搭建私有cocoapods仓库时,需要自己创建.podspec文件,并把.podspec文件上传到私有服务器上。通常在写完.podspec文件后要检查一下文件的有效性,否则传上去也是白传。这就用到了pod spec lint命令。
在使用时遇到一个小问题。就是第一次使用pod spec lint命令检测时,提示不通过,原因是有文件不支持x86或者i386,也就是不支持模拟器。如下面log所示:
admindeMacBook-Pro-2:Desktop $ pod spec lint Detect.podspec
->Detect (1.0.0)
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
- NOTE| [iOS] xcodebuild:ld: warning: ignoring file
Detect/Detect/Detect.framework/Detect, missing required architecture x86_64 in file Detect/Detect/Detect.framework/Detect (2 slices)
- NOTE| [iOS] xcodebuild:ld: warning: ignoring file Detect/Detect/Detect.framework/Detect, missing required architecture i386 in file Detect/Detect/Detect.framework/Detect (2 slices)
- NOTE| [iOS] xcodebuild:fatal error: lipo: -remove's specified would result in an empty fat file
Analyzed 1 podspec.
[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 error.
因此,去改了git仓库中相关的framework,使之支持x86或者i386。原本以为这样就可以了,但结果出乎意料,还是报原来的错误。因此又跑去改了几遍,来来回回排查了几次,发现无论怎么改,似乎pod spec lint根本就不去理会这些改变。然后就想到了缓存,猜想是不是pod spec lint是不是只会把git仓库里面的内容拉下来第一次,后面都是基于缓存跑的命令。但是缓存在什么位置呢?于是使用了下面的命令,来看命令运行的细节:
pod spec lint Detect.podspec --verbose
admindeMacBook-Pro-2:Desktop $ pod spec lint Detect.podspec --verbose
Detect (1.0.0) - Analyzing on iOS 8.0 platform.
Analyzing dependencies
Inspecting targets to integrate
Using `ARCHS` setting to build architectures of target `Pods-App`: (``)
Fetching external sources
-> Fetching podspec for `Detect` from `/Users/xxx/Desktop/Detect.podspec`
Resolving dependencies of Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
Downloading dependencies
-> Installing Detect (1.0.0)
> Copying Detect from
- Running pre install hooks
于是果断cd到这个路径并打开,果然发现了大量的缓存数据,直接把这些数据抹掉,再去运行pod spec lint命令,就会重新去git上拉数据,从而使检验通过:
->Detect (1.0.0)
Analyzed 1 podspec.
Detect.podspec passed validation.