有一段时间 for a while , 马斯克家庭内部的生活还是非常不错的life inside musk household is quiet good。他们住在比勒陀利亚最大的房子里,这要归功于艾洛尔出色的工程生意they owned one of biggest house in Pretoria thanks to success of his engineering business.大约在八岁的时候,埃隆和弟弟妹妹和拍过一张照片 there is the portrait of the three musk children taken ,when he was about eight 照片中三个活泼健康的金发孩子在门廊上坐成一排,后院是比勒陀利亚著名的紫楹书。埃隆圆润的脸颊上露出明朗的笑容that shows three blond fit kids sitting next to each other on a brick porch with pretoria's famous purple jacaranda TREE,Elon had a rounded large cheek and a broad smile
但是这张照片排完没多久but not long after the photo was taken,这个家庭就崩溃了the family fell apart ,他的父母分居并且在一年内离婚his parents separated and divorced within year .梅椰带着孩子搬到了南非东海岸的德班,在家族成员度假时居住的房子里生活maye moved with their to the family's holiday house in durban ,on south africa's eastern coast.在几年以后after a couple of years of arrangement ,埃隆决定他要和他父亲一起生活ilon decided that he wants to live with his father ,我的父亲似乎很难过,并且很孤独my father seemed so sad ,longly ,母亲带着三个孩子,而他却没有mother had three kids and he didn't have any 。马斯克说:他似乎不公平musk said .it seems unfair.实际上,马斯克的家庭成员认为,是埃隆的逻辑天性驱使他这么做的some members of his family have bought into this idea that elon's logical nature propelled him,然而有人则声称是他祖母克拉给他的压力while others claim that his grandmother cola exert a lots of pressure on him .我不明白他为什么离开我为他营造的这个幸福家庭i couldn't understand why he would left this happy family i made for him --this really happy home 。梅椰说,但是埃隆是个有主见的孩子maye said ;but elon is his own person.贾斯丁 马斯克,埃隆的前期,他五个孩子的妈妈,他认为埃隆一直是一家之主justine musk ,his ex-wife,the mother of his five children,theorized that musk identified with the alpha male of the house,而且在做决定的时候从来不被情绪所困扰 and didn't bothered by emotional aspect of the decide,她认为他和父母中的任何衣一方都不亲近:i didn't think he was particularly close with either parents,据她的描述,马斯克家族成员的关系冷漠且缺少关爱she described the relationship of the family as being cool and opposite of doting 。但是巴金尔后来也选择了和他父亲一起生活but kimbal later opted to live with his father as well,也许儿子愿意和父亲生活是天性使然saying simply that by nature son wants to live with his father
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