L2C 20193000701 02号 李梦媛Aria
1.1200 BCE 2. silver 3. 550 BCE 4. 118 BCE 5. paper money 6.(permanently circulating) banknotes 7. 1971 8. 460 BCE
9-15 A E D B C E E
16-22 B A C C B C A
18 should be A 22 should be C
a- iv b- v c- vii d- i e- viii f- iii g- vi h- ii
i- to make ends meet
ii- to be hard up
iii- a nest egg
iv- money talks
v- make a mint
vi- to be made of money
vii- as good as gold
a. money to burn
b.make ends meet
c. money talks
d. made a mint
e. hard up
f.as good as gold
g. made of money
h.nest egg
这周学习了跟钱有关的主题单元, 学习到一些有关于钱的历史变化,还有不同地区钱的算法,让我更加了解到了除了我们自己平时用的人名币以外的其他货币的历史,从新单元的学习中开阔了我的眼界。并且在新的学习中又积累了关于货币的词组为了日后雅思学习考试有了更多的帮助。
From this unit, I learned money through the ages, from different regions and different times. Also I learned throughout history, coins have been by far the most improtant form of money. That made me remember when I was little, I used to collected lots of coins in to my saving pot