


A Window in pyglet corresponds to a top-level window provided by the operating system. Windows can be floating (overlapped with other application windows) or fullscreen.


Creating a window(创建一个窗口)

If the Window constructor is called with no arguments, defaults will be assumed for all parameters:


window = pyglet.window.Window()

The default parameters used are:


  • The window will have a size of 640x480, and not be resizable.

窗口大小为640 x480,而不是可调整大小的。


  • The window caption will be the name of the executing Python script (i.e., sys.argv[0]).

窗口标题将执行Python脚本的名称(即。,sys.argv [0])。

Windows are visible as soon as they are created, unless you give the visible=False argument to the constructor. The following example shows how to create and display a window in two steps:

窗户就可以看到了,除非你给可见= False参数的构造函数。下面的例子显示了如何创建并显示一个窗口在两个步骤:

window = pyglet.window.Window(visible=False)
# ... perform some additional initialisation

Context configuration(Context配置)

The context of a window cannot be changed once created. There are several ways to control the context that is created:


  • Supply an already-created Context using the context argument:


context = config.create_context(share)
window = pyglet.window.Window(context=context)
  • Supply a complete Config obtained from a Screen using the config argument. The context will be created from this config and will share object space with the most recently created existing context:


config = screen.get_best_config(template)
window = pyglet.window.Window(config=config)
  • Supply a template Config using the config argument. The context will use the best config obtained from the default screen of the default display:


config = gl.Config(double_buffer=True)
window = pyglet.window.Window(config=config)
  • Specify a Screen using the screen argument. The context will use a config created from default template configuration and this screen:


screen = display.get_screens()[screen_number]
window = pyglet.window.Window(screen=screen)
  • Specify a Display using the display argument. The default screen on this display will be used to obtain a context using the default template configuration:


display = platform.get_display(display_name)
window = pyglet.window.Window(display=display)

If a template Config is given, a Screen or Display may also be specified; however any other combination of parameters overconstrains the configuration and some parameters will be ignored.


Fullscreen windows(全屏窗口)

If the fullscreen=True argument is given to the window constructor, the window will draw to an entire screen rather than a floating window. No window border or controls will be shown, so you must ensure you provide some other means to exit the application.

如果全屏= True参数窗口构造函数,给定窗口将整个屏幕,而不是一个浮动窗口。没有窗口的边界或控件将显示,所以你必须确保你提供一些其他方式退出应用程序。

By default, the default screen on the default display will be used, however you can optionally specify another screen to use instead. For example, the following code creates a fullscreen window on the secondary screen:


screens = display.get_screens()
window = pyglet.window.Window(fullscreen=True, screen=screens[1])

There is no way to create a fullscreen window that spans more than one window (for example, if you wanted to create an immersive 3D environment across multiple monitors). Instead, you should create a separate fullscreen window for each screen and attach identical event handlers to all windows.

没有办法创建一个跨越多个窗口全屏窗口(例如,如果您想创建一个身临其境的3 d环境中跨多个监视器)。相反,您应该创建一个单独的全屏窗口为每个屏幕和相同的事件处理程序附加到所有窗户。

Windows can be toggled in and out of fullscreen mode with the set_fullscreen() method. For example, to return to windowed mode from fullscreen:



The previous window size and location, if any, will attempt to be restored, however the operating system does not always permit this, and the window may have relocated.


Size and position(大小和位置)

This section applies only to windows that are not fullscreen. Fullscreen windows always have the width and height of the screen they fill.


You can specify the size of a window as the first two arguments to the window constructor. In the following example, a window is created with a width of 1280 pixels and a height of 720 pixels:


window = pyglet.window.Window(1280, 720)

The “size” of a window refers to the drawable space within it, excluding any additional borders or title bar drawn by the operating system.


You can allow the user to resize your window by specifying resizable=True in the constructor. If you do this, you may also want to handle the on_resize() event:

你可以允许用户调整窗口通过指定在构造函数中可调整大小的= True。如果你这样做,你也可以处理on_resize()事件:

window = pyglet.window.Window(resizable=True)

def on_resize(width, height):
    print 'The window was resized to %dx%d' % (width, height)

You can specify a minimum and maximum size that the window can be resized to by the user with the set_minimum_size()and set_maximum_size() methods:


window.set_minimum_size(320, 200)
window.set_maximum_size(1024, 768)

The window can also be resized programatically (even if the window is not user-resizable) with the set_size() method:


window.set_size(1280, 720)

The window will initially be positioned by the operating system. Typically, it will use its own algorithm to locate the window in a place that does not block other application windows, or cascades with them. You can manually adjust the position of the window using the get_location() and set_location() methods:


x, y = window.get_location()
window.set_location(x + 20, y + 20)

Note that unlike the usual coordinate system in pyglet, the window location is relative to the top-left corner of the desktop, as shown in the following diagram:



The position and size of the window relative to the desktop.



Window style(窗口样式)

Non-fullscreen windows can be created in one of four styles: default, dialog, tool or borderless. Examples of the appearances of each of these styles under Windows and Mac OS X 10.4 are shown below.

非全屏窗口可以创建的四种形式:默认情况下,对话框、工具或无国界。表象下的这些风格的例子Windows和Mac OS X 10.4如下所示。


Non-resizable variants of these window styles may appear slightly different (for example, the maximize button will either be disabled or absent).


Besides the change in appearance, the window styles affect how the window behaves. For example, tool windows do not usually appear in the task bar and cannot receive keyboard focus. Dialog windows cannot be minimized. Selecting the appropriate window style for your windows means your application will behave correctly for the platform on which it is running, however that behaviour may not be consistent across Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

除了外观上的改变,窗口样式影响窗口的行为。例如,工具窗口通常不出现在任务栏,不能接收键盘焦点。对话框不能最小化窗口。选择合适的窗口风格为你的windows意味着应用程序将表现出正确的平台运行,但是这种行为可能不是一致windows, Linux和Mac OS X。

The appearance and behaviour of windows in Linux will vary greatly depending on the distribution, window manager and user preferences.


Borderless windows (WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS) are not decorated by the operating system at all, and have no way to be resized or moved around the desktop. These are useful for implementing splash screens or custom window borders.


You can specify the style of the window in the Window constructor. Once created, the window style cannot be altered:


window = pyglet.window.Window(style=window.Window.WINDOW_STYLE_DIALOG)


The window’s caption appears in its title bar and task bar icon (on Windows and some Linux window managers). You can set the caption during window creation or at any later time using the set_caption() method:


window = pyglet.window.Window(caption='Initial caption')
window.set_caption('A different caption')


The window icon appears in the title bar and task bar icon on Windows and Linux, and in the dock icon on Mac OS X. Dialog and tool windows do not necessarily show their icon.

出现在标题栏的窗口图标和任务栏图标在Windows和Linux,在dock图标在Mac OS x Windows对话框和工具不一定展示他们的偶像。

Windows, Mac OS X and the Linux window managers each have their own preferred icon sizes:

Windows、Mac OS X和Linux窗口管理器都有自己喜欢的图标大小:

Windows XP

A 16x16 icon for the title bar and task bar.

一个16 x16的标题栏图标和任务栏。

A 32x32 icon for the Alt+Tab switcher.

为32 x32图标Alt + Tab切换器。

Mac OS X

Any number of icons of resolutions 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 72x72 and 128x128. The actual image displayed will be interpolated to the correct size from those provided.

任意数量的决议16 x16的象征,24 x24, 32 x32 48 x48, 72 x72和128 x128。实际的图像将显示插入到正确的大小的。


No constraints, however most window managers will use a 16x16 and a 32x32 icon in the same way as Windows XP.

没有约束,然而大多数窗口管理器将使用一个16 x16和32 x32图标一样Windows XP。

The set_icon() method allows you to set any number of images as the icon. pyglet will select the most appropriate ones to use and apply them to the window. If an alternate size is required but not provided, pyglet will scale the image to the correct size using a simple interpolation algorithm.


The following example provides both a 16x16 and a 32x32 image as the window icon:

下面的例子提供了一个16 x16和一个32 x32形象的窗口图标:

window = pyglet.window.Window()
icon1 = pyglet.image.load('16x16.png')
icon2 = pyglet.image.load('32x32.png')
window.set_icon(icon1, icon2)

You can use images in any format supported by pyglet, however it is recommended to use a format that supports alpha transparency such as PNG. Windows .ico files are supported only on Windows, so their use is discouraged. Mac OS X .icons files are not supported at all.

您可以使用图像pyglet支持的任何格式,但是建议使用PNG等格式,它支持alpha透明度。支持Windows ico文件只在Windows上,所以它们的使用是气馁。不支持Mac OS X .icons文件。

Note that the icon that you set at runtime need not have anything to do with the application icon, which must be encoded specially in the application binary (see Self-contained executables).



Windows have several states of visibility. Already shown is the visible property which shows or hides the window.


Windows can be minimized, which is equivalent to hiding them except that they still appear on the taskbar (or are minimised to the dock, on OS X). The user can minimize a window by clicking the appropriate button in the title bar. You can also programmatically minimize a window using the minimize method (there is also a corresponding maximize method).

Windows可以最小化,相当于隐藏他们除了他们仍然出现在任务栏(或最小化到码头,OS X)。用户可以最小化窗口的标题栏中点击相应的按钮。您也可以通过编程方式使用最小化方法最小化窗口(也有相应的最大化方法)。

When a window is made visible the on_show() event is triggered. When it is hidden the on_hide() event is triggered. On Windows and Linux these events will only occur when you manually change the visibility of the window or when the window is minimized or restored. On Mac OS X the user can also hide or show the window (affecting visibility) using the Command+H shortcut.

当一个窗口可见on_show()事件触发。当它是隐藏on_hide()事件触发。在Windows和Linux这些事件只会发生在当你手动改变窗口的可见性,当窗口被最小化或者恢复。在Mac OS X用户也可以隐藏或显示窗口(影响能见度)使用命令+ H捷径。

Subclassing Window(窗口子类化)

A useful pattern in pyglet is to subclass Window for each type of window you will display, or as your main application class. There are several benefits:


  • You can load font and other resources from the constructor, ensuring the OpenGL context has already been created.


    • You can add event handlers simply be defining them on the class. The on_resize() event will be called as soon as the window is created (this doesn’t usually happen, as you must create the window before you can attach event handlers).


  • There is reduced need for global variables, as you can maintain application state on the window.


The following example shows the same “Hello World” application as presented in Writing a pyglet application, using a subclass of Window:

下面的例子显示了相同的“Hello World”应用程序写pyglet展示的应用程序,使用一个子类窗口:

class HelloWorldWindow(pyglet.window.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloWorldWindow, self).__init__()

        self.label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, world!')

    def on_draw(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    window = HelloWorldWindow()

This example program is located in examples/programming_guide/window_subclass.py.

这个示例程序位于/ programming_guide / window_subclass.py例子。

Windows and OpenGL contexts(Windows和OpenGL环境)

Every window in pyglet has an associated OpenGL context. Specifying the configuration of this context has already been covered in Creating a window. Drawing into the OpenGL context is the only way to draw into the window’s client area.



If the window is double-buffered (i.e., the configuration specified double_buffer=True, the default), OpenGL commands are applied to a hidden back buffer. This back buffer can be copied to the window using the <cite>flip</cite> method. If you are using the standard <cite>pyglet.app.run</cite> or pyglet.app.EventLoop event loop, this is taken care of automatically after each on_draw() event.

如果窗口功能(即。,配置指定double_buffer = True,默认),OpenGL命令应用于一个隐藏的缓冲区。这个缓冲区可以复制到窗口使用翻转方法。如果您使用的是标准pyglet.app.run或pyglet.app。EventLoop事件循环,这是后自动照顾每个on_draw()事件。

If the window is not double-buffered, the flip() operation is unnecessary, and you should remember only to callpyglet.gl.glFlush() to ensure buffered commands are executed.


Vertical retrace synchronisation(垂直同步)

Double-buffering eliminates one cause of flickering: the user is unable to see the image as it painted, only the final rendering. However, it does introduce another source of flicker known as “tearing”.


Tearing becomes apparent when displaying fast-moving objects in an animation. The buffer flip occurs while the video display is still reading data from the framebuffer, causing the top half of the display to show the previous frame while the bottom half shows the updated frame. If you are updating the framebuffer particularly quickly you may notice three or more such “tears” in the display.


pyglet provides a way to avoid tearing by synchronising buffer flips to the video refresh rate. This is enabled by default, but can be set or unset manually at any time with the vsync (vertical retrace synchronisation) property. A window is created with vsync initially disabled in the following example:


window = pyglet.window.Window(vsync=False)

It is usually desirable to leave vsync enabled, as it results in flicker-free animation. There are some use-cases where you may want to disable it, for example:


  • Profiling an application. Measuring the time taken to perform an operation will be affected by the time spent waiting for the video device to refresh, which can throw off results. You should disable vsync if you are measuring the performance of your application.


  • If you cannot afford for your application to block. If your application run loop needs to quickly poll a hardware device, for example, you may want to avoid blocking with vsync.


Note that some older video cards do not support the required extensions to implement vsync; this will appear as a warning on the console but is otherwise ignored.


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