Finding SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in a genome involves multiple bioinformatics steps. Below is a general workflow for identifying SNPs from raw sequencing data:
1. Prepare Input Data
- Input: High-quality DNA sequencing reads (e.g., Illumina paired-end data).
- Tools: FastQC, Trimmomatic, fastp.
- Quality Check: Use tools like FastQC to assess the quality of raw reads.
- Read Trimming: Remove low-quality bases, adapter sequences, and short reads to ensure high data quality.
2. Map Reads to a Reference Genome
- Input: Cleaned reads and a reference genome.
- Tools: BWA, BWA-MEM2, Bowtie2, or HISAT2.
- Index the reference genome:
bwa index reference.fasta
- Align the reads to the reference genome:
bwa mem reference.fasta reads_R1.fastq reads_R2.fastq > aligned_reads.sam
- Index the reference genome:
3. Convert, Sort, and Index Alignments
- Tools: SAMtools, Picard.
- Convert SAM to BAM:
samtools view -bS aligned_reads.sam > aligned_reads.bam
- Sort the BAM file:
samtools sort aligned_reads.bam -o sorted_reads.bam
- Index the sorted BAM file:
samtools index sorted_reads.bam
- Convert SAM to BAM:
4. Remove Duplicates (Optional)
Tools: Picard
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates \ I=sorted_reads.bam \ O=dedup_reads.bam \ M=dedup_metrics.txt
sambamba markdup -r -t 10 \
${sample}_sort.bam \
5. Call Variants
- Tools: GATK (HaplotypeCaller), FreeBayes, or bcftools.
- Generate a
(genomic VCF) with GATK HaplotypeCaller:gatk HaplotypeCaller \ -R reference.fasta \ -I dedup_reads.bam \ -O output.g.vcf.gz \ -ERC GVCF
- Optionally, combine multiple samples into a single VCF using
or similar tools. - Perform joint genotyping to generate the final variant calls:
gatk GenotypeGVCFs \ -R reference.fasta \ -V combined.g.vcf.gz \ -O final_variants.vcf.gz
- Generate a
6. Filter Variants
- Tools: GATK VariantFiltration, bcftools filter.
- Apply filters to remove low-quality SNPs:
gatk VariantFiltration \ -R reference.fasta \ -V final_variants.vcf.gz \ --filter-expression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0" \ --filter-name "basic_snp_filter" \ -O filtered_variants.vcf.gz
- Apply filters to remove low-quality SNPs:
7. Annotate SNPs
- Tools: SnpEff, ANNOVAR, VEP.
- Annotate SNPs with their effects on genes or regulatory regions:
snpEff ann database_name filtered_variants.vcf.gz > annotated_variants.vcf
- Annotate SNPs with their effects on genes or regulatory regions:
8. Visualize and Validate SNPs
- Tools: IGV (Integrative Genomics Viewer), bcftools stats.
- Validate SNPs visually using tools like IGV to confirm alignment accuracy.
- Generate statistics on the variants:
bcftools stats filtered_variants.vcf.gz > variant_stats.txt
Final File: A VCF file (
) containing high-confidence SNPs, optionally annotated with functional information.
Key Considerations
- Ensure the reference genome is appropriate for the species being studied.
- Adjust variant calling and filtering parameters based on sequencing depth and quality.
- Use biological replicates or pooled data for more robust SNP detection.