package com.pptb.bigdata.hive.udf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* 根据日期计算星座的UDF
@Description(name = "zodiac",
value = "_FUNC_(date) from the input date string or separate month and day arugments,returns the sign of the Zodiac.",
extended = "Example:\n"
+ ">SELECT _FUNC_(date string) from src;\n"
+ ">SELECT _FUNC_(month,day) from src;")
public class UDFZodiacSign extends UDF {
private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
public UDFZodiacSign() {
this.dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
public String evaluate(Date birthDay) {
return this.evaluate(birthDay.getMonth() + 1, birthDay.getDate());
public String evaluate(String birthDay) {
Date date = null;
try {
date = this.dateFormat.parse(birthDay);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
return this.evaluate(date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate());
public String evaluate(Integer month, Integer day) {
if (month == 1) {
if (day <= 20) {
return "摩羯座";
} else {
return "水瓶座";
if (month == 2) {
if (day <= 19) {
return "水瓶座";
} else {
return "双鱼座";
if (month == 3) {
if (day <= 20) {
return "双鱼座";
} else {
return "白羊座";
if (month == 4) {
if (day <= 20) {
return "白羊座";
} else {
return "金牛座";
if (month == 5) {
if (day <= 21) {
return "金牛座";
} else {
return "双子座";
if (month == 6) {
if (day <= 21) {
return "双子座";
} else {
return "巨蟹座";
if (month == 7) {
if (day <= 22) {
return "巨蟹座";
} else {
return "狮子座";
if (month == 8) {
if (day <= 23) {
return "狮子座";
} else {
return "处女座";
if (month == 9) {
if (day <= 23) {
return "处女座";
} else {
return "天秤座";
if (month == 10) {
if (day <= 23) {
return "天秤座";
} else {
return "天蝎座";
if (month == 11) {
if (day <= 22) {
return "天蝎座";
} else {
return "天蝎座";
if (month == 12) {
if (day <= 22) {
return "天蝎座";
} else {
return "摩羯座";
return null;
编写Hive UDF函数需要引用如下两个jar:
代码写好后,我们将函数打包,建议将所有引用jar打包到一起,也就是打包成fat jar,本地打包的jar地址:
在Hive CLI中通过命令add jar 把我们打包的jar加入到类路径下:
hive > add jar /Users/wesley/rework/bigdata/target/bigdata-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
然后通过create function命令定义我们的函数:
hive > create temporary function zodiac as 'com.pptb.bigdata.hive.udf.UDFZodiacSign';
hive >select zodiac('2017-06-05') from dual;