Rather, he witnessed an apple falling and wondered
Isaac Newton didn't discover gravity because an apple struck him on the head.
Rather, he witnessed an apple falling and wondered why objects always fall down instead of up or sideways, a thought that inspired his Law of Universal Gravitation.
Bats are not blind. No, bats are not blind. Bats have small eyes with very sensitive vision, which helps them see in conditions we might consider pitch black. They don't have the sharp and colorful vision humans have, but they don't need that.
Black holes. Not really “holes,” but rather hugely dense objects with massive gravitational pull.
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
Unable to achieve high grades at school, Einstein hated the rigid rules.
Bats have small eyes but with the same sharp and colorful vision as humans.
Newton discovered gravity out of curiosity but by accident.
Black holes are huge objects with massive gravitational push.