Programmers, beware: ChatGPT has ruined your magic trick

The generative AI tool can write code on request, making the specialist skill of programming open to everyone

Benedict Evans, a tech analyst whose newsletter is required reading for those who follow the industry, made an interesting point this week. He had, he said, been talking to generalist journalists who “were still under the impression that ChatGPT was a trivial parlour trick and the whole thing was about as interesting as a new iPhone app”. On the other hand, he continued, “most people in tech are walking around slowly, holding on to the top of their head with both hands to stop it flying off. But within that, I think we can see a range of attitudes.”(Benedict Evans,一位技术分析师,他的新闻通讯是关注该行业的必读资料,本周提出了一个有趣的观点。他说他曾与一些通才型记者交谈,这些人仍然认为ChatGPT只是一个微不足道的魔术表演,就像一个新的iPhone应用程序一样毫无意义。但是,他接着说,“技术领域的大多数人都在缓慢地走着,双手紧握头顶,以防止它飞出去。但在其中,我认为我们可以看到一系列态度。”)

  • generalist
    1 Generalist"是一个英语词汇,它的词根是"general",意思是广泛、普遍的。"Generalist"通常用于形容那些具有广泛知识和技能的人,他们在多个领域都有一定的了解和经验,而不是专门在某个领域进行深入的研究和专业化的技能。在职场上,"generalist"通常指那些拥有多个技能、可以处理多种任务、并能在团队中发挥多种角色的员工。
    在这段话中,"generalist journalists"指的是那些不专注于科技领域的新闻记者,他们对ChatGPT这个技术并不了解或者没有深入的研究,因此可能会认为它只是一个简单的技巧,而不是一个具有重大意义的技术突破。
  • made an interesting point
    1 “made an interesting point”这个短语表示某人提出了一个有趣的观点或者观察,通常用于讨论或者辩论中。这个短语的含义是,某人的观点很有启发性或者很有趣,值得注意。例如:
    She made an interesting point about the relationship between art and politics.
    The speaker made an interesting point about the importance of teamwork in achieving success.
  • was a trivial parlour trick
    1 "was a trivial parlour trick"意思是“只是一种普通的客厅魔术”,表示某个行为或技能并不太出色,难不倒别人,没有什么特别的价值或意义。通常用于表示对某件事情并不感兴趣或者认为这件事情不太重要。例如,“我并不想花太多时间学习这个,因为这只是一个trivial parlour trick。”

We certainly can – on a spectrum ranging from the view that this “generative AI” is going to be the biggest bonanza since the invention of the wheel, to fears that it augurs an existential risk to humanity, and numerous opinions in between. Seeking a respite from the firehose of contradictory commentary, I suddenly remembered an interview that Steve Jobs – the nearest thing to a visionary the tech industry has ever had – gave in 1990, and dug it out on YouTube.

  • on a spectrum ranging
    1 表示在一个范围内,通常是一个连续的范围。这个短语通常用于表示一系列观点、态度、感受等等。
  • generative AI
    1 Generative AI 是一种利用机器学习技术生成新数据的人工智能技术。相对于传统的机器学习技术,它不仅能够对已有的数据进行分类、回归等任务,还可以从已有数据中学习并生成新的数据,例如图像、语音、文本等。这种技术通常使用神经网络模型,通过将大量的数据输入模型,训练模型,使得模型能够理解数据的内在规律并能够创造出与原始数据类似的新数据。目前,Generative AI 已经在多个领域有了广泛的应用,例如图像生成、语音合成、自然语言生成等。
  • bonanza
    1 "Bonanza"这个词最初的含义是指繁荣或富裕的时期。后来逐渐演变为指突然而意外的财富或成功。在现代英语中,"bonanza"通常用来形容一个非常成功或盈利丰厚的事物,尤其是商业或金融领域的成功。比如说,一个公司发布了一款非常受欢迎的产品,可以被描述为"bonanza"。
  • augurs an existential risk
    1 预示着存在着一种潜在的威胁,可能会对人类的存在产生严重的影响。在这里,"existential" 指的是关于存在和生命意义的问题。这个短语通常用于讨论技术、科学或其他领域中的新发展,强调其对人类的潜在影响
    2 augurs 这个词的来源是来自于占卜术语,原指通过观察鸟类飞行方向等预测未来的方法。现在常用的意思是“预示”、“预兆”,常用于描述某个事件或情况可能带来的后果或趋势
  • Seeking a respite from the firehose of contradictory commentary
    1 这句话的意思是寻求一种喘息之机,远离大量矛盾的评论。"Firehose" 指的是水枪,这里用来形容评论的数量很大、来势汹涌,像是水枪的水流一样。"Contradictory commentary" 意思是评论相互矛盾,观点不一致。整句话的意思就是作者感到对于 "generative AI" 的讨论非常混乱和矛盾,所以想要寻找一些清闲和平静的时光
    In it he talks about a memory he had of reading an article in Scientific American when he was 12 years old. It was a report of how someone had measured the efficiency of locomotion for a number of species on planet Earth – “how many kilocalories did they expend to get from point A to point B. And the condor won – came in at the top of the list, surpassed everything else; and humans came in about a third of the way down the list, which was not such a great showing for the ‘crown of creation.(在这篇采访中,乔布斯谈到了他12岁时读到一篇《科学美国人》的文章的记忆。这篇文章报道了有人测量了地球上许多物种的运动效率——“它们为了从A点到B点消耗了多少千卡路里。秃鹰赢了——排在了榜首,超过了其他所有物种。而人类在榜单的第三分之一的位置,这对于“造物之冠”来说并不是一个太好的表现。)
  • locomotion
    1 "Locomotion"这个词来自于拉丁语的"locus"(位置)和"motio"(运动),用于描述动物的移动方式。常见的用法包括在生物学、医学和工程学等领域,用于描述动物、人类或机器的移动方式和效率。在生物学中,它通常指动物的步态和行走方式,而在工程学中,它可以用于描述机器人的移动方式和效率。
  • condor
    1 "Condor"这个词源于西班牙语,指的是一种南美洲的大型猛禽鸟类。在英语中,"condor"一词通常指南美洲的安第斯大兀鹫,也可以指北美洲的加利福尼亚禿鷹。"Condor"这个词在文学、电影、音乐等艺术形式中也经常被用作象征或形象的代表。
    “But then somebody there had the imagination to test the efficiency of a human riding a bicycle. A human riding a bicycle blew away the condor, all the way to the top of the list. And it made a really big impression on me – that we humans are tool-builders, and that we can fashion tools that amplify these inherent abilities that we have to spectacular magnitudes. (但是有个人想到测试一个人骑自行车的效率。一个人骑自行车的效率比兀鹫高得多,排在了榜首。这给我留下了深刻的印象——我们人类是工具的创造者,我们可以制造出放大我们内在能力的工具,使它们达到惊人的程度。)
  • blew away
    1"blew away"是一个英语习语,表示彻底击败或超越某人或某物,通常用于形容某人或某物在比赛、竞争或评估中获胜。例如,"Our team blew away the competition and won the championship"(我们的队伍轻松地击败了对手并赢得了冠军)。
  • Spectacular magnitudes
    1 可以指某个事物或现象的规模非常大,令人惊叹。这个短语常常用于描述自然灾害、科学实验、天文现象等具有巨大规模的事物。例如,“这次地震的破坏力是惊人的,地震波的能量释放达到了数百万的spectacular magnitudes。”
    2 在科学界中,这个短语也经常被用来描述宇宙的规模和力量。例如,“超新星爆炸的能量释放达到了spectacular magnitudes,产生的光亮可以持续数周,比整个银河系还要亮。”
    “And so for me,” he concluded, “a computer has always been a bicycle of the mind – something that takes us far beyond our inherent abilities. And I think we’re just at the early stages of this tool – very early stages – and we’ve come only a very short distance, and it’s still in its formation, but already we’ve seen enormous changes, [but] that’s nothing to what’s coming in the next 100 years.”(因此,对我而言,电脑一直就像是心智中的自行车 - 能够将我们带到远离自身能力的地方。我认为我们只是在这个工具的早期阶段 - 非常早期的阶段 - 我们已经走过了很短的路程,而且它仍在形成中,但我们已经看到了巨大的变化,而且接下来的100年里还有更大的变化等待我们。)
    Well, that was 1990 and here we are, three decades later, with a mighty powerful bicycle. Quite how powerful it is becomes clear when one inspects how the technology (not just ChatGPT) tackles particular tasks that humans find difficult.(好的,那是在1990年,如今我们已经过去了三十年,有了一辆非常强大的自行车。当我们检查这项技术(不仅仅是ChatGPT)如何解决人类难以处理的特定任务时,它的强大之处变得显而易见。)
    Writing computer programs, for instance.

Last week, Steve Yegge, a renowned software engineer who – like all uber-geeks – uses the ultra-programmable Emacs text editor, conducted an instructive experiment. He typed the following prompt into ChatGPT: “Write an interactive Emacs Lisp function that pops to a new buffer, prints out the first paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities, and changes all words with ‘i’ in them red. Just print the code without explanation.”(写计算机程序,例如。

上周,著名软件工程师史蒂夫·耶格(Steve Yegge)进行了一项有教育意义的实验,他和所有超级极客一样使用可超级编程的Emacs文本编辑器。他在ChatGPT中输入了以下提示:“编写一个交互式的Emacs Lisp函数,它弹出一个新缓冲区,打印《双城记》的第一段,并将其中所有带有'i'的单词变为红色。只需打印代码,不需要解释。”)
ChatGPT did its stuff and spat out the code. Yegge copied and pasted it into his Emacs session and published a screenshot of the result. “In one shot,” he writes, “ChatGPT has produced completely working code from a sloppy English description! With voice input wired up, I could have written this program by asking my computer to do it. And not only does it work correctly, the code that it wrote is actually pretty decent Emacs Lisp code. It’s not complicated, sure. But it’s good code.”(ChatGPT完成了它的任务并生成了代码。Yegge将它复制粘贴到他的Emacs会话中,并发布了结果的截图。他写道:“一次性,ChatGPT从一个粗略的英文描述中生成了完全可运行的代码!如果语音输入连接好了,我可以通过让我的电脑来写程序。它不仅正确地工作,而且生成的代码实际上是相当不错的Emacs Lisp代码。当然,它并不复杂。但是它是好的代码。”)
Ponder the significance of this for a moment, as tech investors such as Paul Kedrosky are already doing. He likens tools such as ChatGPT to “a missile aimed, however unintentionally, directly at software production itself. Sure, chat AIs can perform swimmingly at producing undergraduate essays, or spinning up marketing materials and blog posts (like we need more of either), but such technologies are terrific to the point of dark magic at producing, debugging, and accelerating software production quickly and almost costlessly.”(请思考一下这一点的意义,就像像保罗·凯德罗斯基(Paul Kedrosky)等科技投资者已经在做的那样。他将ChatGPT等工具比作“一枚导弹,无论是有意还是无意地瞄准着软件制作本身。当然,聊天AI在生产本科论文、撰写营销材料和博客文章方面表现得非常出色(就像我们需要更多的这些一样),但是这种技术在快速、几乎不花费成本地生产、调试和加速软件制作方面是非常了不起的,几乎到了黑魔法的地步。”)

  • ponder
    1 "ponder"一词源于拉丁语“pondus”,意为“重量”。其原始含义是“沉思,思考”,指深思熟虑地考虑某件事情,通常是指思考艰深或复杂的问题。
    2 例如:He sat quietly in his armchair, pondering the meaning of life.
    3 词语“ponder”通常用于描述一种深思熟虑或沉思的状态,常常是在思考一些复杂或困难的问题时。
  • perform swimmingly
    1 "Perform swimmingly"是一个常用的英语短语,表示某人或某事物表现得非常好或顺利,没有任何问题或困难。例如:
    2 The new employee is performing swimmingly in her job.
    3 The team's project is performing swimmingly and is ahead of schedule.
    Since, ultimately, our networked world runs on software, suddenly having tools that can write it – and that could be available to anyone, not just geeks – marks an important moment. Programmers have always seemed like magicians: they can make an inanimate object do something useful. I once wrote that they must sometimes feel like Napoleon – who was able to order legions, at a stroke, to do his bidding. After all, computers – like troops – obey orders. But to become masters of their virtual universe, programmers had to possess arcane knowledge, and learn specialist languages to converse with their electronic servants. For most people, that was a pretty high threshold to cross. ChatGPT and its ilk have just lowered it.(最终,由于我们的网络化世界依赖于软件,因此拥有可以编写软件的工具——而且这些工具可能可供任何人使用,而不仅仅是极客——标志着一个重要时刻。程序员一直像魔术师一样:他们可以让一个无生命的物体变得有用。我曾经写过,他们有时必须感觉像拿破仑——他能够一挥手就命令军队。毕竟,计算机——就像部队——服从命令。但要成为虚拟宇宙的主人,程序员必须拥有深奥的知识,并学习使用专业语言与他们的电子仆人交谈。对于大多数人来说,这是一个相当高的门槛。ChatGPT及其同类工具刚刚降低了这个门槛。)
  • at a stroke
    1 “at a stroke”是一个英语短语,意为“一下子,突然之间”。它通常用来表示某件事情突然而意外地发生,或者是在短时间内完成了许多事情。例如,“他们通过这项举措一下子解决了公司的财务问题”(They solved the company's financial problems at a stroke with this initiative),“他一下子赚了很多钱”(He made a lot of money at a stroke)。
  • arcane
    1 "arcane"一词最早源于拉丁文"arcanus",意为"神秘的"或"隐藏的"。它在英语中用来形容一些非常复杂、难以理解、难以获取的知识或技能。通常与魔法、神秘、神秘主义和超自然现象相关联。例如,我们可以说一个领域的专业术语非常晦涩难懂,只有少数人掌握,这个领域就是一个“arcane”领域。
    2 在日常使用中,"arcane"通常用来形容一些不常见或不为大众所知的事物,这些事物可能涉及某个领域的技术或术语,或是某个群体内部的规则、文化等等。

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