I noticed that my aunt's phone case was very bad during spring festival so I bought her a phone case on Taobao.
My aunt called me today. She said she was very happy to get a phone case as a gift from me.
I said that I was very grateful for her care and help. She always bought a lot of delicious food for me.She always offers a hand when I face trroubles.
Actually, my aunt is the woman I admired most in my real life. She is decisive, witty, persistent and resourceful. My grandmother died when my mother was just about five years old. My aunt was older than my mother, so she took good care of my mother just like a mother. She did farm work to help my grandfather to earn money to support her family. She also did laundry and cooked. She also needed to prepared new clothes for her family members for spring festival.
说实话,在现实生活中,阿姨是我最敬佩的女人。她果断,智慧,坚持,机敏。外婆在妈妈五岁的时候就去世了。阿姨比妈妈大。都说长姐如母 ,毫不夸张的说,是她一手把妈妈拉扯大。她需要干农活帮助外公挣钱养家,回家还要洗衣做饭。 春节前还会为家庭成员置办新衣服。
She never went to school. After she married, She learned how to read and write from her husband. Then she gave birth to two babies. When her husband left for work abroad, She took care of two babies by herself. There was no phone so she wrote a lot of letters to her husband.
After her husband came back, they established a store to sell something that were used to decorate houses. It's a hard job.She needed to work like a man. My aunt is also good at people. She can make friends with their customers. As a result, their business became successful. They could afford to new house and car. She changed her fate by herself.
等姨夫回国, 他们开了一个建材店。工作很辛苦,阿姨每天都需要搬东西,干起活来不比男人差。她也很擅长和人打交道,能和顾客成为很好的朋友。因此,他们的生意做得很不错。最后,他们在县城买了房子和车子。可以这么说,她凭借自己的力量改变了自己的命运。
At the same time, she always took care of my mother and my uncle. If we face problems, she is always the first person to offer a hand. And her husband always supports her. For example, if they had time when I came back from university, they always drove thier car and took me from station to my home even in evening.
I decided to write "thank you "note or buy gifts to express my gratitude to people who love me and readily help me since this year because every day is a good chance to show my appreciation. I don't want to thank others just in some special holidays because my sincere gratefulness is lost in abundant messages. It was a good start.