(1)0B unit9 turtle and snail 儿歌及拓展部分 汉语:牙牙学语下第十五单元扯轱辘圆 第十六单元 搬鸡蛋
(2)视频0Bunit1-unit12中文:牙牙学语下十五,十六单元、1Aunit1 Little bee -unit12 chemny
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw 1Aunit1-unit12 中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《三字经》《声律启蒙》《必背古诗75首》
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 8 本,牛津树 4本,小书《Turtle and snail 》《Egg fun 》OB大书,《Five little monkey 》
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第十五,十六单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本,小兔汤姆5本、暖暖心5本
(4)重点句型:drive the fire truck ,hurry hurry ,Look for...,climb the ...spary the water ...house is on fire ,help
(5)field trip:The pancake
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw;1Aunit Little bee-unit12 The chimney
2.3其他:《三字经》节选 05 稻粮菽 麦黍稷 06 高曾祖 父而身 11 夏有禹 上有唐 12始春秋 终战国,15 明太祖,久亲师 16口而诵,心而惟 17.如囊萤,入映雪 18.彼既成,众称异 19唐刘晏 方七岁 20 幼儿学,壮而行
《必背古诗75首》03 咏鹅-骆宾王、04咏柳-贺知章、06登鹳雀楼-王之涣、 08凉州词-王之涣 09登鹳雀楼-王之涣,11凉州词-王翰,12 出塞-王昌龄 ,13芙蓉楼送辛渐-王昌龄,14鹿柴-王维,15 送元二使安西-王维 16 九月九日忆山东兄弟-王维 17静夜思-李白 18 古朗月行-李白 19 望庐山瀑布-李白
《声律启蒙》04上平声 四支 05 上平声五微 06上平声六鱼 13上平声十三元 16 下平声 一先 17 下平声二萧 18 下平声 三肴19 下平声 四豪 20 下平声 五歌
3.1英语:Unit9 turtle and snail unit 10 The firemen unit11 johny johny unit12 see saw unit5four little baby ducks unit6 cats unit7walking walking unit8 Teddy bear
3.2汉语: 牙牙上第二单元 推磨 牙牙下十四单元小公鸡学打鸣 、十五单元 扯轱辘圆,十六单元 搬鸡蛋
5、Game time
5.1Monster Time
M:Family time
W:let's play game
M:We are going to play a monster game .in this game ,the monster likes to eat turtle and snail .who wants to be the monster?
W:我要当monster .
M:Ok ,Waylon is the monster,who wants to be the snail ? who wants to be the turtle ? raise your hand .\
S:I want to be the snail
X:I want to be the turtle
M:Now the turtle and snail will wander around the room ,the monster will come in and try to eat them .when the turtle and the snail see the monster ,they should squat down .so monster can't see them .when the monster leaves,the turtle and the snail can stand up ,clear?
W:got it
S/X:got it
M:Ready set go !
5.2 Crawl like the turtle
M:Waylon ,come over here ,let's play a game .
M:We will play turtle and snail .listen carefully .I am the turtle and you are the snail .
M:Crawl like the turtle and snail 1,2,3 crawl like the snail ,you and me ,turtle hides his head ,snail hides his head ,turtle and snail are crawling on the ground ,when you hear "hides his head 'we should squat down ,and lower our head .when you hear “Crawling on the ground ” we will crawl on the ground ,ok ?
M:the tune is the song “sitting on the carpet”
M:You Got it ,let's try one time .ok?
5.3Family time
M:Let's play a game .Let's pretend to be turtles,Ok ?I am the mother turtle and you are the baby turtle .
M:This is the turtle.hide in the shell ,Be-bop be-bop be-bop be-bop hide the head well .
M:Very good。Now let's pretend to be the baby snail .
W/M:this is a snail ,hide in the shell ,be-bop be-bop hide the head well .
5.4 protect my honey
M:Waylon ,you are little bee now ,Little bee
W:Little bee little bee round round round ,little bee little bee sound sound sound buzzzzzz!听了几天音频已经可以自己唱了
M:Wow,you are very good ,good job!
M:This is your honey jar ,I will put it under your chair ,and you ait on the chair to protect it .the bear want to eat your honey , when bear comeing toward you ,you should stand up and chase the bear ,make it go away !
M:Ok ,who want to be the bear
M:OK,肖肖 you are bear .Are you ready ?
W:Ready set go !
M:Wow,the bear coming
M: you should stand up ,and chase that big bear ,make it go away .
W:chase that big bad bear ,make it go away ,shoo ! chase that big bad bear make it go away shoo! shoo!
今日总结:今天玩得很high,再做儿歌游戏的时候已经不想再配合我了,就结合他的兴趣换了一下其他的,一直要求我玩Handy Dandy,在他的心里Handy Dandy就有东西吃,egg fun 的游戏就有巧克力在里面。满足了一下小小的心愿,吃了两个巧克力豆,开心的要飞起来。听见牛听听在播,five little monkeys,自己在那里边唱演绎,mama call the doctor ,the doctor said , five little monkey jumping on the bed ,开启自high模式,老母亲感冒发烧喉咙发炎实在是跟不上了,就默默蹲在一边看他自high了!