2-3 Vocabulary : Types of Rooms
a bedroom: People sleep in a bedroom.
a bathroom: People take baths in a bathroom.
a living room: People watch television in a living room.
a kitchen: People cook food in a kitchen.
a dining room: People eat food in a dining room.
this side: The boy is on this side of the table.
the other side: The girl is on the other side of the table.
the same side: They are on the same side of the street.
the opposite side: They are on opposite sides of the street.
next to: They are standing next to each other.
across from: They are sitting across from each other.
2.4 Vocabulary : Daily Actions
buy it: She's buying a dress.
sell it: This shop sells flowers.
pay someone: Pay the taxi driver.
give it: Give money to someone.
steal it: He is stealing her phone.