There is an issue
A smart table loads data in reuse component endlessly, the page needs to be reloaded in uiveri5 before this bug is fixed.
Setps to reproduce the issue
1.Click button on Object Page A;
2.Navigate to Canvas Page 'B', contans a smart table, will request data from backend endlessly ;
The solution of reload the page in uiveri5
Insert "2. waiting action" before call the "3. should reload the page ", otherwise will reload the Object Page A.
The uiveri5 spec was passed.
But the setp2 wastes 3.5 mins.
The reason is that timeouts.allScriptsTimeout is 200000(near about 3.5 mins) .
Question 1: why the step 2 needs so long time, it is existing on the page header.
Maybe the smart table keep loading issue affects it, they are on the on page(Canvas Page B).
Then I changed the timeouts.allScriptsTimeout to 20000.
As expected, the execution time of step 2 greatly reduced.
The parameter 'allScriptsTimeout' is under the 'timeouts' .
Question 2:why there is no time out error for step 2?
it("1. should click button on Object Page A", async () => {
//Click button 'Simulate'
it("2. waiting action", async () => {
//This step is just for waiting the Canvas Page displays, then reload the page 'B', otherwise will reload the Object Page 'A'
it("3. should reload the page ", async () => {
await browser.driver.navigate().refresh();
await browser.loadUI5Dependencies();