It is the second time to read Gone with the wind, first time was in Chinese. When finished that whole book, I just completely attracted by Scarlett, who with a strong heart, always trying to solve problems with right methods, although those might be deemed confusing ways and exceeded so-called moralities. She always known what is her loved, wanted. An inspiring girl for me.
This time, I just want to read it in English, and know better about this book, as well as so many lovely characters.
From the begining, shows Scarlett's description. From it, you will have a strong feeling of her personality traits. This also determined the whole novel.
Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly titled at the ends. Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting astartling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin——that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded withbonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.
Following the character description of Ashley.
For Ashley was born of a line of men who used their leisure for thinking, not doing, for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality. He moved in an inner world that was more beautiful than Georgia and came back to reality with reluctance. He looked on people, and he neither liked nor disliked them. He looked on life and was neither heartened nor saddened. He accepted the universe and his place in it for what they were and, shrugging, turned to his music and books and his better world.
Compared to their unique personalities, that is easy to find out they are from different worlds, one is full of passion and consist on fighting for what her loves, while the other is just a dreamer, whether like or dislike, he has no special feelings to the world, everything seems empty, nothing deservs special actions to achieve.
Novel is going on, based on the original language, it's better to get precise meaning from writer. Will share more reviews of this book in future.