SDWebImageHandleCookies
= 1 << 6,下载时,允许使用cookes NSMutableURLRequest.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = YES;SDWebImageAllowInvalidSSLCertificates
= 1 << 7,启用允许不受信任的SSL证书。 不推荐使用SDWebImageHighPriority
= 1 << 8, 默认情况下,image在装载的时候是按照他们在队列中的顺序装载的(就是先进先出).这个flag会把他们移动到队列的前端,并且立刻装载而不是等到当前队列装载的时候再装载.SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder
= 1 << 9,SDWebImageTransformAnimatedImage
= 1 << 10, 是否transform图片
执行的其实就是SDWebImageManager 。他会绑定一个下载器也就是SDWebImageDownloader
SDWebImageManager *manager = [SDWebImageManager sharedManager];
[manager downloadImageWithURL:imageURL
completed:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL *imageURL) {
if (image) {
// do something with image
- (BOOL)imageManager:(SDWebImageManager *)imageManager shouldDownloadImageForURL:(NSURL *)imageURL;
- (UIImage *)imageManager:(SDWebImageManager *)imageManager transformDownloadedImage:(UIImage *)image withURL:(NSURL *)imageURL;
typedef NSString *(^SDWebImageCacheKeyFilterBlock)(NSURL *url); @property (nonatomic, copy) SDWebImageCacheKeyFilterBlock cacheKeyFilter;
[[SDWebImageManager sharedManager] setCacheKeyFilter:^(NSURL *url) {
url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithScheme:url.scheme path:url.path];
return [url absoluteString];
- 这个方法主要就是SDWebImage下载图片的方法了.
- 第一个参数是必须要的,就是image的url
- 第二个参数就是我们上面的Options,你可以定制化各种各样的操作.详情参上.
- 第三个参数是一个回调block,用于图片在下载过程中的回调.
- 第四个参数是一个下载完成的回调.会在图片下载完成后回调.
- 返回值是一个NSObject类,并且这个NSObject类是conforming一个协议这个协议叫做SDWebImageOperation,这个协议很简单,就是一个cancel掉operation的协议.
-(id )downloadImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url
- (void)cancelAll;
将图片存入cache的方法,类似于字典的setValue: forKey:
- (void)saveImageToCache:(UIImage *)image forURL:(NSURL *)url;
- (BOOL)isRunning;
- (BOOL)diskImageExistsForURL:(NSURL *)url;
如果检测到图片已经被缓存,那么执行回调block.这个block会永远执行在主线程.也就是你可以在这个回调block里更新ui.(也就是用一个url 来获取缓存的图片 ,并且这个blcok是在主线程)
- (void)cachedImageExistsForURL:(NSURL *)url completion:(SDWebImageCheckCacheCompletionBlock)completionBlock;
- (NSString *)cacheKeyForURL:(NSURL *)url;
- (id )downloadImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url
completed:(SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock)completedBlock {
// Invoking this method without a completedBlock is pointless
NSAssert(completedBlock != nil, @"If you mean to prefetch the image, use -[SDWebImagePrefetcher prefetchURLs] instead");
// Very common mistake is to send the URL using NSString object instead of NSURL. For some strange reason, XCode won't
// throw any warning for this type mismatch. Here we failsafe this error by allowing URLs to be passed as NSString.
if ([url isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) {
url = [NSURL URLWithString:(NSString *)url];
// Prevents app crashing on argument type error like sending NSNull instead of NSURL
if (![url isKindOfClass:NSURL.class]) {
url = nil;
__block SDWebImageCombinedOperation *operation = [SDWebImageCombinedOperation new];
__weak SDWebImageCombinedOperation *weakOperation = operation;
BOOL isFailedUrl = NO;
// 创建一个互斥锁防止现在有别的线程修改failedURLs.
// 判断这个url是否是fail过的.如果url failed过的那么isFailedUrl就是true
@synchronized (self.failedURLs) {
isFailedUrl = [self.failedURLs containsObject:url];
// 如果url不存在那么直接返回一个block,如果url存在.那么继续进行判断.
// options与SDWebImageRetryFailed这个option进行按位与操作.判断用户的options里是否有retry这个option.
// 如果用户的options里没有retry这个选项并且isFaileUrl 是true.那么就回调一个error的block.
if (!url || (!(options & SDWebImageRetryFailed) && isFailedUrl)) {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist userInfo:nil];
completedBlock(nil, error, SDImageCacheTypeNone, YES, url);
return operation;
// 创建一个互斥锁防止现在有别的线程修改runningOperations.
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations addObject:operation];
NSString *key = [self cacheKeyForURL:url];
// cacheOperation应该是一个用来下载图片并且缓存的operation
operation.cacheOperation = [self.imageCache queryDiskCacheForKey:key done:^(UIImage *image, SDImageCacheType cacheType) {
// 判断operation这时候有没有执行cancel操作,如果cancel掉了就把这个operation从我们的operation数组里remove掉然后return
if (operation.isCancelled) {
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations removeObject:operation];
if ((!image || options & SDWebImageRefreshCached) && (![self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(imageManager:shouldDownloadImageForURL:)] || [self.delegate imageManager:self shouldDownloadImageForURL:url])) {
if (image && options & SDWebImageRefreshCached) {
// If image was found in the cache bug SDWebImageRefreshCached is provided, notify about the cached image
// AND try to re-download it in order to let a chance to NSURLCache to refresh it from server.
completedBlock(image, nil, cacheType, YES, url);
// download if no image or requested to refresh anyway, and download allowed by delegate
// 下面都是判断我们的options里包含哪些SDWebImageOptions,然后给我们的downloaderOptions相应的添加对应的SDWebImageDownloaderOptions. downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority这种表达式的意思等同于
// downloaderOptions = downloaderOptions | SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority
SDWebImageDownloaderOptions downloaderOptions = 0;
if (options & SDWebImageLowPriority) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority;
if (options & SDWebImageProgressiveDownload) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderProgressiveDownload;
if (options & SDWebImageRefreshCached) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderUseNSURLCache;
if (options & SDWebImageContinueInBackground) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderContinueInBackground;
if (options & SDWebImageHandleCookies) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderHandleCookies;
if (options & SDWebImageAllowInvalidSSLCertificates) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderAllowInvalidSSLCertificates;
if (options & SDWebImageHighPriority) downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority;
if (image && options & SDWebImageRefreshCached) {
// force progressive off if image already cached but forced refreshing
downloaderOptions &= ~SDWebImageDownloaderProgressiveDownload;
// ignore image read from NSURLCache if image if cached but force refreshing
downloaderOptions |= SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse;
// 调用imageDownloader去下载image并且返回执行这个request的download的operation
id subOperation = [self.imageDownloader downloadImageWithURL:url options:downloaderOptions progress:progressBlock completed:^(UIImage *downloadedImage, NSData *data, NSError *error, BOOL finished) {
if (weakOperation.isCancelled) {
// Do nothing if the operation was cancelled
// See #699 for more details
// if we would call the completedBlock, there could be a race condition between this block and another completedBlock for the same object, so if this one is called second, we will overwrite the new data
else if (error) {
if (!weakOperation.isCancelled) {
completedBlock(nil, error, SDImageCacheTypeNone, finished, url);
if (error.code != NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet && error.code != NSURLErrorCancelled && error.code != NSURLErrorTimedOut) {
@synchronized (self.failedURLs) {
[self.failedURLs addObject:url];
else {
if ((options & SDWebImageRetryFailed)) {
@synchronized (self.failedURLs) {
[self.failedURLs removeObject:url];
BOOL cacheOnDisk = !(options & SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly);
if (options & SDWebImageRefreshCached && image && !downloadedImage) {
// Image refresh hit the NSURLCache cache, do not call the completion block
else if (downloadedImage && (!downloadedImage.images || (options & SDWebImageTransformAnimatedImage)) && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(imageManager:transformDownloadedImage:withURL:)]) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
UIImage *transformedImage = [self.delegate imageManager:self transformDownloadedImage:downloadedImage withURL:url];
if (transformedImage && finished) {
BOOL imageWasTransformed = ![transformedImage isEqual:downloadedImage];
[self.imageCache storeImage:transformedImage recalculateFromImage:imageWasTransformed imageData:data forKey:key toDisk:cacheOnDisk];
if (!weakOperation.isCancelled) {
completedBlock(transformedImage, nil, SDImageCacheTypeNone, finished, url);
else {
if (downloadedImage && finished) {
[self.imageCache storeImage:downloadedImage recalculateFromImage:NO imageData:data forKey:key toDisk:cacheOnDisk];
if (!weakOperation.isCancelled) {
completedBlock(downloadedImage, nil, SDImageCacheTypeNone, finished, url);
if (finished) {
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations removeObject:operation];
operation.cancelBlock = ^{
[subOperation cancel];
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations removeObject:weakOperation];
else if (image) {
if (!weakOperation.isCancelled) {
completedBlock(image, nil, cacheType, YES, url);
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations removeObject:operation];
else {
// Image not in cache and download disallowed by delegate
if (!weakOperation.isCancelled) {
completedBlock(nil, nil, SDImageCacheTypeNone, YES, url);
@synchronized (self.runningOperations) {
[self.runningOperations removeObject:operation];
return operation;
- (NSString *)cachedFileNameForKey:(NSString *)key {
const char *str = [key UTF8String];
if (str == NULL) {
str = "";
unsigned char r[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CC_MD5(str, (CC_LONG)strlen(str), r);
NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%@",
r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10],
r[11], r[12], r[13], r[14], r[15], [[key pathExtension] isEqualToString:@""] ? @"" : [NSString stringWithFormat:@".%@", [key pathExtension]]];
return filename;
判断一个图片的类型 ,是png还是jpng
- (void)storeImage:(UIImage *)image recalculateFromImage:(BOOL)recalculate imageData:(NSData *)imageData forKey:(NSString *)key toDisk:(BOOL)toDisk {
if (!image || !key) {
// if memory cache is enabled
if (self.shouldCacheImagesInMemory) {
NSUInteger cost = SDCacheCostForImage(image);
[self.memCache setObject:image forKey:key cost:cost];
if (toDisk) {
dispatch_async(self.ioQueue, ^{
NSData *data = imageData;
if (image && (recalculate || !data)) {
// We need to determine if the image is a PNG or a JPEG
// PNGs are easier to detect because they have a unique signature (
// The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (decimal) values:
// 137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10
// If the imageData is nil (i.e. if trying to save a UIImage directly or the image was transformed on download)
// and the image has an alpha channel, we will consider it PNG to avoid losing the transparency
int alphaInfo = CGImageGetAlphaInfo(image.CGImage);
BOOL hasAlpha = !(alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNone ||
alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst ||
alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast);
BOOL imageIsPng = hasAlpha;
// But if we have an image data, we will look at the preffix
if ([imageData length] >= [kPNGSignatureData length]) {
imageIsPng = ImageDataHasPNGPreffix(imageData);
if (imageIsPng) {
data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
else {
data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, (CGFloat)1.0);
data = [NSBitmapImageRep representationOfImageRepsInArray:image.representations usingType: NSJPEGFileType properties:nil];
[self storeImageDataToDisk:data forKey:key];