圣路易下了好大的雨。 风雷闪电的,整个校园都变成了蓝灰色。 很好看。
这周完全就是在瞎忙乎! 对! 没错! 完全没建树呀呀呀。
又去看了一遍《飘》,在那个有很舒服的沙发躺椅的AMC16看的。 电影虽然漏掉了很多细节(还是有四个小时妈妈!),但还是我看过得最好的书改电影之一。
所以dream scene已经变成: flee from flaming Atlanta with Rhett Butler.
颓废了那么久,又该重新计划啦! ^_^ 锻炼神马的已经好久没想起来了哈哈哈整个人都肥了几圈好么!
So, lately I've been thinking about the end a lot. Don't know where, don't know when. But that's how I always picture how that would look like: I would be the last, hopefully. Alone, then. The ones I have in mind will not be there. It might be cold, mild cold. I would slowly sit down on the floor, thinking, hoping as usual for the ones to appear. Hoping for miracle. No, miracle doesn't sound right. Hoping for
It won't happen, of course. Like usual.
Because I'll not be remembered.
As I wait, I would keep telling myself: it's okay. It's okay to hope, and it's okay it won't happen.
That will be the end.