Android 音频低延时mmap介绍(3)


本篇接着<<Android 音频低延时mmap介绍(2)>>继续介绍aaudio 的mmap机制,前面介绍了共享模式和独占模式的差异,本篇介绍aaudio的数据驱动流程。

aaudio mmap介绍

数据驱动的开头是AudioStreamInternal中的createThread_l,创建了数据驱动的线程, 执行的任务如下:

static void *aaudio_callback_thread_proc(void *context)
    AudioStreamInternal *stream = (AudioStreamInternal *)context;
    //LOGD("oboe_callback_thread, stream = %p", stream);
    if (stream != nullptr) {
        return stream->callbackLoop();
    } else {
        return nullptr;


// Read data from the stream and pass it to the callback for processing.
void *AudioStreamInternalCapture::callbackLoop() {
    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    aaudio_data_callback_result_t callbackResult = AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_CONTINUE;
    if (!isDataCallbackSet()) return nullptr;

    // result might be a frame count
    while (mCallbackEnabled.load() && isActive() && (result >= 0)) {

        // Read audio data from stream.
        int64_t timeoutNanos = calculateReasonableTimeout(mCallbackFrames);

        // This is a BLOCKING READ!
        result = read(mCallbackBuffer.get(), mCallbackFrames, timeoutNanos);
        if ((result != mCallbackFrames)) {
            ALOGE("callbackLoop: read() returned %d", result);
            if (result >= 0) {
                // Only read some of the frames requested. The stream can be disconnected
                // or timed out.
                result = isDisconnected() ? AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED : AAUDIO_ERROR_TIMEOUT;

        // Call application using the AAudio callback interface.
        callbackResult = maybeCallDataCallback(mCallbackBuffer.get(), mCallbackFrames);

        if (callbackResult == AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP) {
            ALOGD("%s(): callback returned AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP", __func__);
            result = systemStopInternal();

    ALOGD("callbackLoop() exiting, result = %d, isActive() = %d",
          result, (int) isActive());
    return nullptr;


  1. 先计算读取mCallbackFrames对应的超时时间
  2. 从buffer中读取数据
  3. 回调给应用


int64_t AudioStreamInternal::calculateReasonableTimeout(int32_t framesPerOperation) {

    // Wait for at least a second or some number of callbacks to join the thread.
    int64_t timeoutNanoseconds = (MIN_TIMEOUT_OPERATIONS
                                  * framesPerOperation
                                  * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_SECOND)
                                  / getSampleRate();
    if (timeoutNanoseconds < MIN_TIMEOUT_NANOS) { // arbitrary number of seconds
        timeoutNanoseconds = MIN_TIMEOUT_NANOS;
    return timeoutNanoseconds;



// Write the data, block if needed and timeoutMillis > 0
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternalCapture::read(void *buffer, int32_t numFrames,
                                               int64_t timeoutNanoseconds)
    return processData(buffer, numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);


// Read or write the data, block if needed and timeoutMillis > 0
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::processData(void *buffer, int32_t numFrames,
                                                 int64_t timeoutNanoseconds)
    if (isDisconnected()) {
    if (!mInService &&
        AAudioBinderClient::getInstance().getServiceLifetimeId() != getServiceLifetimeId()) {
        // The service lifetime id will be changed whenever the binder died. In that case, if
        // the service lifetime id from AAudioBinderClient is different from the cached one,
        // Note that only compare the service lifetime id if it is not in service as the streams
        // in service will all be gone when aaudio service dies.
        // Set the stream as disconnected as the service lifetime id will only change when
        // the binder dies.
    const char * traceName = "aaProc";
    const char * fifoName = "aaRdy";
    if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
        int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint->getFullFramesAvailable();
        ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);

    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
    int32_t loopCount = 0;
    uint8_t* audioData = (uint8_t*)buffer;
    int64_t currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
    const int64_t entryTimeNanos = currentTimeNanos;
    const int64_t deadlineNanos = currentTimeNanos + timeoutNanoseconds;
    int32_t framesLeft = numFrames;

    // Loop until all the data has been processed or until a timeout occurs.
    while (framesLeft > 0) {
        // The call to processDataNow() will not block. It will just process as much as it can.
        int64_t wakeTimeNanos = 0;
        aaudio_result_t framesProcessed = processDataNow(audioData, framesLeft,
                                                  currentTimeNanos, &wakeTimeNanos);
        if (framesProcessed < 0) {
            result = framesProcessed;
        framesLeft -= (int32_t) framesProcessed;
        audioData += framesProcessed * getBytesPerFrame();

        // Should we block?
        if (timeoutNanoseconds == 0) {
            break; // don't block
        } else if (wakeTimeNanos != 0) {
            if (!mAudioEndpoint->isFreeRunning()) {
                // If there is software on the other end of the FIFO then it may get delayed.
                // So wake up just a little after we expect it to be ready.
                wakeTimeNanos += mWakeupDelayNanos;

            currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
            int64_t earliestWakeTime = currentTimeNanos + mMinimumSleepNanos;
            // Guarantee a minimum sleep time.
            if (wakeTimeNanos < earliestWakeTime) {
                wakeTimeNanos = earliestWakeTime;

            if (wakeTimeNanos > deadlineNanos) {
                // If we time out, just return the framesWritten so far.
                ALOGW("processData(): entered at %lld nanos, currently %lld",
                      (long long) entryTimeNanos, (long long) currentTimeNanos);
                ALOGW("processData(): TIMEOUT after %lld nanos",
                      (long long) timeoutNanoseconds);
                ALOGW("processData(): wakeTime = %lld, deadline = %lld nanos",
                      (long long) wakeTimeNanos, (long long) deadlineNanos);
                ALOGW("processData(): past deadline by %d micros",
                      (int)((wakeTimeNanos - deadlineNanos) / AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND));

            if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
                int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint->getFullFramesAvailable();
                ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);
                int64_t sleepForNanos = wakeTimeNanos - currentTimeNanos;
                ATRACE_INT("aaSlpNs", (int32_t)sleepForNanos);

            currentTimeNanos = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();

    if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
        int32_t fullFrames = mAudioEndpoint->getFullFramesAvailable();
        ATRACE_INT(fifoName, fullFrames);

    // return error or framesProcessed
    (void) loopCount;
    return (result < 0) ? result : numFrames - framesLeft;


  1. 如果对端service,也就是audioserver有crash过,那么就返回断开错误
  2. 从buffer中读取数据
  3. systrace记录,开发可以在systrace中看到buffer的实时信息


// Read as much data as we can without blocking.
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternalCapture::processDataNow(void *buffer, int32_t numFrames,
                                                  int64_t currentNanoTime, int64_t *wakeTimePtr) {
    aaudio_result_t result = processCommands();
    if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
        return result;

    const char *traceName = "aaRdNow";

    if (mClockModel.isStarting()) {
        // Still haven't got any timestamps from server.
        // Keep waiting until we get some valid timestamps then start writing to the
        // current buffer position.
        ALOGD("processDataNow() wait for valid timestamps");
        // Sleep very briefly and hope we get a timestamp soon.
        *wakeTimePtr = currentNanoTime + (2000 * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND);
        return 0;
    // If we have gotten this far then we have at least one timestamp from server.

    if (mAudioEndpoint->isFreeRunning()) {
        //ALOGD("AudioStreamInternalCapture::processDataNow() - update remote counter");
        // Update data queue based on the timing model.
        // Jitter in the DSP can cause late writes to the FIFO.
        // This might be caused by resampling.
        // We want to read the FIFO after the latest possible time
        // that the DSP could have written the data.
        int64_t estimatedRemoteCounter = mClockModel.convertLatestTimeToPosition(currentNanoTime);
        // TODO refactor, maybe use setRemoteCounter()

    // This code assumes that we have already received valid timestamps.
    if (mNeedCatchUp.isRequested()) {
        // Catch an MMAP pointer that is already advancing.
        // This will avoid initial underruns caused by a slow cold start.
        advanceClientToMatchServerPosition(0 /*serverMargin*/);

    // If the capture buffer is full beyond capacity then consider it an overrun.
    // For shared streams, the xRunCount is passed up from the service.
    if (mAudioEndpoint->isFreeRunning()
        && mAudioEndpoint->getFullFramesAvailable() > mAudioEndpoint->getBufferCapacityInFrames()) {
        if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
            ATRACE_INT("aaOverRuns", mXRunCount);

    // Read some data from the buffer.
    //ALOGD("AudioStreamInternalCapture::processDataNow() - readNowWithConversion(%d)", numFrames);
    int32_t framesProcessed = readNowWithConversion(buffer, numFrames);
    //ALOGD("AudioStreamInternalCapture::processDataNow() - tried to read %d frames, read %d",
    //    numFrames, framesProcessed);
    if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
        ATRACE_INT("aaRead", framesProcessed);

    // Calculate an ideal time to wake up.
    if (wakeTimePtr != nullptr && framesProcessed >= 0) {
        // By default wake up a few milliseconds from now.  // TODO review
        int64_t wakeTime = currentNanoTime + (1 * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND);
        aaudio_stream_state_t state = getState();
        //ALOGD("AudioStreamInternalCapture::processDataNow() - wakeTime based on %s",
        //      AAudio_convertStreamStateToText(state));
        switch (state) {
            case AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN:
                // When do we expect the next write burst to occur?

                // Calculate frame position based off of the readCounter because
                // the writeCounter might have just advanced in the background,
                // causing us to sleep until a later burst.
                const int64_t nextPosition = mAudioEndpoint->getDataReadCounter() +
                wakeTime = mClockModel.convertPositionToLatestTime(nextPosition);
        *wakeTimePtr = wakeTime;


    return framesProcessed;


  1. 处理server端的命令
  2. 和server端的读写同步
  3. 读取采集的数据


// Process all the commands coming from the server.
aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::processCommands() {
    aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;

    while (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
        AAudioServiceMessage message;
        if (!mAudioEndpoint) {
        if (mAudioEndpoint->readUpCommand(&message) != 1) {
            break; // no command this time, no problem
        switch (message.what) {
        case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_SERVICE:
            result = onTimestampService(&message);

        case AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_HARDWARE:
            result = onTimestampHardware(&message);

        case AAudioServiceMessage::code::EVENT:
            result = onEventFromServer(&message);

            ALOGE("%s - unrecognized message.what = %d", __func__, (int) message.what);
            result = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
    return result;


aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::open(const aaudio::AAudioStreamRequest &request) {
    // Make sure this object does not get deleted before the run() method
    // can protect it by making a strong pointer.
    mThreadEnabled = true;
    incStrong(nullptr); // See run() method.
    result = mCommandThread.start(this);


void AAudioThread::dispatch() {
    if (mRunnable != nullptr) {
    } else {

aaudio_result_t AAudioThread::start(Runnable *runnable) {
    if (mHasThread) {
        ALOGE("start() - mHasThread already true");
    // mRunnable will be read by the new thread when it starts. A std::thread is created.
    mRunnable = runnable;
    mHasThread = true;
    mThread = std::thread(&AAudioThread::dispatch, this);
    return AAUDIO_OK;


void AAudioServiceStreamBase::run() {
    ALOGD("%s() %s entering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> COMMANDS", __func__, getTypeText());
    // Hold onto the ref counted stream until the end.
    android::sp<AAudioServiceStreamBase> holdStream(this);
    TimestampScheduler timestampScheduler;
    int64_t nextTimestampReportTime;
    int64_t nextDataReportTime;
    // When to try to enter standby.
    int64_t standbyTime = AudioClock::getNanoseconds() + IDLE_TIMEOUT_NANOS;
    // Balance the incStrong from when the thread was launched.

    // Taking mLock while starting the thread. All the operation must be able to
    // run with holding the lock.
    std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> _l(mLock);

    int32_t loopCount = 0;
    while (mThreadEnabled.load()) {
        int64_t timeoutNanos = -1; // wait forever
        if (isDisconnected_l() || isIdle_l()) {
            if (isStandbyImplemented() && !isStandby_l()) {
                // If not in standby mode, wait until standby time.
                timeoutNanos = standbyTime - AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
                timeoutNanos = std::max<int64_t>(0, timeoutNanos);
            // Otherwise, keep `timeoutNanos` as -1 to wait forever until next command.
        } else if (isRunning()) {
            timeoutNanos = std::min(nextTimestampReportTime, nextDataReportTime)
                    - AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
            timeoutNanos = std::max<int64_t>(0, timeoutNanos);
        auto command = mCommandQueue.waitForCommand(timeoutNanos);
        if (!mThreadEnabled) {
            // Break the loop if the thread is disabled.

        // Is it time to send timestamps?
        if (isRunning() && !isDisconnected_l()) {
            auto currentTimestamp = AudioClock::getNanoseconds();
            if (currentTimestamp >= nextDataReportTime) {
                nextDataReportTime = nextDataReportTime_l();
            if (currentTimestamp >= nextTimestampReportTime) {
                // It is time to update timestamp.
                if (sendCurrentTimestamp_l() != AAUDIO_OK) {
                    ALOGE("Failed to send current timestamp, stop updating timestamp");
                nextTimestampReportTime = timestampScheduler.nextAbsoluteTime();

这儿有2个命令队列,一个是mCommandQueue,这个是server 内部用的,用来避免线程安全问题,不需要跨进程,一个是mUpMessageQueue,这个是给应用侧发送指令的,我们先看下如何同步的时间戳,该方法剩余的逻辑主要是处理server内部的调用指令,之前有介绍过,都是类似的。


void AAudioServiceStreamMMAP::reportData_l() {
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();
    if (endpoint == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP> serviceEndpointMMAP =
            static_cast<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP *>(endpoint.get());
    return serviceEndpointMMAP->reportData();


void AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::reportData() {
    const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMmapStreamLock);

    if (mMmapStream == nullptr) {
        // This must not happen
        ALOGE("%s() invalid state, mmap stream is not initialized", __func__);

    auto fifo = mAudioDataWrapper->getFifoBuffer();
    if (fifo == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s() fifo buffer is not initialized, cannot report data", __func__);

    WrappingBuffer wrappingBuffer;
    fifo_frames_t framesAvailable = fifo->getFullDataAvailable(&wrappingBuffer);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < WrappingBuffer::SIZE; ++i) {
        if (wrappingBuffer.numFrames[i] > 0) {
            mMmapStream->reportData([i], wrappingBuffer.numFrames[i]);

这儿的mAudioDataWrapper就是用来和hal共享内存的,而WrappingBuffer用来描述这块内存的可用数据,由于共享内存是以环形buffer使用的,这样一块连续的数据可能会被切成两部分,用WrappingBuffer就可以分别表示这两部分,用这儿也可以猜到这块逻辑就是用来通知hal层的可用数据的, 到了这儿也可以猜到,这个逻辑是针对播放的

status_t MmapPlaybackThread::reportData(const void* buffer, size_t frameCount) {
    // Send to MelProcessor for sound dose measurement.
    auto processor = mMelProcessor.load();
    if (processor) {
        processor->process(buffer, frameCount * mFrameSize);

    return NO_ERROR;

这儿的mMelProcessor是用来计算MEL (momentary exposure levels) 。


int64_t AAudioServiceStreamMMAP::nextDataReportTime_l() {
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();
    if (endpoint == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);
        return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP> serviceEndpointMMAP =
            static_cast<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP *>(endpoint.get());
    return serviceEndpointMMAP->nextDataReportTime();


int64_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::nextDataReportTime() {
    return getDirection() == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT
            ? AudioClock::getNanoseconds() + mDataReportOffsetNanos
            : std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();


    // If the position is not updated while the timestamp is updated for more than a certain amount,
    // the timestamp reported from the HAL may not be accurate. Here, a timestamp grace period is
    // set as 5 burst size. We may want to update this value if there is any report from OEMs saying
    // that is too short.
    static constexpr int kTimestampGraceBurstCount = 5;
    mTimestampGracePeriodMs = ((int64_t) kTimestampGraceBurstCount * mFramesPerBurst
            * AAUDIO_MILLIS_PER_SECOND) / getSampleRate();

    mDataReportOffsetNanos = ((int64_t)mTimestampGracePeriodMs) * AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND;



aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::sendCurrentTimestamp_l() {
    AAudioServiceMessage command;
    // It is not worth filling up the queue with timestamps.
    // That can cause the stream to get suspended.
    // So just drop the timestamp if the queue is getting full.
    if (isUpMessageQueueBusy()) {
        return AAUDIO_OK;

    // Send a timestamp for the clock model.
    aaudio_result_t result = getFreeRunningPosition_l(&command.timestamp.position,
    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
        ALOGV("%s() SERVICE  %8lld at %lld", __func__,
              (long long) command.timestamp.position,
              (long long) command.timestamp.timestamp);
        command.what = AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_SERVICE;
        result = writeUpMessageQueue(&command);

        if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
            // Send a hardware timestamp for presentation time.
            result = getHardwareTimestamp_l(&command.timestamp.position,
            if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
                ALOGV("%s() HARDWARE %8lld at %lld", __func__,
                      (long long) command.timestamp.position,
                      (long long) command.timestamp.timestamp);
                command.what = AAudioServiceMessage::code::TIMESTAMP_HARDWARE;
                result = writeUpMessageQueue(&command);

    if (result == AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE) { // TODO review best error code
        result = AAUDIO_OK; // just not available yet, try again later
    return result;


// Get free-running DSP or DMA hardware position from the HAL.
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamMMAP::getFreeRunningPosition_l(int64_t *positionFrames,
                                                                  int64_t *timeNanos) {
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();
    if (endpoint == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP> serviceEndpointMMAP =
            static_cast<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP *>(endpoint.get());

    aaudio_result_t result = serviceEndpointMMAP->getFreeRunningPosition(positionFrames, timeNanos);
    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
        Timestamp timestamp(*positionFrames, *timeNanos);
        *positionFrames = timestamp.getPosition();
        *timeNanos = timestamp.getNanoseconds();
    } else if (result != AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE) {
    return result;


// Get free-running DSP or DMA hardware position from the HAL.
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::getFreeRunningPosition(int64_t *positionFrames,
                                                                int64_t *timeNanos) {
    const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMmapStreamLock);
    if (mMmapStream == nullptr) {
        ALOGW("%s(): called after mMmapStream set to NULL", __func__);
        return AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL;
    struct audio_mmap_position position;
    const status_t status = mMmapStream->getMmapPosition(&position);
    ALOGV("%s() status= %d, pos = %d, nanos = %lld\n",
          __func__, status, position.position_frames, (long long) position.time_nanoseconds);
    const aaudio_result_t result = AAudioConvert_androidToAAudioResult(status);
    if (result == AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE) {
        ALOGW("%s(): getMmapPosition() has no position data available", __func__);
    } else if (result != AAUDIO_OK) {
        ALOGE("%s(): getMmapPosition() returned status %d", __func__, status);
    } else {
        // Convert 32-bit position to 64-bit position.
        *positionFrames = mFramesTransferred.get();
        *timeNanos = position.time_nanoseconds;
    return result;


static int out_get_mmap_position(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
                                  struct audio_mmap_position *position)
    int ret = 0;
    struct stream_out *out = (struct stream_out *)stream;
    ALOGVV("%s", __func__);
    if (position == NULL) {
        return -EINVAL;
    if (out->usecase != USECASE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_MMAP ||
        out->pcm == NULL) {
        ret = -ENOSYS;
        goto exit;

    struct timespec ts = { 0, 0 };
    ret = pcm_mmap_get_hw_ptr(out->pcm, (unsigned int *)&position->position_frames, &ts);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("%s: %s", __func__, pcm_get_error(out->pcm));
        goto exit;
    position->time_nanoseconds = audio_utils_ns_from_timespec(&ts)
            + out->mmap_time_offset_nanos;

    return ret;


/* Returns current read/write position in the mmap buffer with associated time stamp. */
int pcm_mmap_get_hw_ptr(struct pcm* pcm, unsigned int *hw_ptr, struct timespec *tstamp)
    int rc;

    if (pcm == NULL || hw_ptr == NULL || tstamp == NULL)
        return oops(pcm, EINVAL, "pcm %p, hw_ptr %p, tstamp %p", pcm, hw_ptr, tstamp);

    if (!pcm_is_ready(pcm))
        return oops(pcm, errno, "pcm_is_ready failed");

    rc = pcm_sync_ptr(pcm, SNDRV_PCM_SYNC_PTR_HWSYNC);
    if (rc < 0)
        return oops(pcm, errno, "pcm_sync_ptr failed");

    if (pcm->mmap_status == NULL)
        return oops(pcm, EINVAL, "pcm %p, mmap_status is NULL", pcm);

    if ((pcm->mmap_status->state != PCM_STATE_RUNNING) &&
            (pcm->mmap_status->state != PCM_STATE_DRAINING))
        return oops(pcm, ENOSYS, "invalid stream state %d", pcm->mmap_status->state);

    *tstamp = pcm->mmap_status->tstamp;
    if (tstamp->tv_sec == 0 && tstamp->tv_nsec == 0)
        return oops(pcm, errno, "invalid time stamp");

    *hw_ptr = pcm->mmap_status->hw_ptr;

    return 0;

这儿的hw_ptr就是mmap数据读写的位置,而tstamp 就是该位置的数据帧进入或离开audio 流水线的时间。

继续回到 AAudioServiceStreamBase::sendCurrentTimestamp_l,看下writeUpMessageQueue:

aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamBase::writeUpMessageQueue(AAudioServiceMessage *command) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mUpMessageQueueLock);
    if (mUpMessageQueue == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s(): mUpMessageQueue null! - stream not open", __func__);
        return AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL;
    int32_t count = mUpMessageQueue->getFifoBuffer()->write(command, 1);
    if (count != 1) {
        ALOGW("%s(): Queue full. Did client stop? Suspending stream. what = %u, %s",
              __func__, static_cast<unsigned>(command->what), getTypeText());
    } else {
        if (isSuspended()) {
            ALOGW("%s(): Queue no longer full. Un-suspending the stream.", __func__);
        return AAUDIO_OK;


// Get timestamp from presentation position.
// If it fails, get timestamp that was written by getFreeRunningPosition()
aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceStreamMMAP::getHardwareTimestamp_l(int64_t *positionFrames,
                                                                int64_t *timeNanos) {
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpoint> endpoint = mServiceEndpointWeak.promote();
    if (endpoint == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("%s() has no endpoint", __func__);
    sp<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP> serviceEndpointMMAP =
            static_cast<AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP *>(endpoint.get());

    uint64_t position;
    aaudio_result_t result = serviceEndpointMMAP->getExternalPosition(&position, timeNanos);
    if (result == AAUDIO_OK) {
        ALOGV("%s() getExternalPosition() says pos = %" PRIi64 ", time = %" PRIi64,
                __func__, position, *timeNanos);
        *positionFrames = (int64_t) position;
        return AAUDIO_OK;
    } else {
        ALOGV("%s() getExternalPosition() returns error %d", __func__, result);

    if (mAtomicStreamTimestamp.isValid()) {
        Timestamp timestamp =;
        *positionFrames = timestamp.getPosition();
        *timeNanos = timestamp.getNanoseconds() + serviceEndpointMMAP->getHardwareTimeOffsetNanos();
        return AAUDIO_OK;
    } else {


aaudio_result_t AAudioServiceEndpointMMAP::getExternalPosition(uint64_t *positionFrames,
                                                               int64_t *timeNanos)
    const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMmapStreamLock);
    if (mHalExternalPositionStatus != AAUDIO_OK) {
        return mHalExternalPositionStatus;
    if (mMmapStream == nullptr) {
        ALOGW("%s(): called after mMmapStream set to NULL", __func__);
        return AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL;
    uint64_t tempPositionFrames;
    int64_t tempTimeNanos;
    const status_t status = mMmapStream->getExternalPosition(&tempPositionFrames, &tempTimeNanos);
    if (status != OK) {
        // getExternalPosition reports error. The HAL may not support the API. Cache the result
        // so that the call will not go to the HAL next time.
        mHalExternalPositionStatus = AAudioConvert_androidToAAudioResult(status);
        return mHalExternalPositionStatus;

    // If the HAL keeps reporting the same position or timestamp, the HAL may be having some issues
    // to report correct external position. In that case, we will not trust the values reported from
    // the HAL. Ideally, we may want to stop querying external position if the HAL cannot report
    // correct position within a period. But it may not be a good idea to get system time too often.
    // In that case, a maximum number of frozen external position is defined so that if the
    // count of the same timestamp or position is reported by the HAL continuously, the values from
    // the HAL will no longer be trusted.
    static constexpr int kMaxFrozenCount = 20;
    // If the HAL version is less than 7.0, the getPresentationPosition is an optional API.
    // If the HAL version is 7.0 or later, the getPresentationPosition is a mandatory API.
    // In that case, even the returned status is NO_ERROR, it doesn't indicate the returned
    // position is a valid one. Do a simple validation, which is checking if the position is
    // forward within half a second or not, here so that this function can return error if
    // the validation fails. Note that we don't only apply this validation logic to HAL API
    // less than 7.0. The reason is that there is a chance the HAL is not reporting the
    // timestamp and position correctly.
    if (mLastPositionFrames > tempPositionFrames) {
        // If the position is going backwards, there must be something wrong with the HAL.
        // In that case, we do not trust the values reported by the HAL.
        ALOGW("%s position is going backwards, last position(%jd) current position(%jd)",
              __func__, mLastPositionFrames, tempPositionFrames);
        mHalExternalPositionStatus = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
        return mHalExternalPositionStatus;
    } else if (mLastPositionFrames == tempPositionFrames) {
        if (tempTimeNanos - mTimestampNanosForLastPosition >
                AAUDIO_NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND * mTimestampGracePeriodMs) {
            ALOGW("%s, the reported position is not changed within %d msec. "
                  "Set the external position as not supported", __func__, mTimestampGracePeriodMs);
            mHalExternalPositionStatus = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
            return mHalExternalPositionStatus;
    } else {
        mFrozenPositionCount = 0;

    if (mTimestampNanosForLastPosition > tempTimeNanos) {
        // If the timestamp is going backwards, there must be something wrong with the HAL.
        // In that case, we do not trust the values reported by the HAL.
        ALOGW("%s timestamp is going backwards, last timestamp(%jd), current timestamp(%jd)",
              __func__, mTimestampNanosForLastPosition, tempTimeNanos);
        mHalExternalPositionStatus = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
        return mHalExternalPositionStatus;
    } else if (mTimestampNanosForLastPosition == tempTimeNanos) {
    } else {
        mFrozenTimestampCount = 0;

    if (mFrozenTimestampCount + mFrozenPositionCount > kMaxFrozenCount) {
        ALOGW("%s too many frozen external position from HAL.", __func__);
        mHalExternalPositionStatus = AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL;
        return mHalExternalPositionStatus;

    mLastPositionFrames = tempPositionFrames;
    mTimestampNanosForLastPosition = tempTimeNanos;

    // Only update the timestamp and position when they looks valid.
    *positionFrames = tempPositionFrames;
    *timeNanos = tempTimeNanos;
    return mHalExternalPositionStatus;



aaudio_result_t AudioStreamInternal::onTimestampService(AAudioServiceMessage *message) {
            message->timestamp.timestamp + mTimeOffsetNanos);
    return AAUDIO_OK;


void AudioStreamInternal::processTimestamp(uint64_t position, int64_t time) {
    mClockModel.processTimestamp(position, time);
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