On a side note does anyone know how much the calendar art stuff cost in particular the sketch books and calendars?說句題外話
Miscarriage 流产
ectopic pregnancy 宫外孕
contractions 宫缩
gastro bug 肠胃炎
memes 表情包
No worries at all Summer, I totally understand. I have to be at work for 10am tomorrow. Could I drop Sam just before? Of if that’s too early I can take him to work and drop to your just after 1pm? I don’t want you to feel pressure to take him if you are very busy. Kati
Summer would it be ok if I went to get my groceries with Ollie? We might be 45 mins 我们去买点东西
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!有问题联系