Put yourself in situations that you have too much to lose, if you cannot to lose, you wont, cut your ties to the past, enter unknown territories where you must depend on your wits and energy to see you through, like you have to fight like hell to get out alive.
1. 斩断后路
2. 每天都当做生命最后的一天
1. Stake everything on a single throw 孤注一掷
2. Act before you are ready 果断执行
we often wait too long to act, particularly when wen face no outside pressure, it is sometimes better to act before you think you are ready, to force the issue and cross the Rubicon, not only will you take your opponents by surprise, you will also have to make the most of your resources, you have committed yourself and cannot turn back , under pressure your creativity will flourish, do this often and you will develop your ability to think and act fast
3. Enter new waters 勇于探索新的境地
4. Make it "you against the world" 万人操戈独往而不顾
5. Keep yourself restless and unsatisfied 永不满足
当我们感觉累的时候,往往是我们感觉无聊和无所事事的时候。 Sometimes death only comes from a lack of energy.