2018-09-04 Principles Life 條文的KK音標

寫了程式將Principles 條文的單字,盡量查出KK音標,整理出來,方便一邊讀條文、一邊練習英文發音。

  1. 總共查到了957個單字的音標,如再去舉一些很基礎的單字,其實"生字量"也就幾百個,比想像中少很多。
  2. Principles Life and Work 的條文版在這https://inside.bwater.com/publications/principles_excerpt
  3. 雖說,是可以再加上各個單字的意思,但是會造成表格膨脹變亂,非常不好閱讀,還是就維持這個加音標版。
  4. 09/06 updated - 加入中文翻譯,使用python translation模組
1 Embrace Reality and Deal with It
[ɪmˋbres] [riˋælətɪ] [ænd] [dil] [wɪð]


1.1 Be a hyperrealist.


a. Dreams + Reality + Determination = A Successful Life.
[riˋælətɪ] [dɪ͵tɝməˋneʃən] [səkˋsɛsfəl] [laɪf]

a. 夢想+現實+決心=成功人生。

1.2 Truth-or, more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality -is the essential foundation for any good outcome.
[mor] [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] [ˋækjərɪt] [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] [riˋælətɪ] [ðə] [ɪˋsɛnʃəl] [faʊnˋdeʃən] [fɔr] [ˋɛnɪ] [gʊd] [ˋaʊt͵kʌm]

1.2真相 - 或者更準確地說,是對現實的準確理解 - 是任何良好結果的重要基礎。

1.3 Be radically open-minded and radically transparent.
[ˋrædɪk!ɪ] [ænd] [ˋrædɪk!ɪ] [trænsˋpɛrənt]


a. Radical open-mindedness and radical transparency are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change.
[ˋrædɪk!] [ænd] [ˋrædɪk!] [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] [ɑr] [ɪnˋvæljəb!] [fɔr] [ˋræpɪd] [ˋlɝnɪŋ] [ænd] [ɪˋfɛktɪv] [tʃendʒ]

a. 激進的開放思想和激進的透明度對於快速學習和有效改變是非常寶貴的。

b. Don't let fears of what others think of you stand in your way.
[lɛt] [hwɑt] [θɪŋk] [ju] [stænd] [jʊɚ] [we]

b. 不要害怕別人對你的看法妨礙你。

c. Embracing radical truth and radical transparency will bring more meaningful work and more meaningful relationships.
[ˋrædɪk!] [truθ] [ænd] [ˋrædɪk!] [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] [wɪl] [brɪŋ] [mor] [ˋminɪŋfəl] [wɝk] [ænd] [mor] [ˋminɪŋfəl]

c. 擁抱激進的真理和激進的透明度將帶來更有意義的工作和更有意義的關係。

1.4 Look to nature to learn how reality works.
[lʊk] [ˋnetʃɚ] [lɝn] [haʊ] [riˋælətɪ]


a. Don't get hung up on your views of how things "should" be because you will miss out on learning how they really are.
[gɛt] [jʊɚ] [haʊ] [bɪˋkɔz] [ju] [wɪl] [mɪs] [aʊt] [ˋlɝnɪŋ] [haʊ] [ðe] [ˋrɪəlɪ] [ɑr]

a. 不要因為你會錯過了解它們的真實性而對你應該如何做的看法感到困惑。

b. To be "good" something must operate consistently with the laws of reality and contribute to evolution of the whole; that is what is most rewarded.
[gʊd] [mʌst] [ˋɑpə͵ret] [kənˋsɪstəntlɪ] [wɪð] [ðə] [riˋælətɪ] [ænd] [kənˋtrɪbjut] [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] [ðə] [hol] [ðæt] [hwɑt] [most]

b. 為了“好”,某些東西必須與現實法律一致,並有助於整體的進化;這是最有回報的。

c. Evolution is the single greatest force in the universe; it is the
[͵ɛvəˋluʃən] [ðə] [fors] [ðə] [ˋjunə͵vɝs] [ðə]

c. 進化是宇宙中最大的力量;它是

only thing that is permanent and it drives everything.
[ˋonlɪ] [θɪŋ] [ðæt] [ˋpɝmənənt] [ænd] [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ]


d. Evolve or die.
[ɪˋvɑlv] [daɪ]

d. 進化或死亡。

1.5 Evolving is life's greatest accomplishment and its greatest reward.
[laɪf] [əˋkɑmplɪʃmənt] [ænd] [ɪts] [rɪˋwɔrd]


a. The individual's incentives must be aligned with the group's goals.
[ðə] [mʌst] [wɪð] [ðə] [grup]

a. 個人的激勵必須與集團的目標保持一致。

b. Reality is optimizing for the whole-not for you.
[riˋælətɪ] [fɔr] [ðə] [fɔr] [ju]

b. 現實是整體優化 - 不適合你。

c. Adaptation through rapid trial and error is invaluable.
[͵ædæpˋteʃən] [θru] [ˋræpɪd] [ˋtraɪəl] [ænd] [ˋɛrɚ] [ɪnˋvæljəb!]

c. 通過快速反複試驗進行適應是非常寶貴的。

d. Realize that you are simultaneously everything and nothing-and decide what you want to be.
[ˋrɪə͵laɪz] [ðæt] [ju] [ɑr] [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] [ænd] [dɪˋsaɪd] [hwɑt] [ju] [wɑnt]

d. 意識到你同時擁有一切,沒有任何東西 - 並決定你想成為什麼樣的人。

e. What you will be will depend on the perspective you have.
[hwɑt] [ju] [wɪl] [wɪl] [dɪˋpɛnd] [ðə] [pɚˋspɛktɪv] [ju] [hæv]


1.6 Understand nature's practical lessons.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ˋnetʃɚ] [ˋpræktɪk!]


a. Maximize your evolution.
[ˋmæksə͵maɪz] [jʊɚ] [͵ɛvəˋluʃən]

a. 最大化你的進化。

b. Remember "no pain, no gain."
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [pen] [gen]

b. 記住“沒有痛苦,沒有收穫”。

c. It is a fundamental law of nature that in order to gain strength one has to push one's limits, which is painful.
[͵fʌndəˋmɛnt!] [lɔ] [ˋnetʃɚ] [ðæt] [ˋɔrdɚ] [gen] [strɛŋθ] [wʌn] [hæz] [pʊʃ] [wʌn] [hwɪtʃ] [ˋpenfəl]

c. 這是一種基本的自然法則,為了獲得力量,必須推動一個人的極限,這是痛苦的。

1.7 Pain + Reflection = Progress.
[pen] [rɪˋflɛkʃən] [prəˋgrɛs]


a. Go to the pain rather than avoid it.
[ðə] [pen] [ˋræðɚ] [ðæn] [əˋvɔɪd]

a. 去痛苦而不是避免它。

b. Embrace tough love.
[ɪmˋbres] [tʌf] [lʌv]

b. 擁抱強烈的愛。

1.8 Weigh second- and third-order consequences.
[we] [ænd]


1.9 Own your outcomes.
[on] [jʊɚ] [ˋaʊt͵kʌm]


1.10 Look at the machine from the higher level.
[lʊk] [ðə] [məˋʃin] [frɑm] [ðə] [ˋlɛv!]


a. Think of yourself as a machine operating within a machine and know that you have the ability to alter your machines to produce better outcomes.
[θɪŋk] [jʊɚˋsɛlf] [məˋʃin] [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] [wɪˋðɪn] [məˋʃin] [ænd] [no] [ðæt] [ju] [hæv] [ðə] [əˋbɪlətɪ] [ˋɔltɚ] [jʊɚ] [prəˋdjus] [ˋbɛtɚ] [ˋaʊt͵kʌm]

a. 將自己視為在機器中運行的機器,並且知道您有能力改變機器以產生更好的結果。

b. By comparing your outcomes with your goals, you can determine how to modify your machine.
[jʊɚ] [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] [wɪð] [jʊɚ] [ju] [kæn] [dɪˋtɝmɪn] [haʊ] [ˋmɑdə͵faɪ] [jʊɚ] [məˋʃin]

b. 通過將結果與目標進行比較,您可以確定如何修改機器。

c. Distinguish between you as the designer of your machine and you as a worker with your machine.
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] [bɪˋtwin] [ju] [ðə] [dɪˋzaɪnɚ] [jʊɚ] [məˋʃin] [ænd] [ju] [ˋwɝkɚ] [wɪð] [jʊɚ] [məˋʃin]

c. 區分您作為機器的設計者和您作為機器的工作者。

d. The biggest mistake most people make is to not see themselves and others objectively, which leads them to bump into their own and others' weaknesses again and again.
[ðə] [mɪˋstek] [most] [ˋpip!] [mek] [nɑt] [si] [ðəmˋsɛlvz] [ænd] [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] [hwɪtʃ] [ðɛm] [bʌmp] [ˋɪntu] [ðɛr] [on] [ænd] [əˋgɛn] [ænd] [əˋgɛn]

d. 大多數人犯的最大錯誤就是不能客觀地看待自己和他人,導致他們一次又一次地碰到自己和他人的弱點。

e. Successful people are those who can go above themselves to see things objectively and manage those things to shape change.
[səkˋsɛsfəl] [ˋpip!] [ɑr] [ðoz] [hu] [kæn] [əˋbʌv] [ðəmˋsɛlvz] [si] [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] [ænd] [ˋmænɪdʒ] [ðoz] [tʃendʒ]


f. Asking others who are strong in areas where you are weak to help you is a great skill that you should develop no matter what, as it will help you develop guardrails that will prevent you from doing what you shouldn't be doing.
[ˋæskɪŋ] [hu] [ɑr] [strɔŋ] [hwɛr] [ju] [ɑr] [wik] [hɛlp] [ju] [gret] [ðæt] [ju] [dɪˋvɛləp] [ˋmætɚ] [hwɑt] [wɪl] [hɛlp] [ju] [dɪˋvɛləp] [ˋgɑrd͵rel] [ðæt] [wɪl] [prɪˋvɛnt] [ju] [frɑm] [ˋduɪŋ] [hwɑt] [ju] [ˋduɪŋ]


g. Because it is difficult to see oneself objectively, you need to rely on the input of others and the whole body of evidence.
[bɪˋkɔz] [ˋdɪfə͵kəlt] [si] [wʌnˋsɛlf] [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] [ju] [nid] [rɪˋlaɪ] [ðə] [ˋɪn͵pʊt] [ænd] [ðə] [hol] [ˋbɑdɪ] [ˋɛvədəns]


h. If you are open-minded enough and determined, you can get virtually anything you want.
[ju] [ɑr] [əˋnʌf] [ænd] [dɪˋtɝmɪnd] [ju] [kæn] [gɛt] [ˋvɝtʃʊəlɪ] [ˋɛnɪ͵θɪŋ] [ju] [wɑnt]


2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
[jus] [ðə] [ˋprɑsɛs] [gɛt] [hwɑt] [ju] [wɑnt] [aʊt] [laɪf]


2.1 Have clear goals.
[hæv] [klɪr]


a. Prioritize While you can have virtually anything you want, you can't have everything you want.
[praɪˋɔrə͵taɪz] [hwaɪl] [ju] [kæn] [hæv] [ˋvɝtʃʊəlɪ] [ˋɛnɪ͵θɪŋ] [ju] [wɑnt] [ju] [hæv] [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] [ju] [wɑnt]

a. 確定優先級雖然您可以擁有任何您想要的任何東西,但您無法獲得所需的一切。

b. Don't confuse goals with desires.
[kənˋfjuz] [wɪð]

b. 不要將目標與慾望混為一談。

c. Decide what you really want in life by reconciling your goals and your desires.
[dɪˋsaɪd] [hwɑt] [ju] [ˋrɪəlɪ] [wɑnt] [laɪf] [jʊɚ] [ænd] [jʊɚ]

c. 通過調和目標和願望來決定你真正想要的生活。

d. Don't mistake the trappings of success for success itself.
[mɪˋstek] [ðə] [ˋtræpɪŋz] [səkˋsɛs] [fɔr] [səkˋsɛs] [ɪtˋsɛlf]

d. 不要把成功的標誌誤認為成功本身。

e. Never rule out a goal because you think it's unattainable.
[ˋnɛvɚ] [rul] [aʊt] [gol] [bɪˋkɔz] [ju] [θɪŋk] [͵ʌnəˋtenəb!]


f. Remember that great expectations create great capabilities.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðæt] [gret] [͵ɛkspɛkˋteʃən] [krɪˋet] [gret]


g. Almost nothing can stop you from succeeding if you have (a) flexibility and (b) self-accountability.
[ˋɔl͵most] [ˋnʌθɪŋ] [kæn] [stɑp] [ju] [frɑm] [səkˋsidɪŋ] [ju] [hæv] [͵flɛksəˋbɪlətɪ] [ænd]


h. Knowing how to deal well with your setbacks is as important as knowing how to move forward.
[noɪŋ] [haʊ] [dil] [wɛl] [wɪð] [jʊɚ] [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] [noɪŋ] [haʊ] [muv] [ˋfɔrwɚd]


2.2 Identify and don't tolerate problems.
[aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] [ænd] [ˋtɑlə͵ret]


a. View painful problems as potential improvements that are screaming at you.
[vju] [ˋpenfəl] [pəˋtɛnʃəl] [ðæt] [ɑr] [ˋskrimɪŋ] [ju]

a. 將痛苦的問題視為對您尖叫的潛在改進。

b. Don't avoid confronting problems because they are rooted in harsh realities that are unpleasant to look at.
[əˋvɔɪd] [bɪˋkɔz] [ðe] [ɑr] [ˋrutɪd] [hɑrʃ] [ðæt] [ɑr] [ʌnˋplɛznt] [lʊk]

b. 不要避免面對問題,因為它們植根於看起來不愉快的嚴酷現實。

c. Be specific in identifying your problems.
[spɪˋsɪfɪk] [jʊɚ]

c. 具體確定您的問題。

d. Don't mistake a cause of a problem with the real problem.
[mɪˋstek] [kɔz] [ˋprɑbləm] [wɪð] [ðə] [ˋriəl] [ˋprɑbləm]

d. 不要將問題的原因誤認為是真正的問題。

e. Distinguish big problems from small ones.
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] [bɪg] [frɑm]


f. Once you identify a problem, don't tolerate it.
[wʌns] [ju] [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] [ˋprɑbləm] [ˋtɑlə͵ret]


2.3 Diagnose problems to get at their root causes.
[ˋdaɪəgnoz] [gɛt] [ðɛr] [rut]


a. Focus on the "what is" before deciding "what to do about it."
[ˋfokəs] [ðə] [hwɑt] [bɪˋfor] [dɪˋsaɪdɪŋ] [hwɑt] [əˋbaʊt]

a. 在決定“該怎麼做”之前,先關注“是什麼”。

b. Distinguish proximate causes from root causes.
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] [ˋprɑksə͵mɪt] [frɑm] [rut]

b. 區分近因和根本原因。

c. Recognize that knowing what someone (including you) is like will tell you what you can expect from them.
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [noɪŋ] [hwɑt] [laɪk] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju] [hwɑt] [ju] [kæn] [ɪkˋspɛkt] [frɑm] [ðɛm]

c. 認識到知道某人(包括你)的樣子會告訴你對他們的期望。

2.4 Design a plan.
[dɪˋzaɪn] [plæn]


a. Go back before you go forward.
[bæk] [bɪˋfor] [ju] [ˋfɔrwɚd]

a. 在你前進之前回去。

b. Think about your problem as a set of outcomes produced by a machine.
[θɪŋk] [əˋbaʊt] [jʊɚ] [ˋprɑbləm] [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] [məˋʃin]

b. 將您的問題視為機器產生的一組結果。

c. Remember that there are typically many paths to achieving your goals.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðæt] [ðɛr] [ɑr] [ˋtɪpɪklɪ] [ˋmɛnɪ] [jʊɚ]

c. 請記住,實現目標通常有很多途徑。

d. Think of your plan as being like a movie script in that you visualize who will do what through time.
[θɪŋk] [jʊɚ] [plæn] [ˋbiɪŋ] [laɪk] [ˋmuvɪ] [skrɪpt] [ðæt] [ju] [ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz] [hu] [wɪl] [hwɑt] [θru] [taɪm]

d. 將您的計劃視為電影劇本,您可以想像誰會隨著時間的推移做些什麼。

e. Write down your plan for everyone to see and to measure your progress against.
[raɪt] [daʊn] [jʊɚ] [plæn] [fɔr] [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] [si] [ænd] [ˋmɛʒɚ] [jʊɚ] [prəˋgrɛs] [əˋgɛnst]


f. Recognize that it doesn't take a lot of time to design a good plan.
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [tek] [lɑt] [taɪm] [dɪˋzaɪn] [gʊd] [plæn]


2.5 Push through to completion.
[pʊʃ] [θru] [kəmˋpliʃən]


a. Great planners who don't execute their plans go nowhere.
[gret] [ˋplænɚ] [hu] [ˋɛksɪ͵kjut] [ðɛr] [ˋno͵hwɛr]

a. 沒有執行計劃的優秀計劃者無處可去。

b. Good work habits are vastly underrated.
[gʊd] [wɝk] [ɑr] [ˋvæstlɪ]

b. 良好的工作習慣被大大低估了。

c. Establish clear metrics to make certain that you are following your plan.
[əˋstæblɪʃ] [klɪr] [ˋmɛtrɪks] [mek] [ˋsɝtən] [ðæt] [ju] [ɑr] [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] [jʊɚ] [plæn]

c. 建立明確的指標,以確保您遵循您的計劃。

2.6 Remember that weaknesses don't matter if you find solutions.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðæt] [ˋmætɚ] [ju] [faɪnd]


a. Look at the patterns of your mistakes and identify at which step in the 5-Step Process you typically fail.
[lʊk] [ðə] [jʊɚ] [ænd] [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] [hwɪtʃ] [stɛp] [ðə] [ˋprɑsɛs] [ju] [ˋtɪpɪklɪ] [fel]

a. 查看錯誤的模式,並確定您通常在失敗的5步過程中的哪一步。

b. Everyone has at least one big thing that stands in the way of their success; find yours and deal with it.
[ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] [hæz] [list] [wʌn] [bɪg] [θɪŋ] [ðæt] [ðə] [we] [ðɛr] [səkˋsɛs] [faɪnd] [jʊrz] [ænd] [dil] [wɪð]

b. 每個人都至少有一件阻礙他們成功的大事;找到你的並處理它。

2.7 Understand your own and others' mental maps and humility.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [jʊɚ] [on] [ænd] [ˋmɛnt!] [ænd] [hjuˋmɪlətɪ]

2.7 瞭解你自己和別人的心理地圖和謙卑。

3. BE radical open-mindedness.
  1. 心胸開闊。
a. Sincerely believe that you might not know the best possible path and recognize that your ability to deal well with "not knowing" is more important than whatever it is you do know.
[bɪˋliv] [ðæt] [ju] [maɪt] [nɑt] [no] [ðə] [bɛst] [ˋpɑsəb!] [pæθ] [ænd] [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [jʊɚ] [əˋbɪlətɪ] [dil] [wɛl] [wɪð] [nɑt] [noɪŋ] [mor] [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] [ðæn] [hwɑtˋɛvɚ] [ju] [no]

真誠地相信你可能不知道最好的途徑, 並且認識到你處理 "不知道" 的能力比你所知道的任何事情都重要。

b. Recognize that decision making is a two-step process First take in all the relevant information, then decide.
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [dɪˋsɪʒən] [ˋmekɪŋ] [ˋprɑsɛs] [fɝst] [tek] [ɔl] [ðə] [ˋrɛləvənt] [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] [ðɛn] [dɪˋsaɪd]

認識到決策是一個兩個步驟的過程, 首先要考慮所有相關資訊, 然後作出決定。

c. Don't worry about looking good; worry about achieving your goal.
[ˋwɝɪ] [əˋbaʊt] [ˋlʊkɪŋ] [gʊd] [ˋwɝɪ] [əˋbaʊt] [jʊɚ] [gol]


d. Realize that you can't put out without taking in.
[ˋrɪə͵laɪz] [ðæt] [ju] [pʊt] [aʊt] [wɪˋðaʊt] [ˋtekɪŋ]


e. Recognize that to gain the perspective that comes from seeing things through another's eyes, you must suspend judgment for a time-only by empathizing can you properly evaluate another point of view.
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [gen] [ðə] [pɚˋspɛktɪv] [ðæt] [kʌm] [frɑm] [ˋsiɪŋ] [θru] [əˋnʌðɚ] [ju] [mʌst] [səˋspɛnd] [ˋdʒʌdʒmənt] [fɔr] [kæn] [ju] [ˋprɑpɚlɪ] [ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] [əˋnʌðɚ] [pɔɪnt] [vju]

認識到, 要獲得從別人眼中看到事物的視角, 你必須暫時停止判斷, 只有移情才能正確地評估另一種觀點。

f. Remember that you're looking for the best answer, not simply the best answer that you can come up with yourself.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðæt] [ˋlʊkɪŋ] [fɔr] [ðə] [bɛst] [ˋænsɚ] [nɑt] [ðə] [bɛst] [ˋænsɚ] [ðæt] [ju] [kæn] [kʌm] [wɪð] [jʊɚˋsɛlf]

記住, 你在尋找最好的答案, 而不是簡單地回答你自己能想出的最好的答案。

g. Be clear on whether you are arguing or seeking to understand, and think about which is most appropriate based on your and others' believability.
[klɪr] [ˋhwɛðɚ] [ju] [ɑr] [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ænd] [θɪŋk] [əˋbaʊt] [hwɪtʃ] [most] [əˋproprɪ͵et] [best] [jʊɚ] [ænd] IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti]

明確你是在爭論還是在尋求理解, 並根據你和他人的可信度來思考哪一個是最合適的。

3.3 Appreciate the art of thoughtful disagreement.
[əˋpriʃɪ͵et] [ðə] [ɑrt] [ˋθɔtfəl] [͵dɪsəˋgrimənt]

3.3 欣賞有思想分歧的藝術。

3.4 Triangulate your view with believable people who are willing to disagree.
[traɪˋæŋgjə͵let] [jʊɚ] [vju] [wɪð] [bɪˋlivəb!] [ˋpip!] [hu] [ɑr] [ˋwɪlɪŋ] [͵dɪsəˋgri]

3.4 三角你的觀點與可信的人誰願意不同意。

a. Plan for the worst-case scenario to make it as good as possible.
[plæn] [fɔr] [ðə] [sɪˋnɛrɪ͵o] [mek] [gʊd] [ˋpɑsəb!]

計畫最壞的情況, 使之盡可能好。

3.5 Recognize the signs of closed-mindedness and open-mindedness that you should watch out for.
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðə] [ænd] [ðæt] [ju] [wɑtʃ] [aʊt] [fɔr]


3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [haʊ] [ju] [kæn] [bɪˋkʌm] [ˋrædɪk!ɪ]


a. Regularly use pain as your guide toward quality reflection.
[ˋrɛgjəlɚlɪ] [jus] [pen] [jʊɚ] [gaɪd] [təˋwɔrd] [ˋkwɑlətɪ] [rɪˋflɛkʃən]

a. 定期使用疼痛作為質量反射的指導。

b. Make being open-minded a habit.
[mek] [ˋbiɪŋ] [ˋhæbɪt]

b. 讓一個開放的習慣。

c. Get to know your blind spots.
[gɛt] [no] [jʊɚ] [blaɪnd]

c. 了解你的盲點。

d. If a number of different believable people say you are doing something wrong and you are the only one who doesn't see it that way, assume that you are probably biased.
[ˋnʌmbɚ] [ˋdɪfərənt] [bɪˋlivəb!] [ˋpip!] [se] [ju] [ɑr] [ˋduɪŋ] [rɔŋ] [ænd] [ju] [ɑr] [ðə] [ˋonlɪ] [wʌn] [hu] [si] [ðæt] [we] [əˋsjum] [ðæt] [ju] [ɑr] [ˋprɑbəblɪ] [ˋbaɪəst]

d. 如果一些不同的可信人說你做錯了什麼而且你是唯一一個看不到那種方式的人,那麼假設你可能有偏見。

e. Meditate.4


f. Be evidence-based and encourage others to be the same.
[ænd] [ɪnˋkɝɪdʒ] [ðə] [sem]


g. Do everything in your power to help others also be open-minded.
[ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] [jʊɚ] [ˋpaʊɚ] [hɛlp] [ˋɔlso]


h. Use evidence-based decision-making tools.


i. Know when it's best to stop fighting and have faith in your decision-making process.
[no] [hwɛn] [bɛst] [stɑp] [ˋfaɪtɪŋ] [ænd] [hæv] [feθ] [jʊɚ] [ˋprɑsɛs]


4 Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ðæt] [ˋpip!] [ɑr] [waɪrd] [ˋvɛrɪ] [ˋdɪfərəntlɪ]


4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ðə] [ˋpaʊɚ] [ðæt] [kʌm] [frɑm] [noɪŋ] [haʊ] [ju] [ænd] [ɑr] [waɪrd]


a. We are born with attributes that can both help us and hurt us, depending on their application.
[ɑr] [bɔrn] [wɪð] [ðæt] [kæn] [boθ] [hɛlp] [ænd] [hɝt] [ðɛr] [͵æpləˋkeʃən]

a. 我們天生具有可以幫助我們並傷害我們的屬性,具體取決於他們的應用。

4.2 Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren't just nice things we chose for ourselves-they are genetically programmed into us.
[ˋminɪŋfəl] [wɝk] [ænd] [ˋminɪŋfəl] [dʒʌst] [naɪs] [tʃoz] [fɔr] [ɑr] [dʒəˋnɛtɪk!ɪ] [ˋɪntu]

4.2有意義的工作和有意義的關係不僅僅是我們為自己選擇的美好事物 - 它們是基因編程到我們身上的。

4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what "you" want.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ðə] [gret] [bren] [ænd] [haʊ] [kənˋtrol] [ðɛm] [gɛt] [hwɑt] [ju] [wɑnt]


a. Realize that the conscious mind is in a battle with the subconscious mind.
[ˋrɪə͵laɪz] [ðæt] [ðə] [ˋkɑnʃəs] [maɪnd] [ˋbæt!] [wɪð] [ðə] [sʌbˋkɑnʃəs] [maɪnd]

a. 意識到有意識的頭腦與潛意識的鬥爭。

b. Know that the most constant struggle is between feeling and thinking.
[no] [ðæt] [ðə] [most] [ˋkɑnstənt] [ˋstrʌg!] [bɪˋtwin] [ˋfilɪŋ] [ænd] [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ]

b. 知道最持久的鬥爭是在感覺和思考之間。

c. Reconcile your feelings and your thinking.
[ˋrɛkənsaɪl] [jʊɚ] [ænd] [jʊɚ] [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ]

c. 調和你的感受和你的想法。

d. Choose your habits well.
[tʃuz] [jʊɚ] [wɛl]

d. 好好選擇你的習慣。

e. Train your "lower-level you" with kindness and persistence to build the right habits.
[tren] [jʊɚ] [ju] [wɪð] [ˋkaɪndnɪs] [ænd] [pɚˋsɪstəns] [bɪld] [ðə] [raɪt]


f. Understand the differences between right-brained and left-brained thinking.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [ðə] [bɪˋtwin] [ænd] [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ]


g. Understand how much the brain can and cannot change.
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] [haʊ] [mʌtʃ] [ðə] [bren] [kæn] [ænd] [ˋkænɑt] [tʃendʒ]


4.4 Find out what you and others are like.
[faɪnd] [aʊt] [hwɑt] [ju] [ænd] [ɑr] [laɪk]


a. Introversion vs. extroversion.
[͵ɪntrəˋvɝʃən] [͵ɛkstroˋvɝʃən]

a. 內向與外向。

b. Intuiting vs. sensing.

b. 直覺與感知。

c. Thinking vs. feeling.
[ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] [ˋfilɪŋ]

c. 思考與感受。

d. Planning vs. perceiving.

d. 規劃與感知。

e. Creators vs. refiners vs. advancers vs. executors vs. flexors.
[rɪˋfaɪnɚ] [ədˋvænsɚ] [ˋflɛksɚ]


f. Focusing on tasks vs. focusing on goals.


g. WPI characteristics.

G。 WPI特性。

h. Shapers are people who can go from visualization to actualization.
[ɑr] [ˋpip!] [hu] [kæn] [frɑm] [͵vɪʒʊəlɪˋzeʃən] [͵æktʃʊəlɪˋzeʃən]


4.5 Getting the right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding at whatever you choose to accomplish.
[ðə] [raɪt] [ˋpip!] [ðə] [raɪt] [səˋport] [jʊɚ] [gol] [ðə] [ki] [səkˋsidɪŋ] [hwɑtˋɛvɚ] [ju] [tʃuz] [əˋkɑmplɪʃ]


a. Manage yourself and orchestrate others to get what you want.
[ˋmænɪdʒ] [jʊɚˋsɛlf] [ænd] [ˋɔrkɪs͵tret] [gɛt] [hwɑt] [ju] [wɑnt]

a. 管理自己並協調其他人以獲得您想要的東西。

5 Learn How to Make Decisions Effectively
[lɝn] [haʊ] [mek] [ɪˋfɛktɪvlɪ]


5.1 Recognize that (1)the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and (2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] [ðæt] [θrɛt] [gʊd] [dɪˋsɪʒən] [ˋmekɪŋ] [ˋhɑrmfəl] [ænd] [dɪˋsɪʒən] [ˋmekɪŋ] [ˋprɑsɛs] [ˋlɝnɪŋ] [ænd] [ðɛn]


5.2 Synthesize the situation at hand.
[ˋsɪnθə͵saɪz] [ðə] [hænd]


a. One of the most important decisions you can make is who you ask questions of.
[wʌn] [ðə] [most] [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] [ju] [kæn] [mek] [hu] [ju] [æsk]

a. 您可以做出的最重要的決定之一就是您提出問題的人。

b. Don't believe everything you hear.
[bɪˋliv] [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] [ju] [hɪr]

b. 不要相信你聽到的一切。

c. Everything looks bigger up close.
[ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] [klos]

c. 一切看起來都越來越近了。

d. New is overvalued relative to great.
[nju] [ˋrɛlətɪv] [gret]

d. 新的相對於偉大的被高估了。

e. Don't oversqueeze dots.


5.3 Synthesize the situation through time.
[ˋsɪnθə͵saɪz] [ðə] [θru] [taɪm]


a. Keep in mind both the rates of change and the levels of things, and the relationships between them.
[kip] [maɪnd] [boθ] [ðə] [tʃendʒ] [ænd] [ðə] [ænd] [ðə] [bɪˋtwin] [ðɛm]

a. 請記住變化率和事物水平,以及它們之間的關係。

b. Be imprecise.

b. 不精確。

c. Remember the 80/20 Rule and know what the key 20 percent is.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðə] [rul] [ænd] [no] [hwɑt] [ðə] [ki] [pɚˋsɛnt]

c. 記住80/20規則並知道20%的關鍵是什麼。

d. Be an imperfectionist.

d. 做一個不完美的人。

5.4 Navigate levels effectively.
[ˋnævə͵get] [ɪˋfɛktɪvlɪ]


a. Use the terms "above the line" and "below the line" to establish which level a conversation is on.
[jus] [ðə] [əˋbʌv] [ðə] [laɪn] [ænd] [bəˋlo] [ðə] [laɪn] [əˋstæblɪʃ] [hwɪtʃ] [ˋlɛv!] [͵kɑnvɚˋseʃən]

a. 使用術語“在線上方”和“在線下方”來確定對話所在的級別。

b. Remember that decisions need to be made at the appropriate level, but they should also be consistent across levels.
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] [ðæt] [nid] [med] [ðə] [əˋproprɪ͵et] [ˋlɛv!] [bʌt] [ðe] [ˋɔlso] [kənˋsɪstənt] [əˋkrɔs]

b. 請記住,決策需要在適當的級別進行,但它們也應該在不同級別上保持一致。

5.5 Logic, reason, and common sense are your best tools for synthesizing reality and understanding what to do about it.
[ˋlɑdʒɪk] [ˋrizn] [ænd] [ˋkɑmən] [ɑr] [jʊɚ] [bɛst] [fɔr] [riˋælətɪ] [ænd] [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] [hwɑt] [əˋbaʊt]


5.6 Make your decisions as expected value calculations.
[mek] [jʊɚ] [ɪkˋspɛktɪd] [ˋvælju]


a. Raising the probability of being right is valuable no matter what your probability of being right already is.
[ðə] [͵prɑbəˋbɪlətɪ] [ˋbiɪŋ] [raɪt] [ˋvæljʊəb!] [ˋmætɚ] [hwɑt] [jʊɚ] [͵prɑbəˋbɪlətɪ] [ˋbiɪŋ] [raɪt] [ɔlˋrɛdɪ]

a. 無論你的權利概率如何,提高正確的可能性都是有價值的。

b. Knowing when not to bet is as important as knowing what bets are probably worth making.
[noɪŋ] [hwɛn] [nɑt] [bɛt] [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] [noɪŋ] [hwɑt] [ɑr] [ˋprɑbəblɪ] [wɝθ] [ˋmekɪŋ]

b. 知道何時不下注與了解哪些賭注可能值得做同樣重要。

c. The best choices are the ones that have more pros than cons, not those that don't have any cons at all.
[ðə] [bɛst] [ɑr] [ðə] [ðæt] [hæv] [mor] [ðæn] abbr. [nɑt] [ðoz] [ðæt] [hæv] [ˋɛnɪ] abbr. [ɔl]

最好的選擇是那些比缺點更有優勢的人, 而不是那些沒有任何缺點的人。

5.7 Prioritize by weighing the value of additional information against the cost of not deciding.
[praɪˋɔrə͵taɪz] [ðə] [ˋvælju] [əˋdɪʃən!] [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] [əˋgɛnst] [ðə] [kɔst] [nɑt] [dɪˋsaɪdɪŋ]

5.7 通過權衡附加資訊的價值而不考慮不決定的成本來確定優先順序。

a. All of your "must-dos" must be above the bar before you do your "like-to-dos."
[ɔl] [jʊɚ] [mʌst] [əˋbʌv] [ðə] [bɑr] [bɪˋfor] [ju] [jʊɚ]

在你做 "喜歡的事" 之前, 你必須在酒吧的上方。

b. Chances are you won't have time to deal with the unimportant things, which is better than not having time to deal with the important things.
[ɑr] [ju] [hæv] [taɪm] [dil] [wɪð] [ðə] [͵ʌnɪmˋpɔrtnt] [hwɪtʃ] [ˋbɛtɚ] [ðæn] [nɑt] [ˋhævɪŋ] [taɪm] [dil] [wɪð] [ðə] [ɪmˋpɔrtnt]

可能你沒有時間去處理那些無關緊要的事情, 這比沒有時間去處理重要的事情要好得多。

c. Don't mistake possibilities for probabilities.
[mɪˋstek] [fɔr]


5.8 Simplify!

5.8 簡化!

5.9 Use principles.

5.9 使用原則。

5.10 Believability weight your decision making.
IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti] [wet] [jʊɚ] [dɪˋsɪʒən] [ˋmekɪŋ]

5.10 可信度重量你的決策。

5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.
[kənˋvɝt] [jʊɚ] [ˋɪntu] [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] [ænd] [hæv] [ðə] [kəmˋpjutɚ] [mek] [əˋlɔŋˋsaɪd] [ju]


5.12 Be cautious about trusting AI without having deep understanding.
[ˋkɔʃəs] [əˋbaʊt] [ˋtrʌstɪŋ] [wɪˋðaʊt] [ˋhævɪŋ] [dip] [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ]


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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • 为何叫做 shell ? shell prompt(PS1) 与 Carriage Return(CR) 的关系?...
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  • 当我在手机上敲下这几个字的时候,一颗足球就那么毫无防备的落在离我很近的地方,而此时的我正坐在辽大足球场的看台上,欣...
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  • 乔姐你可曾懂我内心思念, 你管住了我的座位, 但你管不住我的心扉! 清晨你打扫商店的鸡毛掸子从我头上轻轻掠过。 我...
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