L9 U3 人生各阶段

Module 1 事情是如何改变的

1. 工作的东西


  • I need to do lots of overtime. 我需要大量的加班。
  • I have a lot of responsibility. 我有很多的责任。
  • I need to deal with people's problems. 我需要处理人的问题。
  • There's no time to work on my own projects. 没有时间去做我自己的项目。
  • I spend so much time in meetings. 我花太多时间开会。
  • I get a say in what we decide. 我在我们决定做什么方面有话语权。
  • I often get stressed out. 我经常被压得喘不过气来。
  • It's a well-paid job. 这是一个待遇优厚的工作。
  • He often gets stressed out at work. 他在工作中常感到焦虑。
  • We all spend too much time in meetings. 我们都花太多时间开会了。
  • A manager needs to deal with people's problems. 经理需要处理人们的问题。
  • It's a difficult job, but it's also well-paid. 这个工作不好做,但薪资很好。
  • There's no time to work on my own projects. 没有时间去做我自己的项目。
  • She has a lot of responsibility in that position. 她在那个职位有很多责任。
  • Everyone in the office works lots of overtime. 办公室的每个人都常加班。
  • It's important to get a say in what we decide. 在做决定时有话语权是重要的。

2. 回忆

  • He often worked late into the night. 他经常工作到深夜。
  • He did become a successful engineer. 他真的成为一名成功的工程师。
  • I think he felt bad. 我认为他感觉很糟。
  • He was missing out. 他错过了。
  • He wasn't around. 他不在。
  • He was a good father. 他是一个好父亲。


  • Remember when we would make believe that we were married? 还记得我们假扮结婚吗?
  • Those were the days. I'd swim all summer! 那些日子真美好。我整个夏天都在游泳!
  • Life was simpler back then. 生活在那时简单得多。

请注意,对于仅发生过一次的过去事件,不可使用 would。

  • Gale took her first step when she was 10 months old. She would walk and fall around each room of the house, and then she'd start again.
  • 盖尔 10 个月大时,迈出了自己的第一步。她会在每个房间里走动、跌倒,乐此不疲。
  • Everything was easier back then. 那时候的一切都简单得多。
  • Remember when you'd spend all day exploring? 还记得你花一整天时间探索的时候吗?
  • Those were the days! 那些日子真美好!
  • I'd play make-believe and go exploring. 我会乔装打扮和外出探索。
  • When I was young, I loved hanging out with friends. 年轻时,我喜欢和朋友们一起玩。

3. 过去的习惯行为

使用used to来描述已经不再发生并在过去结束的日常习惯。

  • I used to complain a lot about this job, but it's taught me so much. 关于这个工作我曾经抱怨了很多,但它教会了我很多。
  • I used to have more responsibility before, but now I'm much more relaxed at work. 我之前常有更多的责任,但是现在在工作上我更轻松了。

用didn't use to来描述现在发生但是过去没有发生的事情。注意,在否定形式中,在use to中没有d。

  • I didn't use to spend so much time dealing with other people's problems. 我过去不常花这么多的时间来处理其他人的问题。
  • In the other department, I didn't use to get a say in the bigger decisions. 在另外一个部门,我过去常没有对大的决定的话语权。
  • He used to complain about his job. 他过去常常抱怨他的工作。
  • I didn't use to get a say in decisions. 我过去在做决定时没有话语权。
  • She didn't use to work much overtime. 她过去不常加班。
  • We used to have a lot more problems. 我们过去有多很多的问题。

Module 2 讨论工作-生活平衡

1. 工作

  • Something came up. 出了点事。
  • issue 问题
  • right job 合适的工作
  • overtime 加班
  • compensation 薪资
  • time off 休假
  • three weeks off 休假三周
  • career choice 职业选择

含有 off 的假期表达
用含有 off 的表达来谈论休假和假期:

  • A: Are you taking any time off? 你要休假吗?
  • B: Yes. I have a week off in May. 是的。我五月份休假一周。
  • Brent gets New Year's Day off. 布伦特在元旦节休假。
  • She's off next week. 她下周休假。

2. 含有'as if'和'as though'的感官动词

用感官动词 + as if 或 as though 来谈论你对某个情境的认知。

  • I feel as if I don't have enough time off. 我觉得好像自己的休假时间不够。
  • It looks as though I'll be compensated well. 似乎我会拿到很不错的工资。
  • It sounds as if you worked a lot of overtime. 听起来好像你经常加班。

在非正式的交谈中,你会听到 like,而非 as if 或 as though。这从技术角度而言不正确,但却很常见。

  • It seems like he's been off for a month. 他好像已经休假一个月了。
  • It looks like we'll have to work on the weekend. 看样子我们周末也得上班。

3. 表达怀疑和确定

  • Do you ever have any doubts? 你是否有任何怀疑?
  • No – none at all. 不,完全没有。
  • I'm completely sure ... 我完全确定……
  • I'm wondering if ... 我想知道……
  • I doubt it. 我很怀疑。
  • You're sure? 你确定吗?
  • absolutely 绝对地
  • Definitely. I'm positive. 当然。我很肯定。
  • I'm completely comfortable with it. 我能坦然面对。
  • I'm absolutely sure it's the right thing. 我完全确信这样做没错。
  • Sometimes I wonder about my career choice. 有时我对自己的职业选择感到疑惑。
  • Do you have any doubts about it? 你对此有什么怀疑吗?
  • I doubt that it's right for me. 我怀疑这对我是否合适。

Module 3 改变生活方式

1. 生活方式


  • I'm on the go all day. 我整天都很忙碌。
  • I usually just grab fast food on my way home. 我通常只是在回家的路上吃点快餐。
  • I get to the gym as often as I can. 我尽可能多的去健身房。
  • I don't meet up with friends so often. 我不经常和朋友见面。
  • You've got to make time for something you enjoy. 你得腾出时间做自己喜欢的事情。
  • I stay in most nights. 大多数晚上我呆在家里。
  • I try to chill out in the evenings. 我晚上试着放松。
  • I meet people for brunch on the weekend. 周末我约人吃早午饭。
  • I try to keep in touch with my friends. 我试着和我的朋友们保持联系。
  • She stays in most work nights. 她工作日的晚上呆在家里。
  • He usually just grabs fast food on his way home. 他通常在回家的路上买些快餐。
  • We're on the go all day. 我们整天都在忙碌中。
  • I try to keep in touch with my friends. 我尽量与我的朋友们保持联系。
  • It's good to chill out on the weekend. 周末的时候放松一下是很好的。
  • I don't meet up with friends so often. 我不常和朋友们见面。
  • You've got to make time for something you enjoy. 你一定要抽出时间做你喜欢做的事。

2. 全球老龄化人口


  1. 寻找年龄。
  2. 寻找年份。
  3. 寻找百分比。

In 2005, people who were 65 years or older made up 20 percent of the Japanese population.

The world's aging population


Average age in 1950: 29 years old
Average age in 2050: 45 years old

The world's population is aging.
The average age in developed countries was 29 in the year 1950.
By the year 2050, the average age will be 45.

Japan's population is aging faster than any other developed country.
In 2005, 20% of the Japanese population was 65 years or older.
By 2055, people who are 65 or older could make up 40% of the population.

3. 变化的情况


  • These days, I'm noticing that it's more difficult to stay in touch with everyone. ,我注意到和每个人都保持联系更难了。
  • I think it's getting harder and harder to make time for myself. 我认为越来越难找些时间给自己了。
  • I'm finding myself spending more time staying in and chilling out. 我发现我花更多的时间呆在家里和放松了。
  • Right now, I'm struggling to find time to cook in the evening. I usually just grab takeout. 现在,我很难有时间晚上做饭。我通常就是买外卖。
  • I haven't gotten to the gym in ages. 我好久没有去健身房了。
  • I haven't met up with any of my friends in ages. 我好久没有见任何我的朋友了。
  • I'm noticing that I don't have much free time. 我注意到我没有太多的空闲时间。
  • It's harder and harder to make time for myself. 越来越难找出时间给自己了。
  • I'm struggling to find time to get to the gym. 我很难找时间去健身房。
  • I find myself spending more time chilling out. 我发现我自己花更多的时间放松。

Module 4 讨论将来的计划

1. 生活变化


  • I'd like to keep doing the same thing. 我想继续做同样的事情。
  • I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing. 我很高兴做我正在做的事情。
  • I'd like to stay in the same industry. 我想留在同行业中。
  • I have no plans to make a change for now. 我没有计划要改变现在。


  • I wouldn't mind a change in my career path. 我不介意我的职业道路有所变化。
  • I'd like to move back to the north. 我想搬回到北部。
  • I want to live nearer to my family. 我想住得离我的家人近些。
  • It'd be great to spend more time with the kids. 多花些时间和孩子在一起会是很棒的。
  • She'd like to stay in the same industry. 她想留在相同的行业。
  • He'd like to keep doing the same thing. 他想继续做同样的事情。
  • We have no plans to make a change for now. 我们没有计划要改变现在。
  • It'd be great to spend more time with the kids. 能多花些时间与孩子们在一起会是很棒的。
  • He'd like to move back to the north. 他想搬回到北方。
  • She wants to live nearer to her family. 她想住在离她家更近的地方。
  • I wouldn't mind a change in my career path. 我不介意在我的职业道路上有所变化。
  • I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing. 我很开心做我现在做的事。

2. 未来


  • I don't want to keep doing the same thing again and again. 我不想一次又一次做同样的事情。
  • I don't plan to change my career path, for now. 现在我不打算改变我的职业道路。


  • Once I've been in this role for a couple of years, I wouldn't mind switching careers. 一旦我在这个职位做几年了,我不介意改变职业。
  • I think one day it'd be nice to move nearer to my family, and maybe do something a bit less stressful.

要指代在将来的某一点将要完成的事件,用will + have +过去分词。

  • By the end of this year, I'll have been with Western for eight years. 到今年年底,我就已经在西方做八年了。
  • I hope by that time I'll have retired. 我希望到那个时候我就已经退休了。
  • In May, I'll have been here for a year. 到五月,我就会在这做满一年了。
  • I have no plans to live nearer to my family. 我不打算住在离我家人近的地方。
  • It'd be great if I found a new job. 如果我找到一个新的工作将是很棒的。
  • I'll have earned enough to retire by next year. 明年我将会赚足够的钱就可以退休了。
  • After this project, I wouldn't mind some time off. 这个项目后,我不介意休息一段时间。

3. 我的将来会是怎样

Invest in Your Future


Location: Seattle

Forum posts: 157

7:43 p.m.

I'm feeling optimistic about my future.
We've just met with a financial planner.
We're setting up a college fund for our children, and I'm trying to build my investments.
By the time I turn 35, I'll have started my own energy business.
Before my kids graduate from college, I'll have doubled my profits.
Hopefully, my investments will have performed even better than the expected 6% per year.
Then my wife and I can travel around the world, even though the price of flights will have increased by 200%.
By 2050, we'll have retired and bought a vacation home on Yellow Sands Island.
Everything should be okay financially, so my primary concern will be for our health and the health of our environment.

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