create user test identified bytest123;
grant connect to test;
drop user test;
alter user test default tablespace users;
alter user test identified bytest111;
alter user test account lock;
alter user test account unlock;
grant resource to test;
grant select on scott.dept to test;
grant execute on scott.proc_test to test;
--对象授权的级联授权用 with grant option
--级联授权后test用户也有授权给其他用户select on scott.dept 的权限
grant select on scott.dept to test with grant option;
grant insert on scott.dept to test with grant option;
grant all on scott.dept to test with grant option;
grant create table to test;
grant create user to test;
grant drop user to test;
--系统的级联授权用 with admin option
grant create user to test with admin option;
create role myrole;
grant select on scott.dept to myrole;
grant select on scott.emp to myrole;
grant myrole to test;
grant connect to test;
grant resource to test;
grant select any table to test;
revoke select on scott.dept from test;
revoke select any table from test;
revoke create user from test;
revoke myrole from test;
grant select/update on table to user;
grant 权限 on 表 to 用户。
2.grant 给存储过程赋权限:
grant execute on package/function/procedure to user;
grant execute on 过程、包、方法 to user
grant execute any procedure to user;