the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two-way voice and visual communication (as by satellite, computer, or closed-circuit television)
cardiac arrest = heart attack
cardiopulmonary:of or relating to the heart and lungs
resuscitation: 1.when someone or something is brought back to life or consciousness:
eg:The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and died, despite an attempt at
2.a return to success after a difficult period, especially in business:
eg: The prime minister said that small businesses would play a full part in the resuscitation of the economy.
心肺复苏:cardiopulmonary resuscitation
人工呼吸:mouth to mouth resuscitation
resuscitate /rɪˈsʌs.ɪ.teɪt/ verb[T]
to bring someone or something back to life or consciousness:
eg: Her heart had stopped, but the doctors successfully resuscitated her.
something that is grubby is fairly dirty, usually because it has been used a lot and not washed