Day 4 React Virtual DOM
The purpose of computing is insight,not numbers————Richard Hamming(哈明码创造者)
React builds and maintains
an internal representation
of the rendered
. It includes the React elements you return from your components
This representation lets React avoid creating DOM nodes and accessing
existing ones beyond
, as that can be slower than operations on JavaScript objects.
Sometimes it is referred to as a “virtual
DOM”, but it works the same way on React Native.
这种内部数据有时候被称为“虚拟DOM节点”。但其实在React Native上它也以同样的方式工作着。
When a component’s
or state
change, React decides whether an actual DOM update is necessary by comparing the newly
returned element with the previously
one. When they are not equal, React will update the DOM.
Even though
React only updates the changed DOM nodes, re-rendering still takes some time.
In many cases
it’s not a problem, but if the slowdown
is noticeable
, you can speed all of this up by overriding the lifecycle function
shouldComponentUpdate, which is triggered
before the re-rendering process starts.
生词 | 音标 | 释义 |
maintain | [meɪnˈteɪn] | vt. 维护 |
internal representation | 内部表现,内部映射 | |
rendered | ['rendəd] | adj. 渲染过的 |
UI | 全称:User Interface,用户界面 | |
beyond | [bɪˈjɑ:nd] | prep. 超过 |
necessity | [nəˈsɛsɪti] | n. 必需品;必要性 |
component | [kəmˈpoʊnənt] | n. 组成;成分 |
access | [ək'sɛs] | n. 接近;进入 |
refer to | 参考;指的是 | |
virtual | [ˈvɜ:rtʃuəl] | adj. 虚拟的 |
prop | [prɑ:p] | n. 特征 |
state | [stet] | n. 状态 |
newly | [ˈnu:li] | adv. 新近 |
previously | [ˈprivɪəslɪ] | adv. 以前 |
even though | 哪怕;即使 | |
in many cases | 在多数情况下 | |
slowdown | [ˈsloʊdaʊn] | n. 减速 |
noticeable | [ˈnoʊtɪsəbl] | adj. 明显的 |
override | [oʊvərˈraɪd] | v. 覆盖,重写 |
lifecycle function | 生命周期函数 | |
trigger | [ˈtrɪɡɚ] | v. 触发 |